The course Biophysics provides students with a basic view of the structure of matter and its properties from a physical point of view. The aim of the course is to equip students with the necessary theoretical knowledge, which is also important for describing the behaviour of various dosage forms in the body, and also introduces them to the biophysical principles of physiological processes of the human body. The content of the course also aims to teach students the basics of laboratory technology, including the correct habits for conducting experiments, to familiarize them with instruments for measuring fundamental physical properties and to teach them the basics of scientific work. The topics are selected so that students can use the knowledge gained here in other subjects of study. Biophysics as a preparatory subject provides an optimal theoretical and experimental basis for the education of students at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University across all areas of their studies.
Topics: Structure of matter, states of matter and intermolecular forces, radioactivity, dosimetry - biological effects of ionizing radiation, risks of radiation, free radicals, introduction to thermodynamics, gases, thermodynamics I – thermodynamic laws, phase equilibrium, one-, two- and multi-component systems, thermodynamics II – chemical equilibrium, fluid mechanics, hydrodynamics, solid mechanics, basics of rheology
Last update: Kuchařová Monika, Mgr., Ph.D. (18.09.2024)
The conditions for the credit granted is fulfillment of following duties: 1. Completion of all tasks in the practical exercises that the students are assigned according to the schedule. Tasks missed for any reason must be made up by the specified deadlines. 2. Successful submission of the protocols from completed tasks. The subject Biophysics is finished by the final exam. The examination is performed in the written form. The examination consists of 50 questions selected from the topics of individual lectures.The condition for successful examination is to gain the minimal 30 points from all questions. Last update: Kuchařová Monika, Mgr., Ph.D. (18.09.2024)
Last update: prepocet_literatura.php (19.09.2024)
Structure of matter Forms of matter, force interactions, particles of matter, structure of atom, physico - chemical properties of molecules and their structure, biopolymers and their structure, dispersion systems and their properties State of matter and intermolecular forces Description of gases, liquids and solids from the point of view of the atomic hypothesis, properties of gases, liquids and solids, influence of intermolecular interactions on states of matter Radioactivity Definition, characterization, radioactive decay process, activity, physical half-life, proton/nucleon number, isotope, isobar, isotone, isomer, radioactive decay, types of radioactive radiation, interaction of ionizing radiation with nuclei and shells of atoms, nuclear reactions Dosimetry – biological effects of ionizing radiation Characterization of the response of living systems to radiation, direct and indirect effects of radiation, radiosensitivity, deterministic and stochastic effects of radiation, dosimetric definitions Free radicals Definition, formation and radical chemistry, reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, oxidative stress Dosimetry – radiation risks Strategies of protection against ionizing radiation, dose limits, personal dosimeters and detectors of ionizing radiation, possibilities of using radionuclides in therapy and diagnostics, methods of obtaining radionuclides Introduction to Thermodynamics – gases Temperature, properties of gases (ideal gas, real gases), pressure, Boyle's law, Charles' law, ideal gas equation of state, heat, work, compression/expansion of ideal gas-isothermal reversible, against constant pressure, adiabatic, Carnot cycle Thermodynamics I – thermodynamic laws Types of thermodynamic systems, energy transfer, 0. thermodynamic law, temperature, state functions, 1. thermodynamic law, concept of internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity, Hess's law, standard state, 2. thermodynamic law, concept of entropy, reversible and irreversible processes, general equilibrium conditions, Gibbs and Helmholtz energy, combined formulations of 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics, 3. law of thermodynamics Phase equilibria, one-component systems Gibbs' law of phases, one-component systems, phase diagram, Clausius-Clapeyron equation Phase equilibria, two- and more-component systems Two-component systems, Dalton's law, Henry's law, solid-solvent solubility, Raoult's law and its applications, colligative properties, cryoscopy and ebulioscopy, osmotic pressure, three-component systems, Nernst's partition law, extraction, thermal analysis - differential scanning calorimetry Thermodynamics II – chemical equilibria Gibbs energy reaction, chemical equilibrium, reaction isotherm, activity, equilibrium constant, dependence of equilibrium constant on temperature, van ́t Hoff's equation Mechanics of fluids, hydrodynamics Physical properties of fluids, classification of fluids, flow of ideal and real fluids, equations for ideal and Newtonian fluids, viscosity, equation describing the flow of real liquids Mechanics of solids, basics of rheology Physical properties and structure of solids, classification of solid bodies, deformation and mechanical stress, load curve, importance of rheology, rheological division of solids, rheological elementary bodies and rheological models, creep curves
Practical trainings
Last update: Kuchařová Monika, Mgr., Ph.D. (24.09.2024)
https://intranet.faf.cuni.cz/Studijni-materialy/KBFCH/?path=biofyzika https://dl1.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=3609 Last update: Kuchařová Monika, Mgr., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)