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Topics for the State Examination in Internal Medicine 2021 2022.pdf | Questions for the state exam for the 6th year of general. medicine in English - academic year 2021/2022 | Jana Kličková |
The state exam of internal medicine is a final exam. The students should show general knowledge in the field of internal medicine and their practical use. Last update: Mlíková Seidlerová Jitka, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (31.10.2019)
Topics for the State Examination in Internal Medicine 2021/2022
Introduction into Clinical Medicine, Examination Methods 1. Medical history 2. Methods of physical examination, general signs and symptoms 3. Examination of head and neck 4. Examination of chest and lungs 5. Examination of heart 6. Measurement of blood pressure and heart rate 7. Examination of abdomen 8. Examination of extremities and vertebral column 9. Electrocardiogramme 10. Spirometry 11. Laboratory examination 12. Shortness of breath, cough 13. Chest pain 14. Vomiting 15. Bleeding from gastrointestinal tract 16. Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly 17. Diarrhea 18. Constipation 19. Jaundice 20. Edemas 21. Enhanced lymphatic nodes 22. Coma 23. Fever
Cardiovascular Medicine 1. Examination methods of cardiovascular system 2. Heart failure-classification, pathophysiology 3. Chroniic heart failure-causes, clinical course 4. Acute heart failure-causes, clinical course 5. Treatment of chronic heart failure 6. Treatment of acute heart failure 7. Arrhythmias-classification 8. The most common arrhythmias and their treatment 9. Severe anf live threatening arrhythmias and their treatment 10. Atherosclerosis, pathogenesis, risk factors and the most common manifestations 11. Coronary heart disease-classification 12. Acute myocardial infarction:diagnosis 13. Acute myocardial infarction: treatment 14. Acute myocardial infarction: early and late complications 15. Acute myocardial infarction: secondary prevention 16. Mitral stenosis 17. Mitral insufficiency 18. Aortic stenosis 19. Aortic insufficiency 20. Cardiomyopathies 21. Inf. endocarditis 22. Myocarditis, diseases of pericardium 23. Arterial hypertension-classification according to etiology 24. Arterial hypertension-diagnosis, classification according to severity 25. Essential arterial hypertension-its significance, prevalence, risk factors 26. Renal forms of arterial hypertension 27. Endocrine forms of arterial hypertension 28. Treatment of arterial hypertension 29. Chronic arterial hypotension, syncope 30. Peripheral arterial disease 31. Stroke 32. Varices of lower extremities, chronic venous insufficiency, thrombophlebitis 33. Deep vein thrombosis 34. Pulmonary embolism 35. Pulmonary hypertension, acute and chronic cor pulmonale
Endocrinology and Metabolism
1. Examination methods in endocrinology 2. Examination methods in diabetiology 3. Diabetes mellitus-etiology and classification 4. Diabetes mellitus-its significance and clinical course 5. Diabetes mellitus-acute complications 6. Diabetes mellitus-chronic complications 7. Diabetes mellitus-prevention and treatment 8. Disorders of lipid metabolism 9. Obesity 10. Malnutrition, mental anorexia 11. Gout, hyperuricemia 12. Impairment of water handling 13. Impairment of ion handling 14. Impairment of acid base balance 15. Diseases of thyroid gland-classification 16. Goiter with normal function 17. Hypothyroidism 18. Thyreotoxicosis 19. Inflammations and tumors of thyroid gland 20. Osteoporosis 21. Diseases of parathyroid glands 22. Insufficiency of adrenal cortex 23. Hyperaldosteronism 24. Hypercortisolism 25. Pheochromocytoma 26. Diseases of pituitary gland
1. Examination methods in hematology 2. Hemorrhagic states-classification 3. Hemophilias 4. Anemias-classification 5. Sideropenic and posthemorhagic anemias 6. Megaloblastic anemias 7. Hemolytic anemias 8. Aplastic anemias, myelodysplastic syndrome 9. Secondary anemias 10. Malignant lymphomas, chronic lymphatic leukemia 11. Chronic myeloproliferative diseases 12. Plasmocytoma 13. Therapy with blood and its derivatives
Gastroenterology 1. Examination methods in gastroenterology 2. Diseases of esophagus 3. Gastroduodenal ulcer 4. Cancer of esophagus and stomach 5. Malabsorption syndromes 6. Diverticulosis and divertikulitis 7. Colorectal cancer 8. Acute and chronic pancreatitis 9. Cancer of pancreas 10. Acute and chronic hepatitis 11. Alcoholic livar disease 12. Liver cirrhosis 13. Tumors of liver and biliary ways 14. Diseases of gallbladder
Nephrology 1. Examination methods in nephrology 2. Nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis 3. Urinary tract infections 4. Acute renal failure 5. Chronic renal failure, uremia 6. Cysts and cystic kidney diseases 7. Nephrolithiasis 8. Kidney tumors
Rheumatology 1. Examination methods in rheumatology 2. Rheumatoid arthritis 3. Connective tissue diseases (systematic lupus erythematodes and others) 4. Seronegative spondylarthritis (Bechterev disease and other forms) 5. Degenerative diseases of joints and verebral column
Urgeent states 1. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 2. Coma-differential diagnosis 3. Coma of metabolic and endocrine causes 4. Shock-differential diagnosis 5. Cardiogenic shock 6. Acute shortness of breath 7. Acute chest pain 8. Syncope
Pulmonology and phthisiology
1. Respiratory failure, oxygen therapy, ventilatory support 2. Overview of the causes of acute dyspnea, obstruction of the large airways 3. Hemoptysis – differential diagnosis and treatment 4. Community acquired infections of lower airways, community acquired pneumonias 5. Nosocomial pneumonias, pneumonias in immunocompromised host, lung abscess 6. Bronchial asthma, diagnosis and therapy of stable bronchial asthma 7. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and its phenotypes, diagnosis 8. Management of obstructive pulmonary diseases and treatment of stable COPD 9. Pleural effusion, empyema, hemothorax, chylothorax 10. Pneumothorax, classification, diagnostics, therapy 11. Thoracentesis, pleural fluid analyses 12. Lung cancer, classification, diagnostics, differential diagnosis 13. Lung cancer – therapeutic modalities 14. Bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, diagnostics and therapy 15. Disorders of the mediastinum – neoplasms, mediastinitis, mediastinal syndromes 16. Classification of diffuse parenchymal pulmonary diseases, diagnosis 17. Sarcoidosis – staging, diagnostic procedures and therapy 18. Impaired pulmonary interstitium in collagenoses and vasculitis, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage 19. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) 20. Sleep – disordered breathing, sleep apnea, diagnosis, treatment 21. Pulmonary tuberculosis - etiology, primary and post-primary tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteriosis 22. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis, latent tuberculosis 23. Pulmonary tuberculosis, including miliary tuberculosis - diagnosis, therapy 24. Differential diagnosis of precapillary and postcapillary pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary arterial hypertension 25. Pulmonary function testing – ventilation, respiration, bronchoconstrictive and bronchodilation tests 26. Bronchoscopy, chest ultrasonography, and other pneumologic investigative methods
Doc. Jana Hirmerová, M.D., Ph.D. Prof. Jan Filipovsky, M.D., Ph.D. Deputy head for education Head of the 2nd Department of Internal Diseases
Last update: Hirmerová Jana, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (05.11.2021)
The 6 th year students, 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, 2nd floor - Library room
State exam from internal medicine: practical part - complete patient history and clinical examination of the patients, evaulation of the findings and differential diagnostics, BP measurement, proposal of further tests and treatment. State exam from internal medicine: theoreticall part - 4 questions (1. from propedeutics in internal medicine, 2. cardiology and emergency situations in internal medicine, 3. from other internal medicine fields, 4. pneumology) + assessment of one ECG. Requirement for state exam conduction is full internal medicine block attendance with certificate in credit statement and record of credit in Student information system. Last update: Mlíková Seidlerová Jitka, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (31.10.2019)
Introduction into Clinical Medicine, Examination Methods
Cardiovascular Medicine
Endocrinology and Metabolism
Urgeent states
Last update: Mlíková Seidlerová Jitka, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (31.10.2019)