SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Medical Terminology - English - EP0101052
Title: Odborná terminologie - angličtina
Guaranteed by: Ústav jazyků (14-50)
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
Points: 2
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: winter s.:
summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/2, C [HT]
summer s.:0/2, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unlimited (unknown)
summer:unknown / unlimited (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
For type:  
Additional information:
Note: deregister from the credit exam date if a requisite was not fulfilled
deregister from the exam date if a requisite was not fulfilled
for a repeated registration for Course credit + Exam, the student must have the Course credit exam passed
Guarantor: Mgr. Alena Holá
Teacher(s): Mgr. Alena Holá
PhDr. Tamara Kopřivová
Katja Kulhánková
Interchangeability : E0102124
Is interchangeable with: E0102124
Files Comments Added by
download požadavky ke zk 1.roč_.doc Barbora Duchková
Annotation -
The Human Body. Basics of anatomical terminology. The overview of the body systems. Selected texts from the branch of medicine. Doctor-patient communication. English grammar in medical context.
Last update: Holá Alena, Mgr. (26.09.2024)
Course completion requirements -

WT - credit: active attendance, continuous test (3 attempts, at least 70%), credit test (70%)

ST- credit: active attendance, presentation on First Aid, credit test (70%)

Examination: 1. written part (test)

                    2. oral part: presentation of one topic (Body systems); analysis of medical article (reading, translation, questions, discussions...)

Last update: Holá Alena, Mgr. (27.09.2024)
Literature -

A.Holá, T.Kopřivová: English for Medical Students, Karolinum 2023, 2nd edition

elektronic materials:

1. Selected Chapters from English Grammar in Medical Context 1,2 (MOODLE)

2. How to prepare a successful power point presentation step-by-step (MOODLE)

3. Medical English: audiovisual course (MOODLE)

4. Medical English: listening materials (MOODLE)

Glendinning, E. - Holmström.: English in Medicine, CUP 2005

Last update: Holá Alena, Mgr. (24.09.2024)
Requirements to the exam -

Contents of the exam: written part (test)

                                 oral part (presentation of one topic; dealing with a medical text)

Last update: Holá Alena, Mgr. (26.09.2024)
Syllabus -

Winter term
Topics: The Study of Medicine. The Structure of the Human Body.The Cell.
Grammar: Nouns of Latin and Greek origin used in Medical English: pronunciation, word stress, singular and plural forms.
Topics: The Human Body. Principle Systems of the Human Body (an overview).
Grammar: C x U Nouns. Articles. Giving instructions. Anatomical x Lay Terms.
continuous test

Topics: The Skeletal System. The Muscular System.
Grammar:Tenses used in presenting complaints and in taking history.
Credit test

Summer term
Topics: The Integumentary System. The Cardiovascular system.
Grammar: Past tenses. Future forms. Measurement I.
Topics: The Lymphatic System. The Respiratory System. The Digestive system.
Grammar: Modal Verbs. Passives. Shapes.
The Urinary System. The Nervous System. First Aid for Emergencies.
Power point presentation on First Aid for Emergencies.
Gramatika: Conditionals. Measurement II. Location.
Topics: The Reproductive System. The Endocrine System.
Grammar: Reported Speech. Phrasal Verbs.
credit test

Last update: Holá Alena, Mgr. (26.09.2024)
Learning resources - Czech

Angličtina on-line

Last update: Duchková Barbora (02.10.2020)
Learning outcomes - Czech

Odborné znalosti

  • pojmenovat slovní zásobu týkající se obsahu studia: části lidského těla, vnitřní orgány, tělní systémy
  • pojmenovat nemoci a jejich doprovodné symptomy
  • interpretovat texty se zdravotnickou tématikou
  • rozlišovat adekvátní gramatické prostředky při formulaci svých sdělení
  • aplikovat pravidla pro formulaci otázek při odebírání anamnézy

Odborné dovednosti

  • vysvětlit funkce jednotlivých orgánů a tělních systémů
  • charakterizovat běžné symptomy a typy bolesti
  • zjistit základní údaje o pacientovi a jeho potíže
  • vyplnit anamnestický dotázník
  • orientovat se ve zdravotnické dokumentaci v angličtině
  • používat jazykové prostředky adekvátně komunikační situaci
  • porozumět zkratkám v lékařském kontextu

Last update: Holá Alena, Mgr. (17.10.2024)
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