Základní kategorie duševních poruch, jejich léčba, praxe na diferencovaných psychiatrických odděleních .<br>
Výuka probíhá blokovou formou. Každý blok trvá 10 vyučovacích dnů, 8 dvouhodinových přednášek je zvlášť pro celý <br> ročník. Praktická výuka probíhá především na odděleních kliniky.<br> Během bloku studenti zpracují samostatně jedno kompletní klinické vyšetření, o němž referují při zkoušce. Těžiště <br> zkoušky představují 3 otázky vycházející z témat uvedených v sylabu.<br> Last update: Rundová Kateřina, Mgr. (31.07.2023)
Credit and exam
There are following requirements in order to achieve a credit: - To participate in the practicals (full attendace, 1 absence is allowed). - To elaborate a protocol of the psychiatric examination of the assigned patient. The protocol is defended by the student. - The prevoiusly mentioned psychiatric examination record has the following structure: History of the patient, current disease, present mental state (status praesens psychicus), differential diagnosis, probable diagnostic conclusion and a treatment plan. - To prepare and present a presentation on a given topic. The oral exam consists of: • The oral exam consist of answering questions from 3 clusters of topics. • The dates for the exam are announced in the SIS for the appropriate period. • On the day of the exam, students come to the secretariat (1st floor - 4th door) and pick the questions (unless otherwise specified). • The student brings to the exam psychiatric examination record of the patient.
Last update: Rundová Kateřina, Mgr. (31.07.2023)
Recommended literature:
Goldberg David, Gask Linda and Morris Richard. 2008. Psychiatry in Medical Practice 3rd Edition. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-42544-5
Sadock, Benjamin J., Virginia Alcott Sadock, Pedro Ruiz, and Harold I. Kaplan. 2017. Kaplan and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. 10th ed. Surrey, UK: Wolters Kluwer.
Last update: Rundová Kateřina, Mgr. (31.07.2023)
prezentace, docházka Last update: Rundová Kateřina, Mgr. (19.09.2024)
Last update: Rundová Kateřina, Mgr. (19.09.2024)
Credit and exam
There are following requirements in order to achieve a credit: - To participate in the practicals (full attendace, 1 absence is allowed). - To elaborate a protocol of the psychiatric examination of the assigned patient. The protocol is defended by the student. - The prevoiusly mentioned psychiatric examination record has the following structure: History of the patient, current disease, present mental state (status praesens psychicus), differential diagnosis, probable diagnostic conclusion and a treatment plan. - To prepare and present a presentation on a given topic. The oral exam consists of: • The oral exam consist of answering questions from 3 clusters of topics. • The dates for the exam are announced in the SIS for the appropriate period. • On the day of the exam, students come to the secretariat (1st floor - 4th door) and pick the questions (unless otherwise specified). • The student brings to the exam psychiatric examination record of the patient.
Last update: Rundová Kateřina, Mgr. (31.07.2023)