Applied histology - EVP04002
Title: Aplikovaná histologie
Guaranteed by: Ústav histologie a embryologie (14-40)
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Actual: from 2022
Semester: winter
Points: 4
E-Credits: 4
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/13, C [HS]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: 5
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
For type:  
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Mgr. Zbyněk Tonar, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): prof. MUDr. Mgr. Zbyněk Tonar, Ph.D.
Comes under: Volitelné předměty
Volitelné předměty, 2. ročník Všeobecné
Volitelné předměty, 2. ročník Všeob20
Volitelné předměty, 3. ročník Všeobecné
Volitelné předměty, 3. ročník Všeob20
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   WS schedule   Noticeboard   
Annotation -
The subject deepens the basic teaching of histology with topics and applications with practical use in medicine. Includes strategy for the description of histological slides, the use of immunohistochemical methods for the specific identification of tissue antigens. Special attention is paid to the histology of sensory organs. Liquid biopsy techniques using the molecular genetic profile of tumor cells are also presented
obtained from blood and urine. We will also discuss histological procedures that can be used for the microscopic analysis of tissues and organs in forensic medicine. The findings will also be summarized in the form of problem-based teaching as a case study, in which students will find optimal solutions to problems after analyzing the assignment.
Last update: Jiráková Lucie, Bc. (12.09.2023)
Course completion requirements -

Participation and successful completion of the final electronic test (in Moodle).

Last update: Jiráková Lucie, Bc. (12.09.2023)
Literature -

Das M.: Medical Histology and Embryology Q&A. Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE. Thieme, New York, 253 pp., 2018
Balko J., Tonar Z., Varga I.: Memorix histologie, 2. vydání, Praha: Triton, 555 s., 2017
Mescher A.L.: Junqueirovy základy histologie. Překlad 13. vydání. Galén, Praha, 556 s., 2018
Lüllmann-Rauch R.: Histologie. Překlad 3. vydání. Grada, Praha, 556 s., 2012

Last update: Jiráková Lucie, Bc. (12.09.2023)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

Účast a úspěšné absolvování závěrečného elektronického testu (v Moodle).

Last update: Jiráková Lucie, Bc. (19.01.2023)
Syllabus -

  1. Description of histological slides
  2. Blood and blood elements
  3. Liquid biopsy
  4. Guide to the World of Immunohistology
  5. Histological techniques for forensic purposes
  6. Problems and case studies in histology

Last update: Merhautová Šárka (12.06.2024)
Learning resources - Czech

Last update: Jiráková Lucie, Bc. (19.01.2023)
Learning outcomes -

Upon completion of the course, the learner will be able to:
  • Describe in microscopic slides: cell shapes; shapes, number and staining of nuclei; staining of cytoplasm, organelles and components of intercellular matter
  • Formulate a verbal description of a randomly selected human organ specimen and proceed from low magnification and a wide field of view to details visible at high magnification microscope resolution.
  • Compare the normal reference ranges for a blood cout in a male and a female
  • Explain the selection of aged erythrocytes; explain the occurrence of agglutinogens and agglutinins in blood AB0 system groups.
  • Identify all formed blood elements in normal blood smear; describe their microscopic structure and appearance and discuss their functions
  • Evaluate the main advantages as well as disadvantages of liquid biopsy approaches and compare this approach with conventional, so-called solid biopsy of tumor tissue at different stages of development and treatment of cancer (early detection of disease, determination of prognosis, selection of appropriate therapy, evaluation of treatment effect, early detection of disease relapse)
  • List the individual steps in the preparation of an immunohistochemical specimen, starting with the collection and fixation of the material; give 3 examples of the practical use of immunohistochemistry in diagnostics.
  • Describe the importance of positive and negative controls in immunohistochemical staining
  • Suggest histological methods suitable for detection or interpretation: Acute haemorrhage; Residues after chronic haemorrhage including siderophages; Calcification; Amyloid; Leukocytes in general and T-lymphocytes; Protein cylinders after rhabdomyolysis; Cytological examination of vaginal smear; Fat droplets (e.g. in fat embolisation)
  • Solve simplified problems based on knowledge and skills in histology

Last update: Merhautová Šárka (26.06.2024)
Schedule scheduled
Schedule ticket Date From - To Education type Theme Teacher Files NoteHodnocení
24aEVP04002p1Tue 15.10.2024 17:00 - 18:30 lecture Popis histologických preparátů prof. MUDr. Mgr. Zbyněk Tonar, Ph.D.
Tue 22.10.2024 17:00 - 18:30 lecture Průvodce světem imunohistochemie MUDr. Anna Malečková, Ph.D.
Tue 29.10.2024 17:00 - 18:30 lecture Tekutá biopsie Ing. et Ing. Jiří Polívka, Ph.D.
průměr: 5, hodnoceno: 1x
Tue 05.11.2024 17:00 - 18:30 lecture Krev a krevní elementy MUDr. Věra Křížková, Ph.D.
Tue 12.11.2024 17:00 - 18:30 lecture Histologické techniky pro forenzní účely prof. MUDr. Mgr. Zbyněk Tonar, Ph.D.
Tue 19.11.2024 17:00 - 18:30 lecture Problémy a případové studie v histologii prof. MUDr. Mgr. Zbyněk Tonar, Ph.D.