SubjectsSubjects(version: 962)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Applied embryology - EVP04001
Title: Aplikovaná embryologie
Guaranteed by: Ústav histologie a embryologie (14-40)
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Actual: from 2024
Semester: summer
Points: 4
E-Credits: 4
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/13, C [HS]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: 5
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
For type:  
Additional information:
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
Guarantor: doc. Ing. Jan Nevoral, Ph.D.
Annotation -
Subject deepens the teaching of embryology in two blocks, more precisely on the topics of early embryonic development and its application in assisted reproduction, respectively histogenesis of organs during post-implantation development and the emergence of congenital and developmental defects. The graduate will be able to (i.e. learning outcomes): i) describe the procedures for the evaluation of gametes and embryos in the process of infertility diagnosis, ii) propose a procedure for the treatment of infertility, iii) propose a method of fertility preservation for cancer patients, iv) evaluate the ethical risks of technological advances in assisted reproduction, including genetic testing of embryos, v) explain the genesis of congenital and developmental defects and propose a method of prevention, vi) explain the maturation of tissues during organogenesis by comparing it with postnatal organs. <br>
The course is designed as a one-day symposium to be held during May (2025). The symposium will be divided into a lecture part and a practical workshop at the Department of Histology and Embryology. The workshop will include gamete manipulation, training in intracytoplasmic injection into the oocyte, and a visit to the embryology museum with a demonstration of congenital and developmental defects. The course is supported by an e-learning module in Moodle: <br>
It is essential for enrolled students to have passed Histology and Embryology, preferably with a passing grade. A minimum pass rate of 70% in the entrance quiz, taken in the Moodle course:, is a condition for enrolment in the course. You can take the entrance quiz from February 3rd, 2025, and you will be informed about your enrolment in the course by e-mail. The capacity of the course is limited to 20 students due to the guaranteed quality of the course, especially the practical part.<br>
Last update: Nevoral Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (11.10.2024)
Learning outcomes -

  • explain the methods of evaluating gametes and embryos for in vitro fertilisation;
  • propose a procedure for preserving the fertility of cancer patients (oncofertility),
  • to assess the ethical risks of assisted reproductive procedures, genetic testing and surrogacy;
  • explain the genesis of congenital malformations,
  • propose ways of prevention of congenital malformations

Last update: Merhautová Šárka (26.06.2024)
Course completion requirements -

Participation in lectures and workshop is a prerequisite for receiving credit.

Last update: Jiráková Lucie, Bc. (30.05.2023)
Literature -

J. Řezáčová a kol.: Reprodukční medicína, Mladá fronta, 2018.
P. Trávník: Klinická embryologie, Mladá fronta, 2018.
H. Konečná a kol.: Rodičem kdykoliv a jakkoliv? Průvodce asistovanou reprodukcí a náhradní rodinnou péčí. Mladá fronta, 2017.
M. Vácha a kol.: Základy moderní lékařské etiky. Portál, 2012.
PubMed a odkazy na původní vědecké práce v přednáškách

Last update: Nevoral Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (30.05.2023)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

Podmínkou získání zápočtu je účast na přednáškách a workshopu. 

Last update: Jiráková Lucie, Bc. (30.05.2023)
Syllabus -

Lecture part:

1) basics of assisted reproduction,

2) infertility treatment and oncofertility,

3) ethics in reproductive medicine,

4) news of reproductive medicine,

5) congenital malformations;

Practical workshop:

a) training of intracytoplasmic sperm injection into the egg,

b) imaging methods in clinical embryology,

c) Guided tour of the Embryology Museum.

Last update: Merhautová Šárka (26.06.2024)
Learning resources - 

Last update: Nevoral Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D. (28.11.2023)
Registration requirements - Czech

Student bude zapsán na základě výsledků vstupního testu

Last update: Křikavová Lenka, Ing. (18.09.2023)
Course completion requirements -

Participation in lectures and workshop is a prerequisite for receiving credit.

Last update: Jiráková Lucie, Bc. (30.05.2023)
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