SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Orthopaedics - DA0110608
Title: Orthopaedics
Guaranteed by: Department of Orthopaedics (13-382)
Faculty: Second Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2022
Semester: winter
Points: 3
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/30, C+Ex [HT]
Extent per academic year: 2 [weeks]
Capacity: unknown / unlimited (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Vojtěch Havlas, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): prof. MUDr. Vojtěch Havlas, Ph.D.
Pre-requisite : DA0108056, DA0108370, DA0108371
Is pre-requisite for: DA0112304
Orthopaedic terminology and basics of orthopaedic examination
Last update: Bezrouková Michaela (11.11.2020)
Course completion requirements

Credits for presence at seminars, 2 excused absences in 2 week period (20%) are tolerated. In case of absence overrun the exam access will be denied.

Practice out of 2nd Medical School - the content of the fellowship will be correlated with the local syllabus; in order to to evaluate and verify outcome of the exam taken out of our department, an oral consultation with the chairman of department is necessary; in case that the gained knowledge is not satisfactory standard oral exam needs to be sitted.

Last update: Bezrouková Michaela (02.05.2018)
Debrunner, A.: Orthopaedics : Springer Verlag,1999
+Wilson, F. S.: General orthopaedics : Mc Graw-Hill,1997 (B)

Trč, T.: Ortopedie a traumatologie (fulltext available on-line)
Vybrané tématické semináře (E)
+Trč,T.: Diferenciální diagnostika v ortopedii /in print/

Last update: Bezrouková Michaela (05.09.2017)
Requirements to the exam

1.Anatomy, physiology a patophysiogy of bones and joints

•Basic anatomy of the bone, bone growth, types of joints, joint stability

2.Principles of healing of bones and ligaments

•Principles of connective tissue healing, phases of bone healing

3.Trauma of the musculoskeletal system in adults and children

•Types of trauma (sprain, fracture etc.), clinical picture, terapeutic options

4.Basic surgical procedures in orthopaedics

•Basic procedures, principles, history


•types, indications for different types of osteosynthesis

6.Principles of AO osteosynthesis

•Principles of fracture stability, soft tissue management, bone healing stimulation

7.External osteosynthesis – types nad indications

8.Revmatic surgery

•Basic revmatic diseases of musculoskeletal system, types of surgical procedures, timing of surgery

9.Ortotics and protetics

•Braces, prosteheses, Orthopaedic shoes, crutches

10.Analgetic therapy in orthopaedics

•Basic groups of analgetics, (NSA, opioids, combinations)

•Strategy of pain management, contraindications of analgetics

11.Minimally-invasive surgery

•Artroscopy, Athroscopically assisted surgery, minimaly invasive osteosynthesis

12.Shoulder arthroscopy

•Incidations, basic procedures

13.Knee Arthroscopy

•Incidations, basic procedures

14.Joint replacements

•Indications, types of prostheses, principles of implantation – hip, knee, shoulder

15.Orthopaedic screening

•CDH, inborrn deformities, scoliosis

16.Inborn deformities of extremities

•Polydactylia, syndactylia, fokomelia, amelia, Inborn pseudoarthrosis

•Etiology, basic therapy

17.Axial deformities of limbs and joints

•Genua valga, genua vara

•Clinical picture, treatment options conservative vs. surgical

18.Inborn foot deformities excluding equinovarus (pes calcaneovalgus cong. vs. pes planus cong. /vertical talus)

•Clinical picture, treatment options

19.Pes Equinovarus congenitus

•Clinical picture, treatment options, Ponseti method

20.Acquired foot deformities

•Flat foot, metatarsalgia

•Etiology, clinical picture, treratment options

21.Hallux valgus

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options conservative vs. surgical

22.CDH – diagnostics

•Clinical examination, ultrasound, X ray

23.CDH – conservative treatment

•Traction, types of devices and braces and their use (Pawliks harness, Frejkas pillow)

24.CDH – surgical treatment

•Basic procedures according to the age of patient

25.CDH – complications and residual deformity

•Residual dysplasia, complications of treatment, morphologic changes

26.Aseptic/avascular necrosis

•Etiology, clasification: primary, secondary, therapy

27.M. Perthes – conservative trearment

•Clinical picture, diagnostics, stages of disease, principles of treatment

28.M. Perthes – surgical treatment

•Principles of surgical treatment, basic procedures, clinical outcomes

29.Coxa vara adolescentium (SCFE)

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options


•Etiology, clinical picture, treratment options

31.Kyphosis and other spine deformities

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options

•M.Scheuermann, M. Bechterev

32.Neurogenic disordes in orthopaedics

•Classification, treatment options

33.Orthopaedic treatment of weak paresis/plegia

•Classification, treatment options

34.Orthopaedic treatment of spastic paresis

•Classification, treatment options

35.Systemic and metabolic bone diseases – vitamin deficiencies, hormonal therapy

•Rachitis, mukopolysacharidoses, deficiency of vitamin C (scurvy)

36.Osteogenesis imperfekta, fibrous dysplasia, osteopetrosis.

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options

37.Growth disorders

•Achondroplasia, leg length difference

•Clinical pictrue, bone prolongation

38.Osteoporosis, osteomalatia, osteopenia.

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics – laboratory markers, treratment options

39.Bone and joint infection

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options

•Acute vs. chronic osteomyelitis

•Purulent arthritis – principles of treatment

40.Specific joint and bone infections

•Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, Sarcoidosis

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options

41.Tumors of musculoskeletal system

•Classification, age differences, diagnostics, principles of therapy

42.Benign tumors

•Types, (exostosis, enchondroma, fibroma, osteoid osteoma, lipoma)

•Clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options

43.Malignant tumors

•Osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, other

•Clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options

44.Secondary tumors, Semi malignant tumors, „tumor-like“ affections

•Metastatic process, Giant cell tumor, bone cysts

•Clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options


•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options

46.Nerve entrapment synromes

•Etiology, clinical picture, typical localities, diagnostics, treratment options

47.Arthritis – degenerative disease

•patophysiology, Clinical symptoms, diagnostics X-ray stages

48.Arthritis – conservative treatment

•Indications, principles, farmakotherapy, physiotherapy

49.Arthritis – surgical treatment

•Indications, basic types of procedures

50.Hip Arthritis

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options

51.Knee Arthritis

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options

52.Spondyloarthrosis, lower back pain

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options

53.Postraumatic instability of joints

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treratment options

54.Habitual and recurrent dislocations

•Clinical picture, hypermobility, treratment options

55.Differential diagnostics of back pain

56.Differential diagnostics of shoulder pain

57.Differential diagnostics of hip pain

58.Differential diagnostics of knee pain

59.Pseudoartrosis (malunion, non-union)

•Causes, cleassification, treatment options

60.Complex regional pain syndrome - CRBS

•Etiology, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment options farmakotherapy, physiotherapy

61.Postoperative complications in orthopaedics

•Early v.s. delayed complications

•DVT, bleeding, infection, implant failure, j

Last update: Kamicová Jana (29.09.2022)

secretariat for foreign students -

Orthopaedics, 5th year

Lectures, seminary and morning session - Lecture room 4th Floor Children's Ward block D

Morning session starts at 8:30

Simulation Lab - Plzeňská street, Technical Building room 113

more information

  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Introduction to the field: Name of the field - Andry 1741 - history, othopaedic examinations, diagnosis, methodes of therapy. Clinical examinations RTG-methodes in Orthopaedics. Importance of laboratory methodes. Kineziology, Rehabilitaion, connections between different fields.

Types of Orthopaedic operations: bases of instumentation, Osteotomies - Types a indications

Artrodesis, artroplastic operations, resection, transplantation, prolongation of achill tendon, redress, Halo, skeletal extention.

Osteosyntesis: Intramedular technics, Plate - technics AO and other methodes. cerclage, screw technics, external fixation with one plane, more planes.

Pediatric Orthopaedics: Congenital anomalies: Swanson´s classifications, transversal defects, longitudunal decets, syndactylie, polydaktylie, specific congenital anomalies of inferior extremitis - Tibial pseodoartrosis, anomalies of the foot - congenital planovalgus, club-foot, varisation the metatarses, vertical talus - Specific congenital anomalies of the supperior extremities - manus vara.

Pediatric examinations and its subtypes, adolescental examinations - congenital scoliosis, torticollis, typical affects.

Developmental and metabolic diseases - rachitis, M reclinghausen, constitutional diseases - osteochondroplazia, epifyseal dysplasia, achondroplzia, spondyloepi. metafysal dysplasia, fibrous dyplsysia, osteognsis imperfecta, length differences of extremities.

Cerebral palsy: ethiology, types - conzervative therapy, operative therapy - operations of the muscles, tendons, joints, postoperative care, therapeutic aims.

Osteoarthrosis: patophysiology of the cartilage - kolagen, chondrocyty, intercellular matrix, blood supply, nutrition, intraarticullar patological changes, abakterial synovialitis, hydrops, patological changes on the cartilage. Subchondral reaction - sklerosis, necrosis, cysts, desaxation.

Primary osteoarthrosis against secondary osteoarthrosis.

Therapy: conzervative therapy - analgetics, korticoids, nonsteroid antirevmatics NSA, chondroprotective substances.

Operative methodes of the joints: Artroscopic methode, operative methodes of knee, corrective osteotomies, artrodesis, alloplasty.

Aseptic bone necrosis: Kohler I Osgood Schlater, Sinding - Larsen, Haglund. Sever, Freiberg. Koller, Scheurmann.

Care about orthopaedic patients: extention, traction, distraction, corrective apartus. Orthesis, prothesis, Soft tissue maztrials in Orthopaedics. Bandage, desault, cast and its principles

Problems of hip joint in child age: clinical examinations, ultrasound, X-ray.

Stable, unstable - luxable hip.

Limits of conzervative therapy.

Repozitional abstacles - labrum, lig teres

Artography, operative open procedure.

M. Perthes - LCC: ischemie, prodroms, subchondral fractures, clinical pictures, reparative methodes, what is congruental joint, therapeutic system, risk and prognosis.

Spinal orthopaedics: M. Schueurmann, syndrom klippel. Feil, spina bifida

Structural scoliosis, nonstructural scoliosis, idiopathic scoliosis, Marfan diseases, Bachter disease.

Forestier, osteochondrosis.

Inflamation of the bones: Osteomyelitis - Pathophyseolgy, classifications, clinical pictures, possibility of therapy.

Tumors of the bones and soft tissues: Genesis of the bone tumors, classifications, diagnosis, clinical pictures, possibilty of therapy, prothetics and its role in oncoorthopaedics, prognosis, final result after therapy.

Differential diagnosis: coxalgia - pain of the hip,omalgia - pain of the shoulder, gonalgia - pain of the knee, bach pain, lumalgia lumabo.

Last update: Kamicová Jana (10.03.2023)
Schedule scheduled
Schedule ticket Date From - To Education type Theme Teacher Files Note

Groups of students
Mon 07.04.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

Lectures, seminary and morning session - Lecture room 4th Floor Children's Ward block D

more information

Lecture 8,30-12,30 Organization: Web, Contacts, Ortopaedic basic terms, clinical examination, diagnostic methods, group and operating theatre allocation

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none
Tue 08.04.2025 8:00 - 13:00 practical training Clinical practicals - ward (wound management, case-report) gr. A 8,30-12,30, gr. B 10:30 - 12:30Hip sonography  13,00-13,30 group A Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Wed 09.04.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

Lecture 8,30-12,30 Foot deformities, Neuro-orthopaedics, X-ray diagnostics

Hip sonography 13,00-13,30 group B

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Thu 10.04.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

Lecture 8,30-12,30 Pediatric hip - CDH, Perthes disease, SCFE


Hip sonography 13,00-13,30 group C

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Fri 11.04.2025 8:00 - 13:00 consultations Osteoarthritis, Endoprosthethics, Case presentation, week one summary 8,30-12,30 Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none
Mon 14.04.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

Lecture 8,30-12,30 Scoliosis, Leg length discrepancy, spondylopathy, Spine and leg lenght examination

Hip sonography 13,00-13,30 group D

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Tue 15.04.2025 8:00 - 13:00 practical training Clinical practicals - ward (wound management, case-report) gr. C 8,30-12,30, gr. D 10:30 - 12:30

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Wed 16.04.2025 8:00 - 13:00 practical classes Simulation Lab Plzeňská - Sutures,knot tying, Arthroscopy gr. A,B 8,45-10,15, gr. C,D 10:30 - 12:00 Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none
Thu 17.04.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training Lecture 8,30-12,30 Oncology, Arthroscopy, Sports medicine, Shoulder and Knee examination Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Fri 18.04.2025 8:00 - 13:00 consultations Case presentation, Summary, Credits 8,30-12,30 Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none

Groups of students
Mon 10.03.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

12. 2.  Lectures, seminary and morning session - Lecture room 4th Floor Children's Ward block D

more information

Lecture 8,30-12,30 Organization: Web, Contacts, Ortopaedic basic terms, clinical examination, diagnostic methods, group and operating theatre allocation

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none
Tue 11.03.2025 8:00 - 13:00 practical training 13. 2.  Clinical practicals - ward (wound management, case-report) gr. B 8,30-12,30, gr. A 10:30 - 12:30
Hip sonography  13,00-13,30 group A
Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Wed 12.03.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

14. 2.  Lecture 8,30-12,30 Foot deformities, Neuro-orthopaedics, X-ray diagnostics

Hip sonography 13,00-13,30 group B

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Thu 13.03.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

15. 2.  Lecture 8,30-12,30 Pediatric hip - CDH, Perthes disease, SCFE

Hip sonography 13,00-13,30 group C

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Fri 14.03.2025 8:00 - 13:00 consultations 16. 2.  Osteoarthritis, Endoprosthethics, Case presentation, week one summary 8,30-12,30 Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none
Mon 17.03.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

Lecture 8,30-12,30 Scoliosis, Leg length discrepancy, spondylopathy, Spine and leg lenght examination

Hip sonography 13,00-13,30 group D

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Tue 18.03.2025 8:00 - 13:00 practical training Clinical practicals - ward (wound management, case-report) gr. C 8,30-12,30, gr. D 10:30 - 12:30 Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Wed 19.03.2025 8:00 - 13:00 practical classes 21.2. Simulation Lab Plzeňská - Sutures,knot tying, Arthroscopy gr. A,B 8,45-10,15, gr. C,D 10:30 - 12:00 Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none
Thu 20.03.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training 22.2. Lecture 8,30-12,30 Oncology, Arthroscopy, Sports medicine, Shoulder and Knee examination Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Fri 21.03.2025 8:00 - 13:00 consultations 23.2. Case presentation, Summary, Credits 8,30-12,30 Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none

Groups of students
Mon 10.02.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

Lectures, seminary and morning session - Lecture room 4th Floor Children's Ward block D

more information

Lecture 8,30-12,30 Organization: Web, Contacts, Ortopaedic basic terms, clinical examination, diagnostic methods, group and operating theatre allocation

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none
Tue 11.02.2025 8:00 - 13:00 practical training Clinical practicals - ward (wound management, case-report) gr. A 8,30-12,30, gr. B 10:30 - 12:30Hip sonography  13,00-13,30 group A Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Wed 12.02.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

Lecture 8,30-12,30 Foot deformities, Neuro-orthopaedics, X-ray diagnostics

Hip sonography 13,00-13,30 group B

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Thu 13.02.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

Lecture 8,30-12,30 Pediatric hip - CDH, Perthes disease, SCFE


Hip sonography 13,00-13,30 group C

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Fri 14.02.2025 8:00 - 13:00 consultations Osteoarthritis, Endoprosthethics, Case presentation, week one summary 8,30-12,30 Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none
Mon 17.02.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training

Lecture 8,30-12,30 Scoliosis, Leg length discrepancy, spondylopathy, Spine and leg lenght examination

Hip sonography 13,00-13,30 group D

Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Tue 18.02.2025 8:00 - 13:00 practical training Clinical practicals - ward (wound management, case-report) gr. C 8,30-12,30, gr. D 10:30 - 12:30 Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Wed 19.02.2025 8:00 - 13:00 practical classes Simulation Lab Plzeňská - Sutures,knot tying, Arthroscopy gr. A,B 8,45-10,15, gr. C,D 10:30 - 12:00 Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none
Thu 20.02.2025 8:00 - 13:00 seminar+practical training Lecture 8,30-12,30 Oncology, Arthroscopy, Sports medicine, Shoulder and Knee examination Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) 1
Fri 21.02.2025 8:00 - 13:00 consultations Case presentation, Summary, Credits 8,30-12,30 Individual Surgical practice (Scrub) none
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