Surgery – history and future. Asepsis, anti-sepsis, disinfection, sterilisation. Wounds – classification, healing, healing disorders, temporary and definite treatment. Strategy for diagnostics and therapy of infections in surgery. Sepsis. Anaerobic and mixed infections. Purulent infections of skin, subcutaneous tissue and skin adnexa. Panaritia and purulent infections of the hand. Nosocomial infections. Pathophysiological changes caused by surgery and trauma. Metabolic disorders in surgical patients and their correction. Nutritional issues and intensive care in surgery. Basic algorithm for diagnostics of surgical disorders. General basis of surgical therapy. Preparation of a patient for surgery. Surgical procedure – general rules, terminology of basic surgeries, instrumentation. Basic surgical procedures. Basic rules for post-operation care. Complications in the surgical wound. Post-operation gastrointestinal complications. Post-operation respiratory complications. Post-operation circulatory and thromboembolic complications. Post-operation urinary, allergic and neurological complications. Blood transfusion. Shock. Basic procedures in the first aid and pre-hospital life support. Heat injury. Crush syndrome, reperfusion syndrome, blast syndrome. Basic characteristics of war surgery. Basics of plastic and reconstructive surgery. General issues of oncosurgery. Transplantology.
Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (29.08.2023)
Course completion requirements
Credit after meeting attendance requirements and successfully completing an electronic credit test. A 75% correct answer rate is required to pass the electronic credit test. A student has by default 3 attempts to pass the electronic credit test.
Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (29.08.2023)
Valenta J., Gral T. et al. Introduction to Surgery. Praha, Galén Karolinum, 2002. Garden O.J., Bradbury A.W., Forsythe J.L.R., Parks R.W. Principles & Practice of Surgery. 5th Edition. Philadelphia, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007. Henry M.M., Thompson J.N. Clinical Surgery. 3rd Edition. Philadelphia, Saunders Elsevier, 2012.
Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (14.09.2021)
Surgery – history and future. Asepsis, anti-sepsis, disinfection, sterilisation. Wounds – classification, healing, healing disorders, temporary and definite treatment. Strategy for diagnostics and therapy of infections in surgery. Sepsis. Anaerobic and mixed infections. Purulent infections of skin, subcutaneous tissue and skin adnexa. Panaritia and purulent infections of the hand. Nosocomial infections. Pathophysiological changes caused by surgery and trauma. Metabolic disorders in surgical patients and their correction. Nutritional issues and intensive care in surgery. Basic algorithm for diagnostics of surgical disorders. General basis of surgical therapy. Preparation of a patient for surgery. Surgical procedure – general rules, terminology of basic surgeries, instrumentation. Basic surgical procedures. Basic rules for post-operation care. Complications in the surgical wound. Post-operation gastrointestinal complications. Post-operation respiratory complications. Post-operation circulatory and thromboembolic complications. Post-operation urinary, allergic and neurological complications. Blood transfusion. Shock. Basic procedures in the first aid and pre-hospital life support. Heat injury. Crush syndrome, reperfusion syndrome, blast syndrome. Basic characteristics of war surgery. Basics of plastic and reconstructive surgery. General issues of oncosurgery. Transplantology.
Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (29.08.2023)