The elective subject Molecular Imaging Methods provides an overview of the modern method of structural and<br>
molecular imaging of human body tissues by imaging methods with a focus on internal imaging<br> structure, chemical composition of tissues, blood circulation of tissues, exchange of substances between individual compartments by methods<br> computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as hybrid imaging with positron emission tomography. <br> Last update: Křikavová Lenka, Ing. (08.01.2025)
online test in the Moodle course Last update: Křikavová Lenka, Ing. (03.01.2023)
Povinná literatura: Ferda J, Mírka H, Baxa J, Malán A. Základy zobrazovacích metod, Galén, Praha, 1. vydání, 2015 Doporučená literatura: Ferda J, Kreuzberg B, Novák M. Výpočetní tomografie, Galén, Praha, 1. vydání 2002 Ferda J et. Al. Inovativní zobrazovací metody, Galén, Praha, 1. vydání, 2015 Last update: Křikavová Lenka, Ing. (18.05.2021)
1. Basic methods and procedures of molecular imaging : Indicator principle, distribution of contrast agents, perfusion imaging, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, microstructure imaging by diffusion weighing in magnetic resonance imaging, use of radiopharmaceuticals Last update: Křikavová Lenka, Ing. (23.11.2021)
The student will gain an overview of clinical applications of various types of molecular imaging and their clinical perspective.
Last update: Křikavová Lenka, Ing. (08.01.2025)