Teaching in the 4th year continues in the form of lectures and 2 blocks (seminars) on pharmacology I.
In special pharmacology, in addition to the basic characteristics of individual drug groups, emphasis is placed on the treatment of individual nosological units and the rational use of drugs in compliance with generally valid legal and professional regulations (e.g. recommended treatment procedures of professional societies). An integral part of the teaching of pharmacology is the knowledge and skill of prescribing drugs, both mass-produced medicinal products and individually prepared ones.
Last update: Hořovská Jana, Mgr. (27.08.2024)
The main objective of the study of pharmacology is to acquire knowledge that would help to increase the efficacy, safety and rationality of drug use in clinical practice. The ultimate goal is the application of this knowledge in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. Last update: Hořovská Jana, Mgr. (27.08.2024)
Lectures: are recommended, ppt. lecture presentations and useful questions resulting from the lectures are available at MOOODLE. Seminars are in blocks: one absence for serious reasons is possible within one block (see Dean's Action 4/2022). An absence of the type "I'm going to help with the teaching of another subject") is not possible. If distance learning is necessary, both blocks will be available on MOODLE. You must bring a mobile phone/tablet (internet connection) to the seminars. Some classes will take place in computer room C 205 event. B 114 ( will be announced in due course). The schedule of lectures and seminars is in MOODLE and on the bulletin board in front of room C 209 in Plzeňská campus).
Conditions for granting credit: Credit will be awarded on the basis of attendance, active participation during individual days, which will include continuous testing (e.g. in the form of sw Socrative), final test in each block + students' own presentation on the chosen topic in the 1st or 2nd block. The final test in each block will be on Friday (event on Thursday if Friday is a holiday). It will contain questions from the topics discussed in the seminars and from topics for self-study, the limit for completing the test: 70% and more. Otherwise, the student writes a correction test in the time outside the block and after teaching all the student groups of the given block.
Conditions for exam: In addition to two credits, i.e. from summer semester and from blocks, a "big" pre-examination test in Moodle must be completed. The minimum pass rate for each test is 80%. Tests can be repeated until the desired success is achieved. All tests must be completed by the exam date, which means that it is not possible to pass the exam without writing credit tests!!!
Exam: The oral exam in pharmacology can only be taken after meeting the conditions for obtaining credit. The exam consists of a verification of knowledge of prescription (specialties and magistraliter of preparations) and 3 theoretical questions. It includes questions from general and special pharmacology and pharmacotherapy of important clinical conditions. It is not allowed to use drug information resources or any electronic devices (including mobile phones) during the exam.
Exam period: starts at the turn of February/ March and ends on the last day of June. ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER FOR THE 1ST TERM OF THIS PERIOD. THERE WILL BE RESITS ONLY IN SEPTEMBER! Last update: Hořovská Jana, Mgr. (27.08.2024)
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 7th ed,, 2019, authors: Whalen Karen, Carinda Feild; Rajan Radhakrishnan; Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer 2019. (A), (available as e-book) ++ Rang & Dale´s Pharmacology: Churchill Livingstone, 9th ed., 2019 (A) or Rang & Dale´s Pharmacology, Elsevier, 10th ed., 2024, (A), (both available as e-books) ++ Katzung, B. G.: Basic & Clinical Pharmacology: Mcgraw Hill Education & Medic, 15th ed. 2020 (A) (available as e-book) ++ Lüllmann, H., Klaus M., Lutz. H: Color Atlas of Pharmacology; Thieme, 5th ed., 2017 (available as e-book) ++ Neal, M. J.: Medical Pharmacology at a Glance, 9th Edition, Wiley- Blackwell , 2020 (A), (available as e-book) Dale's Pharmacology Condensed: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, Elsevier, 2021
A…outside the library B…only to the study room D…will be published during the school year E…personally at the clinic + obligatory ++ recommended
Lectures: https://dl1.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=6110
Pharmacology quizes: https://dl1.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=5669 Last update: Hořovská Jana, Mgr. (27.08.2024)
1. Pharmaceutical, medicinal product, batch, (illegal) drugs, life cycle of drugs, dispensing of drugs in a pharmacy. information about drugs. 3. Names of pharmaceuticals/drugs, generic drugs, brand (name) drugs, prescription-only drugs (POM), over-the-country drugs (OTC), drug bioequivalence. 4. Development of drugs and clinical trials, clinical trial phases, approval requirements 5. Drug toxicity, toxicity test, drug dose, teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of drugs. Examples. 6. Pharmacovigilance: importance, basic principles, undesirable effects of drugs, drug side effect reporting. 7. Marketing authorization of a drug, original and copy (proprietary and non-proprietary), synthetic and biological drugs, drug-related legislation and Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification of drugs, drug promotion and marketing. 8. Proprietary medicinal products, individually prepared medicinal product, patient information leaflet, SPC. 9. Information provided about drugs, medical product price regulation, drug reimbursement from public health insurance system. 10. Drug regulatory agencies, basic legislative standards for handling of drugs. 11. Addictive substances, principles of prescribing intoxication and psychotropic substances. 12. Medical prescription, technique of prescribing proprietary medicinal products. 13. Principles and technique of prescribing individually prepared medicinal products, (magistral preparations). 14. General principles governing drug pharmacokinetics: drug movement within the body, microcirculation, filtration, biological barriers. 15. Factors affecting drug passage across biological membranes, water or fat drug solubility, ionization status and pH of the environment. 16. Transport of the molecule of a pharmaceutical across the cell membrane, division of transport processes by energy requirements, passive transport, active transport, facilitated diffusion, membrane transport proteins (transporters), channel proteins. 17. Effect of physical-chemical properties of pharmaceuticals on protein binding and their distribution within the body. Binding affinity. 18. Pharmacokinetics, pharmacokinetic parameters. 19. Pharmacokinetic processes, zero and first order kinetics. 20. Drug absorption, factors affecting absorption, interactions at the level of absorption, bioavailability, drug concentration, amount of drug in the body. 21. Binding of pharmaceuticals to (body) proteins, drug distribution, volume of distribution, their importance for clinical practice, selective accumulation of drugs. 22. Distribution of drugs in the body (volume of distribution, its importance for drug dosing), loading dose, loading dose calculation. 23. Drug metabolism, Phase I and II biotransformation reactions. 24. Biotransformation reactions of drugs and their importance for effect and elimination of pharmaceuticals from the body (types of biotransformation reactions, enzyme induction and inhibition). 25. Pro-drugs, their clinical relevance, examples, factors affecting drug metabolism. 26. Elimination of drugs in case of failure of elimination organs - possibility of dosage adjustment 27. Pharmaco-genetics and its use in clinical practice (importance, use in practice, examples). 28. Drug elimination (clearance), renal, hepatobiliary elimination, organs of elimination. 29. Rate of drug elimination from the body, renal and hepatic clearance (elimination constant, elimination half-life). 30. Biological half-life, steady state, their relevance for clinical practice. 31. Routes of drug administration (relationship between technique of administration and rate of onset plus duration of effect of the drug, relationship to substance pharmacokinetics); dosage forms. 32. Importance of pharmacokinetics for optimizing drug dosing (relationship between dose, plasma concentration and drug action). Therapeutic drug monitoring (examples). 33. Pharmacokinetic compartment models, one-compartment, multi-compartment system, temporal course of drug levels in the body. 34. Pharmacokinetics; basic parameters and formulas for the calculation of pharmacokinetic parameters, importance of individual parameters. 35. Mode of action of drugs at the molecular level; target structures for drug action, drugs with receptor-independent action (examples). 36. Classification of receptors and their subtypes, main types of membrane receptors, G protein. 37. Basic quantitative aspects of pharmacon-receptor interaction (affinity, intrinsic activity, relevance for drug dosing and effect). 38. Intrinsic activity and affinity of xenobiotics, competitive and non-competitive antagonism and partial agonism (depict graphically the course of characterization curves). 39. Receptor desensitization and hypersensitization (mechanisms, examples). Receptor disease. 40. Major sites of drug action (receptor, ion channels, enzymes, and other). - examples 41. Dose-dependence (types of doses, dose-effect relationship, plasma level-effect relationship, therapeutic range). 42. Width of the therapeutic window, therapeutic index; individual variability in patients´ drug sensitivity/tolerance (causes). 43. Changes in the effect of drug on multiple administration (tachyphylaxis, tolerance, induction, inhibition, accumulation, drug dependence). 44. Drug-drug interaction (types of interaction and examples thereof). 45. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), importance, use in practice, examples. 46. Specific features of pharmacotherapy in older persons. Changes in pharmacodynamics effects and pharmacokinetic properties of drugs (examples). 47. Pharmacotherapy and drug dosing in children. 48. Pharmacotherapy in pregnancy and breastfeeding. Main classes of drugs that can be used to treat hypertension, thrombotic states, diabetes, bronchial asthma, and infectious diseases in pregnancy. 49. Pharmacotherapy in old age. 50. Pharmaco-economics. Pharmaco-economic analyses. 51. Drug intoxication; principles of its management, management of the patient, antidotes. 52. Rational pharmacotherapy, pharmacotherapy-associated risks and polypharmacy. 53. Undesirable (adverse) effects of drugs (AE), classification (dose dependence – specific examples). 54. Dysfunction of organs of elimination and drug dosing adjustment. 55. Alternative medicine and its risks. (Traditional medicine of the Far East, homeopathy, folk medicine, medicinal plants.) . TEST QUESTIONS IN SPECIAL PHARMACOLOGY . 1. Antiulcer agents, antacids, gastroprotective agents, H2 blockers (H2 receptor antagonists), proton pump inhibitors 2. Laxatives: contact laxatives, stool softeners, osmotic laxatives, osmotic saline laxatives. 3. Drugs increasing GI motility (promotility drugs), prokinetic drugs: serotonin receptor (5-HT4) agonists, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, dopamine D2 receptor antagonist, agents with side prokinetic effects. 4. Anti-emetics, serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptor antagonists, histamine H1 receptor antagonists, neuroleptics (antipsychotic medications) with antiemetic action, glucocorticoids as anti-emetics. 5. Rehydration solution in diarrheal diseases and principles of trace elements and ion supplementation in diarrheal diseases 6. Intestinal adsorbents and antidiarrheal agents: enkephalinase inhibitors, opioid antidiarrheal agents, intestinal astringents 7. Chemotherapeutics and antibiotics used in the treatment of bowel infections. 8. Anti-obesity drugs 9. Pancreatic enzymes 10. Spasmolytics 11. Choleretics 12. Hepatoprotective agents 13. Aminosalicylates used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease 14. Glucocorticoids in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease 15. Immunosuppressants used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease 16. Biologics used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease 17. Anti-hemorrhoid drugs 18. Fibrinolytic and antifibrinolytic drugs 19. Antiplatelet agents/drugs: irreversible cyclooxygenase inhibitors, adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor inhibitors, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors 20. Anticoagulants: vitamin K antagonists, gatrans, xabans 21. Anticoagulants: indirect thrombin inhibitors (heparin and low-molecular-weight heparins), indirect selective factor Xa inhibitors 22. Medicines in the secondary prevention of ischemic heart disease 23. Positive inotropes 24. Nitrates and nitric oxide (NO) donors 25. Beta-blockers 26. Calcium-channel blockers 27. ACE inhibitors 28. Angiotensin (II) receptor blockers 29. Modulators of cardiac metabolism, renin inhibitors, inhibitors of natriuretic peptide degradation 30. Diuretics 31. Vasodilators centrally (imidazoline receptor agonists, presynaptic α2 adrenergic receptor agonists) and peripherally (α1-adrenergic receptor blockers) acting vasodilators 32. Vasodilators: phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitors, vasodilatory prostaglandins, serotonin 5-HT2 receptor antagonists, xanthine peripheral vasodilators, phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors 33. Vasodilators used in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension: soluble guanylate cyclase activators, endothelin receptor antagonists, prostacyclin and prostacyclin analogues, prostacyclin receptor agonists 34. Antiarrhythmic agents 35. Lipid-lowering drugs 36. Anti-varicose drugs, vasodilators, nootropics - cognitive drugs 37. Analgesics – antipyretics 38. Analgesics – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, COX-2 inhibitors 39. Analgesics - opiates 40. Expectorants, mucolytics, antitussives 41. Antipsychotics 42. Antidepressants 42. Anxiolytics and hypnotics 44. Thyroid and anti-thyroid drugs 45. Insulins and insulin analogues 46. Oral antidiabetics and incretin mimetics 47. Secretagogues, peripheral insulin sensitizers, α-glucosidase inhibitors. Incretins, inhibitors of DPP4 and inhibitors of SGLT2 48. Hormonal contraception 49. Cytostatic drugs overview 50. General anesthetics and local anesthetics 51. Antihistamines and glucocorticoids 52. Immune system modulators, immunosuppressants, immunomodulators 53. Division of antibiotics 54. Antibiotic therapy-associated risks – undesirable (side) effects and issues related to resistance 55. Penicillin antibiotics 56. Cephalosporins 57. Carbapenems and aztreonam 58. Glycopeptide antibiotics 59. Fluoroquinolones 60. Macrolides 61. Azalides, ketolides, linezolid and other protein synthesis inhibitors 62. Aminoglycoside antibiotics 63. Anti-tuberculous drugs/anti-TB drugs 64. Tetracyclines, tigecycline, chloramphenicol 65. Sulphoamides, co-trimoxazole 66. Antiviral drugs 67. Local and systemic antifungals 68. Anti-parasitic drugs, (amoeba, trichomonas, toxoplasma, pneumocystis, worms, scabies, louse...). Anti-malarial drugs, antiseptics and disinfectants. 69. Drugs used in the treatment of bone metabolism disorders 70. Anti-parkinson drugs 71. Anti-anemic drugs (Fe, vitamins group B, hematopoietic growth factors, anabolics, glucocorticoids) 72. Infusion solutions, parenteral nutrition, transfusion preparations – division, risks 73. Centrally- and peripherally-acting muscle relaxants 74. Antiasthmatic drugs (selective 2-sympathomimetics, parasympatholytic agents – anticholinergics, glucocorticoids). 75. Theophylline and other xanthines, preventive asthma (controller) medicines (anti-inflammatory agents, immunoprophylactic agents, mast cell stabilizers, leukotriene modifiers), mucolytics, expectorants, antitussives 76. Antiepileptic drugs 77. Drugs used in obstetrics (prostaglandins, ergot alkaloids, tocolytics) 78. Drugs used in the treatment of urinary tract disorders (cholinergic drugs, anticholinergic drugs, sympatholytic drugs, 5α-reductase inhibitors, α1-blockers) 79. Female and male sex hormones 80. Minerals and trace elements 81. Vitamins 82. Biologic drugs (biologics) 83. Sympatholytic drugs, sympathomimetic drugs 84. Parasympatholytic drugs, parasympathomimetic drugs 85. Active and passive immunization, prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines 86. Ethanol – psychotropic and antimicrobial activity, mechanisms of action. Addiction treatment. Teratogenic effects. 87. Hemostatic drugs 88. Pancreatic hormones (insulin, glucagon, amylin) 89. Drugs affecting pituitary function 90. Hypothalamic hormones 91. Adenohypophyseal hormones 92. Posterior pituitary hormones 93. Hormones of the adrenals 94. Glucocorticoids 95. Mineralocorticoids 96. Glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid hormone antagonists 97. Hormones regulating the female reproductive system 98. Drugs used in hormone replacement therapy during menopause (HRT) 99. Male sex hormones, anabolic steroids 100. Cytokines – regulatory peptides 101. Targeted therapy in oncology (monoclonal antibodies, tinibs) . TEST QUESTIONS IN PHARMACOTHERAPY OF CLINICAL ENTITIES . 1. Pharmacotherapy of dyspepsia 2. Pharmacotherapy of gastroduodenal ulcer disease, Helicobacter pylori eradication 3. Principles of pharmacotherapy of constipation 4. Pharmacotherapy of nausea and vomiting 5. Pharmacotherapy diarrheal diseases 6. Pharmacotherapy of meteorism, gallbladder and bile duct diseases 7. Pharmacotherapy of liver diseases 8. Pharmacotherapy of inflammatory bowel disease 9. Pharmacotherapy of obesity 10. Pharmacotherapy of hemorrhoids 11. Pharmacotherapy of acute myocardial infarction 12. Pharmacotherapy of chronic heart failure 13. Pharmacotherapy of acute heart failure 14. Pharmacotherapy of stroke 15. Pharmacotherapy of epilepsy 16. Pharmacotherapy of osteoporosis 17. Pharmacotherapy of thyroid diseases 18. Pharmacotherapy of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 19. Pharmacotherapy of diabetes 20. Pharmacotherapy of hypertension 21. Pharmacotherapy of vein thrombosis 22. Pharmacotherapy of pulmonary embolism 23. Pharmacotherapy of pain 24. Pharmacotherapy cardiac rhythm disorders 25. Pharmacotherapy of bronchopneumonia 26. Pharmacotherapy of urinary tract infections (UTI) 27. Pharmacotherapy of peripheral arterial disease 28. Pharmacotherapy of respiratory tract infections 29. Pharmacotherapy of anaemia (Fe, B vitamins, hematopoietic growth factors, anabolics and glucocorticoids in anaemia) 30. Pharmacotherapy of glaucoma 31. Pharmacotherapy of dyslipoproteinemias 32. Pharmacotherapy of depression 33. Pharmacotherapy of allergic conditions 34. Pharmacotherapy of fever 35. Pharmacotherapy of cough 36. Pharmacotherapy of migraine 37. Pharmacotherapy of gout 38. Basics of ATB therapy 39. Basics of treatment in oncology. Safety of work with cytostatics 40. Medicines used in cystic fibrosis (CF) 41. Vaccines and their types. 42. Neuropathic pain and its treatment. 43. Monoclonal antibodies - mechanisms of action and indications – examples. 44. First aid kit equipment for travel. (Medicaments) 45. Hormonal treatment modalities (in oncology) 46. Pharmacotherapy of angina pectoris 47. Principles of gene therapy and its use . Recipes . 1. Prescribe antibiotic for paediatric patient 6 years to treat pneumonia. What are the potential side effect? 2. Prescribe antipyretic treatment for paediatric patient 4 years to treat high fever. What type of drug presentation can we suggest in case of vomiting? 3. Prescribe strong analgesic treatment for oncology patient suffering from metastasis. 4. Prescribe diuretics for adult patient as part of hypertension treatment. What are the possible side effects? What type of other drugs would you suggest? 5. Prescribe treatment of tachycardia for 2 month. What are the possible side effects? 6. Prescribe an oral treatment of diabetes DMII for 1 month. What are the possible side effects? 7. Prescribe antihistamine treatment of for an allergic patient for 2 month. What are the possible side effects? 8. Prescribe hypnotics for elderly patient. What are the possible side effects? 9. Prescribe anti-aggregation treatment to prevent thrombosis. What are the possible side effects? 10. Prescribe analgesic treatment (antiplatelet) for a patient suffering from osteoarthritis of left knee. What are the possible side effects?
Last update: Hořovská Jana, Mgr. (27.08.2024)
The Syllabus Pharmacology 2nd Medical Faculty
Lectures and Seminars Introduction to Pharmacology Basic terminology, types of treatment, development of new drugs, medicines act General Pharmacology
Pharmacokinetics Absorption, distribution, elimination and biotransformation of drugs Receptor theory, mechanism of drug actions Mechanism of regulation, receptors, mediatros, agonists, antagonists Interactions of drugs Mutual effects of drugs, toxicity Development of new drugs Development of new drug, preclinical and clinical assessment, registration Special Pharmacology
Pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system Physiology, receptors, mediators, agonists, antagonists, mechanism of action Parasympathetic nervous system - parasympathomimetics, parasympatolytics Sympathetic nervous system - agonists, antagonists, sympathomimetics, sympatholytics Cardiovascular system Antiarhytmic drugs Cardiac Arrhytmias, drugs affecting heart output, heartrate, classification Therapy of heart failure Heart failure, digitalis, positive inotropic effect, cardiac hypertrophy Beta blockers Beta receptors, classification, Clinic use and strategies Drugs used in blood coagulation disorders Diuretics Mechanism of action, classification Respiratory system Drugs for Asthma treatment, mucolytics, cough preparations Antihistmines Histamin, pathofysiology, effects, H1 and H2 agonists, clinical use 1st and 2nd generation Drugs used in GIT Drugs and the liver, therapy of peptic ulcers, spasmolytic agents, motility stimulating agents, laxatives, therapy of diarhoe Hypolipidemic drugs Types of pareticles, types of disorders, statins, fibrates, nicotin acid Drugs used in rheumatic disease and OA NSAIDs, SYSADOA, DMOA Analgetics - antipyretics Effects, mechanism of action, dosage, main groups Analgetics - opioids Morfin and its derivates, analgetic receptors, mechanism of action, clinical use, combinations of analgetics General anaesthetics Neuromuscular blocking agents, classification, mode of action Antibiotics Classification and indications, mechanism of action Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Macrolides, Tetracyclins, Aminoglycosides, Quinolones, Combination Antiviral Drugs Classificaton, specific use, AIDS, toxicity Antidiabetic drugs Classification, mechanism of action, oral antidiabetic drugs, insulins Central nervous system Pharmacology Mediators of CNS, classification, hypnotics and anxiolytics, drugs used in psychoses, antidepressant drugs, neuroprotective drugs Korikosteroids Pathophysiology, effects, indications, risks Drug policy Rationa, pharmacotherapy, drug reimbursement, drug utilization Seminars
General pharmacology Prescrtiption of Drugs Introduction to rational drug prescribing Patient-drug concept Prerequisites for earning credits in pharmacology, MA degree program The Institute provides education/training of Czech and English-speaking students. Education in Grade IV - pharmacology for Czech and English-speaking students. Prerequisites for earning credits in pharmacology, MA degree program Last update: Hořovská Jana, Mgr. (27.08.2024)