Psychiatric terminology. Typical signs and symptoms of psychiatrie disorders. International classification of mental and behavioural disorders. Interviewing and history taking. Formulation of psychiatric diagnosis. Treatment in psychiatry. Participation at therapeutic programmes for patients. Training of interview techniques and history - taking.
Last update: BURIANKO (31.03.2005)
Obecná psychiatrie, popis jednotlivých klinických jednotek uvedených podle kritérií Mezinárodní klasifikace nemocí, zásady diagnostiky a léčby v psychiatrii. Demonstrace pacientů, účast na terapeutických aktivitách na psychiatrické klinice. Vlastní vyšetření psychiatrického pacienta.
Last update: BURIANKO (31.03.2005)
Literature - Czech
Goldberg D., Bejnajmin S., Creed F.: Psychiatry in Medical Practice. Routlege, London (last edition). Kaplan H. I., Sadock B. J.: Synopsis of Psychiatry. Lippicott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia (last edition). American Journal of Psychiatry
Last update: BURIANKO (31.03.2005)
Requirements to the exam
Lectures from Psychiatry has been successfully concluded and credits has been issued. Majority of students has already passed the exam. Individual examination could be arranged until August. For individual requests, regarding exams or credits please contact our secretary Mgr. Kateřina Rundováa . E mail-
Topics and teaching materials can be found at Moodle.