Molecular Biology explicates the biochemistry of heredity and proteosynthesis, including some practical applications to the health service. In the study programmes of the Faculty of Pharmacy it fulfils the following tasks: In the Pharmacy programme it contributes to the fundamentals of the knowledge necessary for the understanding of modern trends in pharmacotherapy, in the Health-Service Bioanalytics programme also for the laboratory methods of molecular genetics.
Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)
Červinka M.: Úvod do genového inženýrství. Praha : UK, 1993 Rosypal S.: Úvod do molekulární biologie I., II. Brno : vydavatel S. Rosypal, 1996 {vybrané kapitoly} Vonka V. a kol.: Kapitoly z molekulové biologie. Jinočany : H+H, 1992 {vybrané kapitoly} Watson J. D.: Molekulární biologie genu. Praha : Academia, 1982 {vybrané kapitoly} Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)