Epidemiology - E0110020
Title: Epidemiologie
Guaranteed by: Ústav epidemiologie (14-530)
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 2
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:30/0, C+Ex [HS]
Extent per academic year: 30 [hours]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
For type:  
Note: deregister from the exam date if a requisite was not fulfilled
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Petr Pazdiora, CSc.
Attributes: Povinné předměty pro Všeobecné lékařství
Co-requisite : E0105084
Interchangeability : EP0104130
Is co-requisite for: E0112019, E0112023, E0112024, E0112025, E0112038, E0112029, E0112113, E0112033
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   Schedule   Noticeboard   
Annotation -
General epidemiology, disinfetion, disinsection,deratisation, sterilization, vaccination, epidemiology of artropod-borne infections, gastrointestinal infections, viral hepatitis, nosocomial infections, HIV/AIDS.
Last update: Merhoutová Štěpánka, Bc. (24.04.2020)
Literature - Czech

Farník J., Pazdiora P.: Základy obecné epidemiologie, Praha SPN 1990 (dotisk Karolinum 1995) Farník J., Pazdiora P. : Speciální epidemiologie. Praha SPN 1991 (dotisk Karolinum 1995) Bakoss P.: Compendium of Epidemiology. Comenius University Bratislava 1999. Mandal B.K., Wilkins, E.G.L., Dunbar, E.M., Mayon-White, R.T.: Lecture notes on Infectious Diseases. Blackwell Science Ltd. 1996. Göpfertová D., Pazdiora P., Dáňová J.: Epidemiologie infekčních nemocí. Karolinum 2002. Göpfertová D., Pazdiora P., Dáňová J.: Obecná a speciální epidemiologie infekčních nemocí. Karolinum 2006. Bakoss P.: Epidemiológia. Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava 2005.  Göpfertová D., Pazdiora P., Dáňová J.: Epidemiologie infekčních nemocí. Karolinum 2013.

Last update: Čechová Jaroslava (24.10.2014)
Requirements to the exam -

The credit: 100% presence during the epidemiology lessons.

The exam requires a credit.

The exam: the written and oral part of the exam.

More details in "studijní opory".

Last update: Merhoutová Štěpánka, Bc. (05.10.2022)
Syllabus - Czech

Obecná epidemiologie. Dezinfekce, dezinsekce, deratizace a sterilizace. Epidemiologie přírodně ohniskových nákaz. Epidemiologie gastrointestinálních infekcí. Epidemiologie virových hepatitid. Očkování. Nozokomiální infekce. Epidemiologie HIV/AIDS.
Epidemiologické aktuality.


General epidemiology, disinfetion, disinsection,deratisation, sterilization, vaccination, epidemiology of artropod-borne infections, gastrointestinal infections, viral hepatitis, nosocomial infections, HIV/AIDS.

Last update: Merhoutová Štěpánka, Bc. (16.04.2020)
Learning resources -

 In the school year 2021/2022 at the Department of Epidemiology we count on full-time teaching,but if necessary, we are also ready for the distance form. In both cases the condition for the credit is 100% participation in classes. The substitution of missing practises will be possible after an agreement and depending on the epidemiological situation presence or distance. 

The full time exam has got a written part (the student draws 4 test questions, to which he answers in writing in his own words) and an oral part ( 1 question fron general and 2 from special epidemiology – according to the list of questions). Preparation time 15-20 min. 

If a distance exam is necessary, the examiner draws questions in front of the camera with the text to the student. The first four questions (the written part of the common exam) the students answer orally. Then one question from general and one from special epidemiology are drawn. The students answer immediately after drawind lots without the preparation.


Last update: Merhoutová Štěpánka, Bc. (05.10.2022)