Graduate of the subject acquires knowledge of the first aid administration in the life and health threatening situations including cardiac and breathing arrest. Acquired knowledge is fixed in practical training and verified with written test.
Last update: Křikavová Lenka, Ing. (25.02.2020)
100% attendace on Practicals is obligatory to get the credit including demonstration of basic life support on the model. It is possible to substitute attendace with other group after consultation with assistant lecturer. It is possible to excuse absence just only in the case of sick leave ratified by physician. The next condition to get the credit is to succeed in the written credit test with standardized grading (MCQ test). Minimum for successful passing is 68 % of points. Last update: Křikavová Lenka, Ing. (25.02.2020)
Mandatory: KARIM - First aid http://lms.lfp.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=23 Recommended: https://www.lf3.cuni.cz/3LFEN-234-version1-first_aid_2016_03_03.pdf#page=6 Last update: Křikavová Lenka, Ing. (25.02.2020)
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) - Basic life support (BLS) Practical training of CPR on models Model situations in CPR First aid in injuries and in life threatening situations Basics of bandage techniques, immobilization of fractures, stop of bleeding
Last update: Křikavová Lenka, Ing. (25.02.2020)