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Potvrzení nemocnice před stáží 6.r..docx | Potvrzení mimosmluvní nemocnice o možnosti vykonávat v ní stáž - na základě žádosti a tohoto potvrzení schvaluje zařazení proděkan pro Všeobecné lékařství prof. Ferda | Ing. Lenka Křikavová | |
Potvrzení o stáži-jiná nemocnice.doc.docx | Potvrzení o stáži - jiná nemocnice než FN Plzeň (student předkládá u SZ) | Ing. Lenka Křikavová | |
Smlouva o zabezpeceni odborne praxe studentu_vseobecne (2).pdf | Smlouva na praxi všeobecná (jiné nemocnice) - pouze na základě schválení | Ing. Lenka Křikavová |
100 hours, 20 working days
The subject Gynecology and Obstetrics II builds upon the knowledge gained in Gynecology and Obstetrics I, which students completed in the 5th year of study. In Gynecology and Obstetrics I, students acquired theoretical foundations of gynecology and obstetrics, learned gynecological and obstetrical examinations on models, and adopted basic surgical techniques in gynecology. In the course of Gynecology and Obstetrics II, students will further develop this knowledge and skills in the practical setting of gynecological departments, out-patient clinics and maternity ward. Last update: Kotyková Pavlína (12.08.2024)
Active participation in clinical practice. 1 x afternoon service in the delivery room. Last update: Kotyková Pavlína (12.08.2024)
Gynaecology by Ten Teachers, 20th Edition, Louise Kenny, Helen Bickerstaff, CRC Press, 2017 Obstetrics by Ten Teachers, 20th Edition, Louise C. Kenny, Jenny E. Myers, CRC Press, 2017 Churchill Livingstone, 2011) Last update: Kotyková Pavlína (12.08.2024)
Docházka, 1 x odpolední služba na porodním sále Last update: Buriánková Martina, Mgr. (05.04.2019)
Clinical Practice – 100 hours, 20 working days Objective: The subject Gynecology and Obstetrics II builds upon the knowledge gained in Gynecology and Obstetrics I, which students completed in the 5th year of study. In Gynecology and Obstetrics I, students acquired theoretical foundations of gynecology and obstetrics, learned gynecological and obstetrical examinations on models, and adopted basic surgical techniques in gynecology. In the course of Gynecology and Obstetrics II, students will further develop this knowledge and skills in the practical setting of gynecological departments, out-patient clinics and maternity ward. Subject Content: 1. Outpatient Clinic · General gynecologic outpatient surgery clinic, gynecological examination, and ultrasound · Specialized gynecological outpatient clinics (urogynecology, endometriosis, oncogynecology, pediatric gynecology) · Prenatal care, CTG, obstetric ultrasound 2. Department · Rounds in gynecological and obstetrical departments, patient handover · Gynecological and obstetrical history-taking · Wound dressing · Preparing for surgery, postoperative care · In-patient monitoring of the fetus · Cervical ripening and labor induction 3. Delivery Room · Admission of patients to the delivery room · Examination during labor, fetal monitoring · Assisting in childbirth and maternal care after delivery · Newborn care 4. Operating Room · Observation and assistance in abdominal, vaginal, and endoscopic surgeries Teaching Methods: · Practical training in outpatient clinics, departments, operating rooms, and delivery rooms · Case-based discussions · Study of recommended OBGYN literature · MOODLE – electronic learning database (videos, recorded lectures, etc.)
Assessment: · Participation in clinical practice · State exam
Literature: Gynaecology by Ten Teachers, 20th Edition, Louise Kenny, Helen Bickerstaff, CRC Press, 2017
Outcomes of study and clinical practice at the end of the 6th year:
Knowledge: 1. Understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system. 2. Identification and description of common gynaecological and obstetric pathologies. 3. Understanding the mechanisms of the menstrual cycle and hormonal regulation. 4. Knowledge of diagnostic procedures for gynecologic and obstetric conditions, including prenatal diagnosis. 5. Knowledge of the physiology of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period, organization of care for a pregnant woman. 6. Understanding of the complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. 7. Knowledge of various methods of contraception and family planning. 8. Understanding of legal and ethical aspects in gynaecology and obstetrics.
Skills: 1. Ability to perform basic gynaecological and obstetric examinations, 2. Ability to interpret the results of laboratory and imaging diagnostic tests. 3. Basic skills in providing obstetric care and assisting in childbirth. 4. Proficient in basic surgical suturing techniques, able to assist in gynecologic surgeries. 5. Communication skills in negotiating with patients about their gynecological and reproductive health. 6. Ability to work as part of a team of health care professionals and coordinate the care of pregnant women and newborns. 7. Skill to provide preventive care and educate patients about healthy lifestyles and prevention of gynecological problems.
Competencies: 1. Ability to identify and correctly handle gynecologic and obstetric emergencies. 2. Ability to develop a plan of care for women with various gynecological and reproductive problems. 3. Competence in counseling patients on family planning and contraception. 4. Ethical and professional conduct in accordance with the law and standards of patient care.
These learning and clinical practice outcomes should enable students to successfully engage in the practice of gynecology and obstetrics and provide a foundation for further specialization or practice in this area of medicine.
Last update: Kotyková Pavlína (12.08.2024)
Credit State exam Last update: Kotyková Pavlína (12.08.2024)
Informace pro studenty - náklady spojené se studiem
Studenti 6. ročníku absolvují výuku v nemocnicích Plzeňského, Ústeckého, Jihočeského a Karlovarského kraje, dále v nemocnici v Mladé Boleslavi. Náklady spojené s ubytováním v místě výuky se pohybují měsíčně v rozmezí 5 - 7 tisíc korun. Studenti v tíživé sociální situaci mohou požádat o umístění do nemocnice v Plzni nebo do nemocnic v dojezdové vzdálenosti od Plzně. Žádost mohou podat pouze ti studenti, kteří pobírají ubytovací stipendium UK ve zvýšené míře. Last update: Buriánková Martina, Mgr. (11.09.2024)