Object: Detail overview about miniinvasive surgery in urology with practical aspects of laparoscopy, demostrations of laparoscopic technique and specific surgical courses, basic training in trainers, presentation of surgical techniques in operating room, assistance in surgery.
a. Basics of laparoscopy, indications, contraindications, instruments, devices b. Capnoperitoneum technique, trocar placements, basic steps c. Miniinvasive surgery of urological diagnosis d. Video analysis – various techniques, step-by-step e. Trainer excersises, basic laparoscopic skills f. Practical miniinvasive surgery with active participations of students (assistance in operations, indications and planning of surgical treatment) Last update: Havlová Marie (13.09.2016)
Last update: Slušná Nataša, PhDr., CSc. (27.09.2017)
no exam Last update: Slušná Nataša, PhDr., CSc. (06.11.2017)
Sylabus – Miniinvasive surgery in urology Optional subject recommended for students in 5. and 6. year
Venue: Department of Urology, 2nd Medical school of Charles University, Hospital Motol, Prague Start: 14.00 (2 PM) Number of students: minimal 2, maximal 4
Object: Detail overview about miniinvasive surgery in urology with practical aspects of laparoscopy, demostrations of laparoscopic technique and specific surgical courses, basic training in trainers, presentation of surgical techniques in operating room, assistance in surgery.
a. Basics of laparoscopy, indications, contraindications, instruments, devices b. Capnoperitoneum technique, trocar placements, basic steps c. Miniinvasive surgery of urological diagnosis d. Video analysis – various techniques, step-by-step e. Trainer excersises, basic laparoscopic skills f. Practical miniinvasive surgery with active participations of students (assistance in operations, indications and planning of surgical treatment)
Schedule: Monday 14.00 (auditorium of urological department): Lecture on basics of laparoscopy, instruments and device equipment, videopresentations of surgical methods a techniques (2 hrs.) Tuesday 14.00 (exercise room of department of urology): Trainer tutorial (2 hours) Further 16 hours during the semester will be offered to practical application of achieved knowledge. Students will participate during mininvasive surgical procedures assist during operations at urological department (10 hours), during indication and planning of surgical treatment (3 hours). The part of the course will include trainer tutorials (3 hours). Organizer: Department of Urology, 2nd Medical school of Charles University, Hospital Motol, Prague
Last update: Čechová Jana, Mgr. (14.09.2017)