Files | Comments | Added by | |
Description of slides.pdf | You have to download this file to your tablet (or large-screen smartphone). And do not forget to bring it to the practical each week! | prof. MUDr. Ondřej Daum, Ph.D. | |
Detailed Syllabus of Pathology.pdf | Detailed syllabus of the subject | prof. MUDr. Ondřej Daum, Ph.D. | |
Exam questions - General pathology.pdf | prof. MUDr. Ondřej Daum, Ph.D. | ||
Exam questions - Oncology.pdf | prof. MUDr. Ondřej Daum, Ph.D. | ||
Exam questions - Special pathology.pdf | prof. MUDr. Ondřej Daum, Ph.D. | ||
Lectures Winter Semester 2024-2025.pdf | Lectures Winter Semester 2024-2025 | prof. MUDr. Ondřej Daum, Ph.D. | |
List of exam slides.pdf | prof. MUDr. Ondřej Daum, Ph.D. | ||
Patologie - detailní sylabus.pdf | Sylabus předmětu Patologie | prof. MUDr. Ondřej Daum, Ph.D. | |
Practicals Winter Semester 2024-2025.pdf | Practicals - Winter Semester 2024-2025 | prof. MUDr. Ondřej Daum, Ph.D. |
Pathology, as a preclinical and laboratory subject, serves to acknowledge students with morphology and principles of human diseases. Theoretical background is provided by lectures, which are focused mainly on general principles of disease in winter semester, and on special non-neoplastic and oncological pathology during the last month of winter semester and in summer semester. Practical seminars, held in microscopy study room, pathology museum and autopsy room, are aimed to enable students to adopt basic habits in morphological (both gross and microscopic) examination of a patient, which are valid across the whole spectrum of medical practice.
Last update: Daum Ondřej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (08.09.2021)
Students should be able to recognize basic principles of human diseases and get acknowledged with the principles and morphological patterns of individual diseases. Further, they should also become familiar with good practice of fixation, labeling and shipping of the material for investigation in the pathology lab, as well as to interprete the results of histopathological investigation of biopsies of their patients. Last but not least, they should understand to reasonable indications of post mortem investigation and be able to provide required documents. Last update: Daum Ondřej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (27.09.2022)
Winter semester credit: physical presence at the practicals. Summer semester credit: physical presence at the practicals + practical exam on "gross pathology" performed in the museum or autopsy room at the end of semester (you cannot sign for oral exam without the credit).
Exam (only summer semestr): Practical exam on histological slides + Oral exam (the same day) Last update: Daum Ondřej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (11.09.2021)
1. Kumar, Abbas, Aster: Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th. ed., Elsevier, PA, 2015. 2. Moodle (https://lms.lfp.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=527) containing videolectures, pdf versions of lectures and practicals, additional materials, self-study tests and Amboss sessions. Keyword is going to be sent via SIS. Contact: DAUMOVAM@fnplzen.cz 3. Scans of exam histologic slides available online here: https://lfp.smartzoom.com/s11/course2683/ Last update: Daum Ondřej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (02.09.2024)
Physical presence at the practicals is required for the credits in both semesters. Furthermore, to get a summer semester credit you have to undergo a "gross pathology" practical exam in the museum or in the autopsy room. You can not sign in for the oral exam without credits for both semesters. Further info on credits and exam conditions can be found here. Last update: Daum Ondřej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (27.09.2022)
Schedules of lectures and practicals in pdf can be found in the "Files" section. Where to go to the Lectures and Practicals in Pathology: Sikl's Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Plzen - Bory, Edvarda Benese 13. Details of localization can be seen here: https://siklisportuguese.blogspot.com/2018/09/where-to-go-to-lectures-and-practicals.html In Winter Semester each week one lecture is going to be held in the lecture hall (see above) according to the schedule, and one lecture is going to be uploaded to Moodle. In Summer Semester each week both lectures are going to be held in the lecture hall. Only in case of unexpected circumstances leading to cancellation of a lecture, the lecture is going to be uploaded to Moodle. "Detailed Syllabus" is, due to formatting issues for print, located in the "Files" section. Last update: Daum Ondřej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (22.01.2023)
Moodle: https://lms.lfp.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=527 Czenglish Patoblog: https://siklisportuguese.blogspot.com Last update: Daum Ondřej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (17.11.2022)
Homo sapiens sapiens Last update: Daum Ondřej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (17.08.2024)