The aim of regular semestral teaching is maintaining and improving the students' physical condition as a compensation of their demanding mental work, stimulation of a regular effort to practise sports and games after finishing their study.
Last update: Bezouška Jiří, Mgr. (05.02.2025)
Students have to take in both semestr (take part in) 22 hours out of 26 in order to get credits. (11 hours in one semestr) NSTRUCTIONS FOR ENSURE SAFETY AND HEALTH PROTECTION DURING PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSONS During organized physical education, students are required to adhere to: GENERAL PRINCIPLES: · actively participate in the entire lesson · follow and obey the instructor's instructions and behave in a disciplined manner · do not perform any activity that could endanger one's own health and the health of others · do not leave the exercise area without the instructor's knowledge · it is prohibited to consume alcohol and other intoxicating substances before and during the lesson · students must wear prescribed clothing suitable for sports activities and shoes with clean and non-marking soles, or equipment appropriate to the activity they are performing · students may not have long nails, rings, bracelets, oversized earrings and other accessories that could cause injury, chewing gum, unkempt hair falling into the face - it is necessary make appropriate adjustments in advance · use protective equipment (protective gear, life jacket, climbing equipment, etc.) for activities where this is stipulated · in the event of health problems, the instructor must be notified before the start of the lesson and will decide on further participation in the exercise · immediately report any injury or discomfort during the exercise to the instructor SPECIAL PROVISIONS:
Training on the field · follow the instructor's organizational instructions and in particular pay attention to sufficient distances and spacing when practicing throws and hits · when practicing game activities that involve jumping, all objects that the trainee could come into contact with and injure themselves must be removed from the surroundings · the surface of the field must be proportional to the difficulty of the activities performed · the field area must be sufficiently illuminated Training on vessels · only students who are in good health and are good swimmers, i.e. can swim 200 m without any problems and can swim underwater · the vessel must not go out onto the water without the instructor’s instructions · adhere to the designated training area · participants must wear a life jacket Training on climbing on an artificial wall · no climbing on the wall without prior consent, inspection and instruction from the instructor · adhere to specific safety principles and instructions when climbing on artificial walls, which students are instructed about in the first lesson · use only climbing equipment checked by the instructor PROCEDURE IN THE EVENT OF AN INJURY: · the instructor proceeds according to the principles of first aid · if necessary, the instructor will ensure that emergency medical assistance is called · all those present are obliged to cooperate according to the instructor’s instructions FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE-MENTIONED SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: · failure to comply with, disrespect for or disobey the teacher’s instructions and aggressive behavior before, during or after the lesson will result in the student being expelled from the lesson without the possibility of compensation - repeated or gross violation of safety instructions leads to filing a complaint with the disciplinary committee and termination of classes without the possibility of compensation
Last update: Bezouška Jiří, Mgr. (05.02.2025)
Subject is divided into 2 half-years with lectures (2 hours per week) and practical classes. Last update: Bezouška Jiří, Mgr. (05.02.2025)
Last update: Bezouška Jiří, Mgr. (05.02.2025)