Pharmaceutical branches are discussed from the point of view of their role in society, possibility of management and ways of regulation. Pharmaceutical industry is divided with regard to the character of drugs ? the patent ones (including ?me too? drugs), generics and orphan drugs. Associations of pharmaceutical industry and wholesalers and contents of pharmaceutical research including principles of scientific work are discussed as well. Pharmaceutical control is discussed a little broader ? not only control of quality of drugs but its activities and conditions of producing, dispensing, administering, prescribing and selling of drugs as well and as a tool of ensuring safety, effectiveness, efficacy and quality of drugs and drug use. Emphasis on registration and ISO norms is put as well. Pharmaceutical education discusses education as a mirror of level of practice and graduates´ profile and it is discussed as well as pre-graduate or after-graduate education.
Subject is finished by credit. Conditions for getting it are:
a/ to participate in required number of interactive lectures
b/ to write seminar work.
Last update: OLIVOVA/FAF.CUNI.CZ (24.06.2008)
1. http://www.ifpma.org/ (international federation of pharmaceutical manufactures and associations) 2. http://www.egagenerics.com/ (European generics medicine associations) 3. http://www.wsmi.org/ (world self medication industry) 4. http://www.urmpm.org/ (union of risk management for preventive medicine) 5. http://www.fda.gov/cder/consumerinfo/generics_q&a.htm 6. http://www.fda.gov/cder/offices/otc/default.htm 7. http://www.girp.org/(The European association of full line wholesalers) Last update: OLIVOVA/FAF.CUNI.CZ (24.06.2008)
Teaching Method: interactive lectures. Last update: OLIVOVA/FAF.CUNI.CZ (24.06.2008)
Introduction into the subject. Pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical wholesalers. Pharmaceutical research. Specifications of the health care management. Last update: OLIVOVA/FAF.CUNI.CZ (24.06.2008)