Mathematics - GAF105
Title: Mathematics
Guaranteed by: Department of Biophysics and Physical Chemistry (16-16110)
Faculty: Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Actual: from 2022
Semester: winter
Points: 0
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: winter s.:written
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:14/14, C+Ex [HS]
Capacity: unlimited / 90 (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Explanation: (F,1.r.)
Old code: F105
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: doc. Dipl.-Math. Erik Jurjen Duintjer Tebbens, Ph.D.
Classification: Pharmacy >
Is co-requisite for: GAF392, GAF199, GAF131
Is pre-requisite for: GAF401, GAF303
Examination dates   WS schedule   
Annotation -
The main goal of the subject is to recall and enrich the knowledge of the essentials of calculus as needed during pharmacy studies. The teaching is focused on the understanding of mathematical concepts with regard to their application, not on formalism and proofs of theorems.
Last update: Duintjer Tebbens Erik Jurjen, doc. Dipl.-Math., Ph.D. (01.10.2024)
Course completion requirements -

Conditions for granting the credit – Mathematics seminars:

Active participation during all seminars – in the case of absence a written excuse by the physician must be brought.

Last update: Duintjer Tebbens Erik Jurjen, doc. Dipl.-Math., Ph.D. (01.10.2024)
Literature -


  • Petr Klemera. Mathematics. Selected topics for students of Pharmacy.. Hradec Kralove: Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, , s. ISBN .
  • Stein, Sherman K.. Calculus and analytic geometry. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987, 878 s. ISBN 0-07-061159-9.
  • Batschelet, Edward. Introduction to mathematics for life scientists. Berlin: Springer, 1979, 643 s. ISBN 3-540-09648-5.

Last update: Duintjer Tebbens Erik Jurjen, doc. Dipl.-Math., Ph.D. (01.10.2024)
Teaching methods -

The guarantor lectures, teachers conduct seminars. Consultation may be based on a personal, telephone or email order.

Last update: Duintjer Tebbens Erik Jurjen, doc. Dipl.-Math., Ph.D. (01.10.2024)
Requirements to the exam -

Exam conditions – Mathematics – full-time study, 1st year


The written exam consists of questions from the material covered in all seminars. It contains 20 test questions, each worth one point, at least 12 points must be obtained to pass the exam and get the grade "good" (3). At least 15 points must be obtained for the grade "very good" (2). At least 18 points must be obtained for the grade "excellent" (1). The total time of the exam is 60 min.

In addition to written exams after the last seminars, there will be three 10-minute tests at the beginning of the 3rd, 5th and 7th seminars. Each such "mini-test" contains 2 questions. Each question is worth 2 points; one if the correct procedure is used, two if both procedure and result are correct. The points obtained in this way will be fully transferred to the exam. If the student has the maximum number of points for the 3 mini-tests, i.e. 12 points, then he is not required to attend the exam and will receive the grade "good" (3). He can, however, attend the exam in order to improve his grade.

The only allowed tools are: writing utilities, ruler, calculator (not on a mobile phone).


Last update: Duintjer Tebbens Erik Jurjen, doc. Dipl.-Math., Ph.D. (01.10.2024)
Syllabus -

Error theory and statistics:

·         rounding and display of inexact numbers

·         average, standard deviation and standard error of the mean


Functions of one variable

·         important types of functions and their characteristics

·         main rules for graphs drawing and graphical representation of functions

·         graphical solution of equations

·         function identification using transformation of coordinates


·         properties, physical and geometrical meaning of derivatives

·         extrema and behaviour of functions

·         derivative-based error estimates


·         indefinite integrals

·         definite integrals

·         basic properties of differential equations

Last update: Duintjer Tebbens Erik Jurjen, doc. Dipl.-Math., Ph.D. (01.10.2024)