Diagnostic of orthodontic anomalies. Examination of patient, dokumentation a rtg photograph, plan of orthodontic treatment.
Ideal age for treatment of individual anomalies. Etiology of orthodontic anomalies. Prenatal development of the face. Postnatal development of the teath and facial skelet. Basic introduction in the orthodontic therapy of removal and fix appliances. Posibilities of retention in ortohodontics. Biological principles of ortohodontic therapy. Last update: Leba Petr, Ing. (27.08.2008)
MUDr.I.Šubrtová: Vybrané kapitoly z ortodontie, Karolinum,Praha 1993; Kamínek, M., Štefková, M.: Ortodoncie I., II.; UP Olomouc, Olomouc 2001; Andrik, P.: Čelustná ortopedia, Osveta Martin 1970 Profit W.R.: Contemporary Orthodontics. Mosby, 3th ed., 2001 Last update: Leba Petr, Ing. (27.08.2008)