- Precancerous lesions of the vermillion border and oral mucosa – classification, differential diagnosis, basic therapeutical aspects
- Sore mouth, sore tongue (Stomatodynia, glossodynia)
- Periodontitis – etiology, classification, clinical picture, basic therapeutical aspects
- „White lesion“ symptom
- Conservative treatment of periodontal diseases
6. Periodontal pocket and pseudopocket, classification of periodontal bone defects, furcation involvement
- Manifestations of hypovitaminoses and avitaminoses on the oral mucous membrane
- Principles of prosthetic treatment in the periodontally compromised dentition
- Saliva flow disturbances
- Treatment planning in periodontal diseases, separated therapeutical phases
- Periodontal surgery – therapeutical procedures
- Inflammations of tongue mucosa and their local and systemic reasons
- Trauma from occlusion, aims and methods of adjustment
- Agressive periodontitis, periodontal abscess – etiology, clinical picture, treatment
- Oral manifestations of AIDS
- Allergic, toxic and toxoallergic manifestations on the lips and oral mucous membrane
- Diseases of viral etiology with oral manifestations
- Differential diagnostics of oral ulcers
- Herpetic gingivostomatitis
- Non-inflammatory periodontal diseases – etiology, classification, therapy
- Local etiological factors of periodontal diseases – microbial plaque
- Chronic periodontitis
- Oral mucous membrane diseases of bacterial etiology
- Diseases of the lips, angular stomatitis
- Aphthous stomatitis – etiology, classification, clinical picture, treatment
- Antiseptics in periodontal therapy
- Oral manifestations of mycotic infection
- Gingivitis – etiology, classification, clinical picture, principles of therapy
- Classification of periodontal diseases according to recent conception
- Periodontal pathogens, classification, clinical significance, diagnostic
- Local and systemic application of antibiotics in the treatment of periodontal diseases
- Gingival hyperplasia - etiology, clinical manifestations, treatment
- Reparation and regeneration of periodontal structures, regenerative surgical procedures
- Etiology of periodontal diseases – local and systemic factors
- Periodontal surgery – mucogingival procedures
- Oral manifestations of blood diseases
- Periodontal surgery – esthetically oriented procedures
- Endo – perio lesions
- Subgingival treatment – hand instruments, air powered and ultrasonic scalers and their clinical use
- Index system in periodontology
- Oral manifestations of autoimmune diseases
- Manifestations of systemic diseases on the oral mucosa
- Differential diagnostics of vesiculous diseases of oral mucosa
- Paraneoplastic changes on the oral mucosa
Next part of the state exam is reading of X-ray picture (OPG), diagnostics of oral mucosa diseases and prescription of drugs applicable in periodontology.
Last update: Hošková Marcela, Mgr. (18.09.2020)