General Biochemistry provides the fundamental knowledge necessary for further study of the linking-up biochemical disciplines in the study programmes taught at the Faculty of Pharmacy. It stems from a knowledge of biology, organic and bioorganic chemistry, and human morphology and physiology. It explains metabolic pathways, their regulation, principles of thermodynamics and enzyme analysis, and it includes the fundamentals of proteosynthesis and xenobiochemistry.
Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)
Veselá J., Szotáková B., Dršata J.: Praktické cvičení z obecné biochemie pro farmaceuty. Praha : Karolinum, 1997 Stryer L.: Biochemistry. N.Y. : Freeman, 1995 Voet D., Voetová J. G.: Biochemie. Praha, Victoria Publ., 1995 Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)