1. Temporomandibular joint, anatomy, physiology, importance for prosthetic dentistry, effect of dysfunction on construction of dentures. Full metal veneer crowns, types, indications, evaluation. 2. Overdentures and hybrids. Component parts of a partial denture with the metal construction, overview, types of clasps. 3. Masticatory muscles, anatomy, physiology of chewing. Partial veneer crowns, types, indications, crown constructing - laboratory procedures. 4. Impression materials and techniques in fixed prosthodontics. Component part of a partial denture - connectors and indirect retainers. 5. Model and modelling materials. Establishing of the jaw relationships - registration and reconstruction. 6. Principles of tooth preparation. Restoration of anterior teeth. 7. Musculature of mandibular movement. Effect of occlusion on mandibular movement. Christensen´s effect. Failures and repair in the fixed and removable prosthodontics. 8. Taking a history and examinig the mouth, diagnosis and treatment planning. Removable bridges, construction, indication, contraindication. 9. Preprosthetic surgical preparation of the mouth, cooperation of prosthodontics and oral surgery. Diagnostic cast and related procedures. 10. Materials for partial denture bases,Luting agents and cementation procedures. Non conventional prosthetic treatment, hybrid dentures, tooth supported overdentures. 11. Telescopic crowns and attachments. Investing and casting. 12. Prosthetic treatment of dentition with periodontal disease. Partial dentures class III., characteristic features, construction and prosthetic solution treatment. 13. Principles of occlusion. Posts and cores, definition, fabrication techniques, indications, materials. 14. Dental gold alloys, type I, II, III, IV, chrome-cobalt alloys laboratory procedures Setting teeth, the position of the teeth, the orientation of the teeth, position to the teeth to one another for complete dentures 15. Fixed and removable bridges, indications,contraindications Applied anatomy - diagnostic value of peripheral outline and form of the upper denture - . 16. Complete dentures - retaining forces. Clasps, how clasp functions, types of clasps, clasp design. 17. Retainers for conventional bridges, their value and indications. Classification of partial dentures - II. class, free end saddle types, construction, materials. 18. Component parts of partial denture. All-ceramic restorations, indications and contraindications, laboratory techniques, materials. 19. Discuss diferent margin configuration, advantages, disadvantages,indikations and contraindication as applicable General properties of metals. Metal materials, manipulation, applications. 20. Pontic design Jaw relation records, mouth, the recording of jaw relationships in endentulous patients. 21. Fixed bridges, laboratory techniques. Three arm encircling clasps, types and design, indications. 22. Mechanical properties of metals, dental solders, casting, wrought alloys. Crown restoration 23. Investment materials. Complete dentures rebasing relining and repairs 24. Impression materials and techniques. Applied anatomy diagnostic value of peripheral outline and form of the lower denture. 25. Postoperative care. Removable denture construction - laboratory procedures. 26. Metal-ceramics Restoration. Fixed prosthetics, working cast, die techniques. 27. Primary and secondary impressions for complete dentures. Fixed and removable splints, indications. 28. Immediate dentures definition, clinical and laboratory procedures. General principles of preparations, protection of the piers during operative procedures, temporary restoration. 29. General principles of gnathology. Finished dentures delivering, instructions to the patient, complains. 30. Elastomers. Implant dentures, general remarks. Last update: Hošková Marcela, Mgr. (18.09.2020)