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Questions for State Exam in Surgery – General Medicine 2024-25.doc | Questions for State Exam in Surgery – General Medicine 2024/25 | prof. MUDr. Josef Vodička, Ph.D. |
Asepsis, anti-sepsis, organization and rules of work at the surgical department and operating room. Wounds – classification, healing, healing disorders, temporary and definitive treatment. Strategy for diagnostics and therapy of infections in surgery. Sepsis. Anaerobic and mixed infections. Purulent infections of skin, subcutaneous tissue and skin adnexa. Panaritia and purulent infections of the hand. Nosocomial infections. Pathophysiological changes caused by surgery and trauma. Metabolic disorders in surgical patients and their correction. Nutritional issues in surgery. Basic algorithm for diagnostics of surgical disorders. General principles of surgical therapy. Preparation of a patient for surgery. Surgical procedure – general rules, basic surgical procedures. Basics of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Basic rules for post-operative care. Complications in the surgical wound. Post-operative gastrointestinal complications. Post-operative respiratory complications. Post-operative circulatory and thromboembolic complications. Post-operative urinary, allergic and neurological complications. Blood transfusion. Shock. Heat injury. Crush syndrome, blast syndrome. Basic characteristics of conflict surgery and disaster medicine. The role of palliative and supportive medicine in oncosurgery. General issues of oncosurgery. General issues of transplantology.
Hernias in the inguinal region. Hernias of the anterior abdominal wall (umbilical, ventral, postoperative in the cicatrix). Achalasia and reflux disease of the esophagus. Corrosion and perforation of the esophagus. Esophageal carcinoma. Gastroduodenal ulcer and its complications. Stomach carcinoma. Crohn’s disease. Diverticular disease of the colon. Colitis. Colorectal carcinoma. Non-neoplastic disorders of the anorectum (hemorrhoids, abscesses, fistulas). Bleeding to the gastrointestinal tract. Injuries of the gastrointestinal tract. Benign disorders of the liver. Primary malignant tumors of the liver, liver metastases. Surgery of portal hypertension. Injuries of the liver and spleen. Cholecystolithiasis, choledocholithiasis. Acute cholecystitis and cholangitis. Differential diagnostic of obstructive icterus. Acute pancreatitis. Pancreatic carcinoma. Acute appendicitis. Complications of acute appendicitis, features of acute appendicitis in children and in pregnancy. Acute peritonitis. Intestinal obstruction. Strangulation ileus. Hernias in children. Intussusception in children. Basic principles of cardiopulmonary bypass systems, hypothermia, cardioplegia. Basic principles and examples of cardiac assist devices. Surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease. Mechanical complication of ischemic heart disease and their surgical treatment. Acquired aortic valve disease and the surgical treatment. Acquired mitral valve disease and the surgical treatment. Acquired tricuspid and pulmonal valve disease and their surgical treatment. Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation. Congenital heart disease in adults and principles of surgical treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of disease of aorta and aortic arch. Heart transplantation. Preoperative care of cardiac surgery patients. Postoperative care of cardiac surgery patients. Heart injury. Heart tumors, their diagnosis and treatment. Examination methods in cardiac surgery. Peripheral vascular disorder of the lower limbs. Aneurysm of aorta. Diabetic foot. Acute limb ischemia. Vascular injuries, compartment syndrome. Organ transplantation. Pleural syndromes (pneumothorax, pleural effusion, empyema of the chest). Lung cancer, pulmonary metastases. Injuries of the ribs and sternum. Lung injuries, traumatic pneumothorax and hemothorax. Acute mediastinitis. Thyroid gland surgery. Parathyroid glands surgery. Breast cancer. Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (19.08.2024)
The Final State Exam in Surgery is both oral and taken in personal attendance. During the exam, the student draws 3 questions, one each from general surgery, visceral surgery and special surgery, resp. cardiac surgery. Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (21.08.2024)
Garden O.J., Bradbury A.W., Forsythe J.L.R., Parks R.W. Principles & Practice of Surgery. 5th Edition. Philadelphia, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007. Henry M.M., Thompson J.N. Clinical Surgery. 3rd Edition. Philadelphia, Saunders Elsevier, 2012. Valenta J., Gral T. et al. Introduction to Surgery. Praha, Galén Karolinum, 2002. Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (21.08.2024)
The attendance and the credit. Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (21.08.2024)
Asepsis, anti-sepsis, organization and rules of work at the surgical department and operating room. Wounds – classification, healing, healing disorders, temporary and definitive treatment. Strategy for diagnostics and therapy of infections in surgery. Sepsis. Anaerobic and mixed infections. Purulent infections of skin, subcutaneous tissue and skin adnexa. Panaritia and purulent infections of the hand. Nosocomial infections. Pathophysiological changes caused by surgery and trauma. Metabolic disorders in surgical patients and their correction. Nutritional issues in surgery. Basic algorithm for diagnostics of surgical disorders. General principles of surgical therapy. Preparation of a patient for surgery. Surgical procedure – general rules, basic surgical procedures. Basics of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Basic rules for post-operative care. Complications in the surgical wound. Post-operative gastrointestinal complications. Post-operative respiratory complications. Post-operative circulatory and thromboembolic complications. Post-operative urinary, allergic and neurological complications. Blood transfusion. Shock. Heat injury. Crush syndrome, blast syndrome. Basic characteristics of conflict surgery and disaster medicine. The role of palliative and supportive medicine in oncosurgery. General issues of oncosurgery. General issues of transplantology. Hernias in the inguinal region. Hernias of the anterior abdominal wall (umbilical, ventral, postoperative in the cicatrix). Achalasia and reflux disease of the esophagus. Corrosion and perforation of the esophagus. Esophageal carcinoma. Gastroduodenal ulcer and its complications. Stomach carcinoma. Crohn’s disease. Diverticular disease of the colon. Colitis. Colorectal carcinoma. Non-neoplastic disorders of the anorectum (hemorrhoids, abscesses, fistulas). Bleeding to the gastrointestinal tract. Injuries of the gastrointestinal tract. Benign disorders of the liver. Primary malignant tumors of the liver, liver metastases. Surgery of portal hypertension. Injuries of the liver and spleen. Cholecystolithiasis, choledocholithiasis. Acute cholecystitis and cholangitis. Differential diagnostic of obstructive icterus. Acute pancreatitis. Pancreatic carcinoma. Acute appendicitis. Complications of acute appendicitis, features of acute appendicitis in children and in pregnancy. Acute peritonitis. Intestinal obstruction. Strangulation ileus. Hernias in children. Intussusception in children. Basic principles of cardiopulmonary bypass systems, hypothermia, cardioplegia. Basic principles and examples of cardiac assist devices. Surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease. Mechanical complication of ischemic heart disease and their surgical treatment. Acquired aortic valve disease and the surgical treatment. Acquired mitral valve disease and the surgical treatment. Acquired tricuspid and pulmonal valve disease and their surgical treatment. Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation. Congenital heart disease in adults and principles of surgical treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of disease of aorta and aortic arch. Heart transplantation. Preoperative care of cardiac surgery patients. Postoperative care of cardiac surgery patients. Heart injury. Heart tumors, their diagnosis and treatment. Examination methods in cardiac surgery. Peripheral vascular disorder of the lower limbs. Aneurysm of aorta. Diabetic foot. Acute limb ischemia. Vascular injuries, compartment syndrome. Organ transplantation. Pleural syndromes (pneumothorax, pleural effusion, empyema of the chest). Lung cancer, pulmonary metastases. Injuries of the ribs and sternum. Lung injuries, traumatic pneumothorax and hemothorax. Acute mediastinitis. Thyroid gland surgery. Parathyroid glands surgery. Breast cancer. Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (19.08.2024)