The aim of the 3-week block of Social Medicine, Public Health, Hygiene and Preventive Medicine is to acquaint students with the issue of providing primary health care. During their studies, they have not yet encountered this basic element of health care.
During the 2-week (10-day) internship with a general practitioner (GP, a general practitioner for adults or for children/adolescents), students get acquainted with the management of general practitioner's office, including finding out the scope and form of cooperation of general practitioners with assessment medicine.
Students will learn to examine patients with a focus on primary and secondary prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases, to diagnose symptoms already present, to assess the risks of the diseases and their relationship to lifestyle, to design a personalized intervention and how to communicate it to the client/patient.
Students will prepare report on the internship (scope of work, typical patient profile, organization of work in the office, spectrum of medical procedures) and a case study of one of the patients examined during the internship.
Students will also take part in one-day internship at the Department of Occupational Medicine at the University Hospital in Pilsen. The aim of the internship is to enable students to expand basic knowledge of occupational medicine and occupational diseases, which they studied in the 5th year during a seminar within the course of Internal Medicine.
The internship with a general practitioner may be completed in advance after the end of the fifth year during the summer holidays or any time during the sixth year, but it must be completed by the end of 3-week block.
Last update: Tišerová Petra (27.06.2022)
Public Healths
Obligatory literature:
Bencko, V. and col.: Hygiene and epidemiology, Selected Chapters, Charles University, 2004
Additional literature:
Bencko, V. and col.: Hygiene and epidemiology, Selected Chapters, Prague, 2007
Lener, J. and col.: General and environmental hygiene, Prague 1994
Čeledová,L.,Holčík,J. Social Medicine. An Introduction to New Public Health. Praha: Karolinum. 2019
Lecture in Moodle
Last update: Stříbrná Vanda (21.06.2022)
Requirements to the exam
Public Health: Education is finished with credit. Processing seminar work and 90% of presents in education is condition for credit.
Social Medicine: Education is finished with credit (80% presentations). Exam is from 2 subjects – Social Medicine together with Hygiene and Preventive Medicine
Last update: Stříbrná Vanda (21.06.2022)
Public Health:
S y l l a b u s o f L e c t u r e s f r o m t h e s u b j e c t “P u b l i c H e a l t h M e d i c i n e”
for the students of the 5th year (English speaking), branch Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University in Prague 1. An analysis of the status of public health. Recent and current issues in public health. Scope, functions and responsibilities of public health. Primary prevention specific and non-specific as the basic attitude towards the human health; Principles and methods for studying of environmental, working and living conditions and their impact on the human being; Health protection and health promotion, health risks and health hazards assessments. The main environmental problems of Czech Republic and in Europe at present their roots and their consequences in the health situation of the population. The chemical contamination of the air, soils, waters, foods, the beneficial projects for environmental problems resolution. 2. Health and Diet: Food supply. Food safety. Nutrition. Nutritional composition of diet. Definition of Functional food. Dietary recommendations, their definition and application: General guidelines, Food based dietary guidelines during life span. Energy and nutrients standards and recommendations for healthy person and patients. 3. Food safety and quality. Health food safety, EU legislation, risk analysis, supervisory authorities, rapid alert system for food and feed. Xenobiotics: Additives. Contaminants. The difference between food quality, food safety, and nutritional needs from public health perspectives. 4. Obesity pandemic, epidemiology, determinants, heredity, definition and classification according WHO, its comorbidities, the possibilities of prevention and treatment of obesity. Community programmes for obesity prevention. Call for action on obesity. Obesity management. Promotion through nutrition of children` and mothers` health. The other chronic non - communicable diseases: especially cardiovascular diseases and cancer; their prevention at the individual and community levels. 5. Prevention of health disorders and healthy development of children and youth. Assessment of child growth and development - basic somatometric characteristics, use and interpretation of growth charts for children. Injury prevention. Prevention of child maltreatment and other types of violence against children. Healthy school environment – health risks and health promotion in schools, inadequate school stress. Risk behaviour in adolescence. 6. Non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. Principles of protection of health care professionals from irradiation. UV radiation - consequences for health. Hygienic management of waste and waste water. Sustainable Development - worldwide principles to achieve a healthy environment and responsible, healthy society.
S y l l a b u s o f E x e r c i s e s f r o m t h e s u b j e c t “P u b l i c H e a l t h M e d i c i n e”
for the students of the 5th year (English speaking), branch Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University in Prague
7. Principles of chemical, biological and microbiological analysis of drinking water sample, public health demands on drinking water quality including the hygienic limits. Methods of drinking water disinfection. Hygienic management of drinking water supplying including alternative modes. Principles of building and maintenance of individual sources of drinking and service water. In-door environment: lighting, noise, hydro thermic complex; chemical pollution use of measurements and risk analyses, the hygienic limits. 8. Planning of Community health projects (identifying priorities, setting aims and objectives, defining target population, identifying resources, strategy, personal responsibility, time schedule, budget and strategy of evaluation). 9. Nutritional monitoring I: Dietary habits and food pattern assessment: Food balance sheets. Food frequency questionnaire. Dietary recall and records. Food basket studies. Household food budget surveys. Their validity. Individual diet history. Alternative diets. Negative outcomes of macrobiotic or vegan diet. 10. Nutritional monitoring II: Examination if nutritional state: somatometric examination (body weight, height, body fatness assessment using BIA, caliper skinfold thickness measurement, waist circumference), clinical examination of markers of nutrient deficiency, blood pressure.) and biochemical examination using Reflotron: (lipids and glucose plasma level measurements..). Self-tailored recommendation on cardiovascular disease prevention based on individual risk analysis. 11. Differentiation of energy needs. Resting energy expenditure. Thermic effect of food. Thermic effect of exercise, general signs of marasmus. Proteins and amino acids, their dietary sources, recommended allowances for protein, general signs of deficiency. Lipids in the diet, their dietary sources, usual and recommended intakes, their pathophysiological significance for health Carbohydrates in the diet, their dietary sources, recommended allowances. Dietary fiber, its function, sources, daily recommended intake and preventive effects. Primary prevention of tooth decay. Nutritional strategy and dental hygiene. Dietary recommendations. 12. Food safety and health prevention. Screening method of salt content assessment in the diet. Hand hygiene, standards requirements, determination of the total number of microorganisms by the fingerprint method on the Petri dish and evaluation of the correct procedure for hand hygiene. 13. Epidemiology and prevention of harmful use of tobacco. The legislative framework and possible solutions to this global epidemic. The health impacts of smoking. . 14. Mental health and prevention of mental and psychosomatic disorders – basic principles and techniques: importance of life-style, interpersonal ties, work environment, emotional self-regulation, coping strategies and assertiveness, relaxation techniques. Psychosocial stress – key concepts, influence on human organism. Psychosomatics – theoretical basis, psychosomatic disorders, alexithymia. Personality typologies in relation to morbidity. Burn-out syndrome – risk factors, symptoms and diagnostics.
Social and Assessment Medicine :
Lectures and Seminars
Introduction to the study subject. Social medicine and Public health . Theory of health and disease. Determinants of health and possibilities how to affect them.
World Health Organization. Meaning, activity, programs.
History of medicine . Important personalities and discoveries in the history of medicine.
Demography and its meaning for health care. Health status of population, methods of study, aims and meaning of its study. Heath status indicators.
Institute of Health Information and Statistics. International Classification of Disease and Related Problems. International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health.
Health statistics. Basic concepts.
Principles of modern health care. System approach for health and medical care. Systems of health care in the world. Health insurance. Financing of health care
Health literacy. Health education .
Organization of health care. Therapeutic preventive care (methods, parts, rules, provision). Ambulatory and hospital care. Primary care.
Medical Assessment Service. System of social security. Sickness insurance. Pension insurance.
Social gerontology. Issues of old age and aging of individuals and populations. Health and social problems in old age. Long-term care. Principles and possibilities.