SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Surgery SE - E0112033
Title: Chirurgie SZ
Guaranteed by: Department of Surgery (14-400)
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
Points: 0
E-Credits: 0
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/0, STEX [HT]
Extent per academic year: 0 [weeks]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
For type:  
Note: deregister from the exam date if a requisite was not fulfilled
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Jiří Moláček, Ph.D.
Co-requisite : E0110020, E0110025, E0110032, E0110033, E0110036, E0110037, E0110057, E0110120, E0110126, E0110431
Incompatibility : EP0106400S
Interchangeability : EP0106400S
Is incompatible with: EP0106400S
Is interchangeable with: EP0106400S
Files Comments Added by
download Otázky ke SRZ z chirurgie - všeobecné lékařství.doc Otázky ke SRZ z chirurgie - všeobecné lékařství prof. MUDr. Josef Vodička, Ph.D.
Annotation -
Surgery - history and future. Asepsis, anti-sepsis, disinfection, sterilisation. Wounds - classification, healing, healing disorders, temporary and definite treatment. Strategy for diagnostics and therapy of infections in surgery. Sepsis. Anaerobic and mixed infections. Purulent infections of skin, subcutaneous tissue and skin adnexa. Panaritia and purulent infections in the hand. Nosocomial infections. Pathophysiological changes caused by surgery and trauma. Metabolism disorders in surgical patients and their correction. Nutritional issues and intensive care in surgery. Basic algorithm for diagnostics of surgical disorders. General basis of surgical therapy. Preparation of a patient for surgery. Surgical procedure - general rules, terminology of basic surgeries, instrumentation. Basic surgical procedures of a general nature. Basics of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Basic rules for post-operation care. Complications in the surgical wound. Post-operation gastrointestinal complications. Post-operation respiratory complications. Post-operation circulatory and thrombembolic complications. Post-operation urinary, allergic and neurological complications. Blood transfusion. Shock. Basic procedures in first aid and pre-hospital life support. Heat injury. Crush syndrome, reperfusion syndrome, blast syndrome. Basic characteristics of war surgery. General issues of oncological surgery. Transplantology.
Surgery of the thyroid gland. Surgery of parathyroid glands. Pleural syndromes. Primary and secondary lung tumours. Injury to the chest. Mediastinal inflammation and tumours. Breast inflammation and tumours. External and internal hernias. Non-neoplastic oesophageal disorders. Gastroduodenal ulcer. Tumours of the oesophagus and stomach. Crohn’s disease. Inflammatory disorders of the large bowel. Non-neoplastic disorders of the anorectum. Colorectal carcinoma. Benign and malignant disorders of the liver. Injuries to the liver and spleen. Cholecystolithiasis and its complications. Differential diagnostic of obstructive icterus. Pancreatic tumours. Bleeding to the gastrointestinal tract. Acute appendicitis. Inflammatory acute abdomen. Ileous acute abdomen. Peripheral vascular disorder of the lower limbs. Diabetic foot. Aneurysm of aorta and peripheral arteries. Acute limb ischemia. Organ transplantation. The most frequent surgical disorders in paediatrics.
Diagnostic procedures, methods of treatment and perioperative care in neurosurgery. Intracranial hypertension. Surgery of congenital and developmental disorders of nervous system. Head and brain trauma. Spinal trauma with spinal cord and spinal roots trauma. Intracranial expansive lesions (tumorous and nontumorous expansions, vascular lesions, inflammatory lesions). Expansions in spinal channel, spinal cord tumorous lesions, spinal cord compressive syndromes. Surgery of peripheral nerves. Functional neurosurgery (treatment of pain, epilepsy and movement disorders, lesional functional neurosurgery). Surgery of brain ischaemia (carotid endarterectomy, EC-IC bypass, decompressive craniectomy). Haemorrhagic vascular diseases (aneurysms, AVM, cavernomas, hypertonic haematomas). Benign intracranials tumours. Malignant intracranials tumours. Degenerative diseases of cervical and lumbar spine. Hydrocephalus.
Basic principles of cardiopulmonary bypass systems. Basic principles and examples of cardiac assist devices. Surgical tretament of coronary artery disease. Complications of coronary artery disease and their surgical treatment. Acquired valve diseases and their surgical treatment. Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation. Frequent congenital valve diseases and basics of their surgical treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of ascending aorta and aortic arch diseases. Acute aortic dissection (diagnosis and treatment). Heart transplant. Postoperative care in cardiac surgery. Nonpenetrating cardiac injuries. Penentrating cardiac injuries. Cardiac tamponade (diagnosis and treatment). Frequent cardiac tumors (diagnosis and treatment).
Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (02.09.2013)
Course completion requirements - Czech

SZZ z chirurgie je prezenční a ústní. Při zkoušce si student vylosuje 3 otázky, po jedné z obecné chirurgie, speciální chirurgie a alternativně z neurochirurgie či kardiochirurgie.

Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (29.08.2023)
Literature - Czech

Beneš V. a kol. Ischémie mozku, chirurgická a endovaskulární terapie. Praha, Galén, 2003. Dominik J. Kardiochirurgie. Praha, Grada Publishing, 1998. Firt P., Hejnal J., Vaněk I. Cévní chirurgie. Praha, Karolinum, 2006. Mraček Z. Kraniocerebrální traumatologie. Praha, Avicenum, 1988. Náhlovský J. a kol. Neurochirurgie. Praha, Galén, 2006. Navrátil L. a kol. Neurochirurgie. Praha, Karolinum, 2012. Němec P. a kol. Kardiochirurgie. Olomouc, Univerzita Palackého, 2006. Přibáň V. Atlas chirurgické léčby mozkové ischémie. Praha, Triton, 2010. Sameš M. a kol. Neurochirurgie. Praha, Maxdorf, 2005. Smrčka M. Poranění mozku. Praha, Grada Publishing, 2001. Suchomel P., Krbec M. Spondylolistéza. Praha, Galén, 2007. Šnajdauf J., Škába R. a kol. Dětská chirurgie. Praha, Galén, 2005. Třeška V. a kol. Propedeutika vybraných klinických oborů. Praha, Grada Publishing, 2003. Třeška V. a kol. Transplantologie pro mediky, Praha, Karolinum, 2002. Vaněk I. a kol. Kardiovaskulární chirurgie. Praha, Karolinum, 2002. Hoch J., Leffler J. a kol.: Speciální chirurgie. 3. vydání. Praha, Maxdorf, 2011. Krška Z., Hoskovec D., Petruželka L. a kol.: Chirurgická onkologie. Praha, Grada Publishing, 2014..Třeška V. a kol.: Traumatologie břicha a retroperitonea. Plzeň, NAVA, 2013. Skalický T., Třeška V., Šnajdauf J., Kala Z. a kol.: Hepato-pankreato-biliární chirurgie. Praha, Maxdorf, 2011. Vodička J a kol.: Speciální chirurgie. 2. vydání. Praha, Karolinum, 2014. Vodička J. a kol.: Traumatologie hrudníku. Praha, Galén, 2015. Zeman M., Krška Z. a kol.: Chirurgická propedeutika. 4. vydání. Praha, Grada Publishing, 2023. Zeman M., Krška Z. a kol.: Speciální chirurgie. 3. vydání. Praha, Galén, 2014.


Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (29.08.2023)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

Zápočet při splnění povinné docházky.

Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (29.08.2023)
Syllabus -

Surgery - history and future. Asepsis, anti-sepsis, disinfection, sterilisation. Wounds - classification, healing, healing disorders, temporary and definite treatment. Strategy for diagnostics and therapy of infections in surgery. Sepsis. Anaerobic and mixed infections. Purulent infections of skin, subcutaneous tissue and skin adnexa. Panaritia and purulent infections in the hand. Nosocomial infections. Pathophysiological changes caused by surgery and trauma. Metabolism disorders in surgical patients and their correction. Nutritional issues and intensive care in surgery. Basic algorithm for diagnostics of surgical disorders. General basis of surgical therapy. Preparation of a patient for surgery. Surgical procedure - general rules, terminology of basic surgeries, instrumentation. Basic surgical procedures of a general nature. Basics of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Basic rules for post-operation care. Complications in the surgical wound. Post-operation gastrointestinal complications. Post-operation respiratory complications. Post-operation circulatory and thrombembolic complications. Post-operation urinary, allergic and neurological complications. Blood transfusion. Shock. Basic procedures in first aid and pre-hospital life support. Heat injury. Crush syndrome, reperfusion syndrome, blast syndrome. Basic characteristics of war surgery. General issues of oncological surgery. Transplantology. Surgery of the thyroid gland. Surgery of parathyroid glands. Pleural syndromes. Primary and secondary lung tumours. Injury to the chest. Mediastinal inflammation and tumours. Breast inflammation and tumours. External and internal hernias. Non-neoplastic oesophageal disorders. Gastroduodenal ulcer. Tumours of the oesophagus and stomach. Crohn’s disease. Inflammatory disorders of the large bowel. Non-neoplastic disorders of the anorectum. Colorectal carcinoma. Benign and malignant disorders of the liver. Injuries to the liver and spleen. Cholecystolithiasis and its complications. Differential diagnostic of obstructive icterus. Pancreatic tumours. Bleeding to the gastrointestinal tract. Acute appendicitis. Inflammatory acute abdomen. Ileous acute abdomen. Peripheral vascular disorder of the lower limbs. Diabetic foot. Aneurysm of aorta and peripheral arteries. Acute limb ischemia. Organ transplantation. The most frequent surgical disorders in paediatrics. Diagnostic procedures, methods of treatment and perioperative care in neurosurgery. Intracranial hypertension. Surgery of congenital and developmental disorders of nervous system. Head and brain trauma. Spinal trauma with spinal cord and spinal roots trauma. Intracranial expansive lesions (tumorous and nontumorous expansions, vascular lesions, inflammatory lesions). Expansions in spinal channel, spinal cord tumorous lesions, spinal cord compressive syndromes. Surgery of peripheral nerves. Functional neurosurgery (treatment of pain, epilepsy and movement disorders, lesional functional neurosurgery). Surgery of brain ischaemia (carotid endarterectomy, EC-IC bypass, decompressive craniectomy). Haemorrhagic vascular diseases (aneurysms, AVM, cavernomas, hypertonic haematomas). Benign intracranials tumours. Malignant intracranials tumours. Degenerative diseases of cervical and lumbar spine. Hydrocephalus. Basic principles of cardiopulmonary bypass systems. Basic principles and examples of cardiac assist devices. Surgical tretament of coronary artery disease. Complications of coronary artery disease and their surgical treatment. Acquired valve diseases and their surgical treatment. Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation. Frequent congenital valve diseases and basics of their surgical treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of ascending aorta and aortic arch diseases. Acute aortic dissection (diagnosis and treatment). Heart transplant. Postoperative care in cardiac surgery. Nonpenetrating cardiac injuries. Penentrating cardiac injuries. Cardiac tamponade (diagnosis and treatment). Frequent cardiac tumors (diagnosis and treatment).

Last update: Vodička Josef, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (02.09.2013)
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