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rozvrh ENG international students_Dec 2018.xlsx | Mgr. Jana Čechová |
Syllabus is focused on serious diseases of nervous and movement systém in childhood and in adulthood. It is based on the developemental aspects of nervous systém and respect needs of primary health care. Teaching neurology consist of seminars, case studies and bedside clinical skills. Last update: HABET (15.10.2012)
Attendance: Two absences are tolerated during the course (one at each of the Departments) if there is an appropriate reason stated by the student. If there are more absences students will have to pass an extended individual credit test before the end of neurological lectures and attend individual practical training. Last update: Ulovcová Helena (14.09.2017)
Waxman, S. G.: Correlative neuroanatomy :Appleton and lange, 1995 (B) Mumenthaler, M.: Neurology : Thieme, 2004 (B) Todorov, A. B.: Clinical neurology : resident ́s guide :Thieme-stratton, 1983 Brett, E. M.: Paediatric neurology : Churchill Livingstone, 1991 (B) Swaiman, K. F.: Pediatric neurology : principles and practice : Mosby-Year Book, 2006 (B) Last update: HABET (27.01.2014)
Oral part:
Exams take place on Friday of the 4th week of neurology and on the following Monday(s) and Friday(s) afternoon.
There is a committee of two members, one from the Department of Neurology and one from the Department of Paediatric Neurology.
Every student picks up one question (see the list below). Each of the questions contains two parts:
A) A) Problem-oriented question (assuming appropriate neuroanatomical and neurophysiological knowledge) and emergencies
B) B) Special neurology (frequent and important neurological diseases including diagnostic tests and neuropaediatric aspects)
NEUROLOGY EXAM, General Medicine, 5th year
1. A) Headache B) Neuromuscular disorders
2. A) Impairment of speech and swallowing B) Craniocerebral trauma
3. A) Memory impairment B) Autoimmune diseases of the brain and spinal cord
4. A) Dizziness B) Tumors of the brain and spinal cord
5. A) Visual impairment B) Epileptic seizures and epilepsy
6. A) Cranial nerve impairment B) Neurodegenerative diseases with predominant cognitive impairment
7. A) Motor impairment B) Toxic and metabolic disorders of the nervous system
8. A) Loss of consciousness B) Neurodevelopmental disorders*
9. A) Back and neck pain B) Neurodegenerative diseases with predominant motor impairment
10. A) Sleep disorder B) Cerebrovascular diseases
11. A) Head and neck injury B) Headache, neuralgic and neuropathic pain
12. A) Disorders in mood and behaviour B) Infections of the nervous system
13. A) Psychomotor retardation and regression B) Spinal cord diseases
14. A) Seizure B) Vertebrogenic disorders *Developmental abnormalities of the nervous system, perinatal brain injury and cerebral palsy are also included Last update: Čechová Jana, Mgr. (05.03.2021)
Syllabus - Neurology for International Students in the 5th Year
Neurology - Schedule
Day From - To Topic Lecturer Location of the seminar 1 Monday 8.00 - 8.45 Introduction; principles of neurological diagnostics Marusič Dpt. of Neurology 8.45 - 9.30 Overview of functional neuroanatomy Jeřábek Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 10.30 Introduction to neurological examination Černý Dpt. of Neurology 10.30 - 11.15 Neurological examination - practical training Černý, Zárubová Dpt. of Neurology 11.30 - 13.00 Neurological syndromes Zárubová Dpt. of Neurology
2 Tuesday 8.00 - 9.30 Diagnostic methods in neurology Jeřábek Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 12.00 Neurological examination - practical training Černý, Hort Dpt. of Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Unconsciousness Černý Dpt. of Neurology
3 Wednesday 8.00 - 9.30 Dementia and cognitive disorders Hort Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 12.00 Clinical cases Hort Dpt. of Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Neuropsychological examination Vyhnálek, Amlerová Dpt. of Neurology
4 Thursday 8.00 - 8.45 Stroke - epidemiology, diagnostics Tomek Dpt. of Neurology 8.45 - 9.30 Neuroradiology rounds Marusič Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 11.15 Clinical cases Černý Dpt. of Neurology 11.30 - 13.00 Stroke - treatment Tomek Dpt. of Neurology
5 Friday 8.00 - 9.30 Movement disorders 1 Zárubová Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 12.00 Clinical cases Hort Dpt. of Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Movement disorders 2 Zárubová Dpt. of Neurology
6 Monday 8.00 - 9.30 Neurooncology Jeřábek Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 11.15 Clinical cases Zárubová Dpt. of Neurology 11.30 - 12.15 Vertigo and balance disorders Černý, Jeřábek Dpt. of Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Headache Černý Dpt. of Neurology
7 Tuesday 8.00 - 9.30 Epileptology Marusič Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 11.15 Clinical cases in epileptology Amlerová Dpt. of Neurology 11.30 - 13.00 Epileptic syndromes in childhood Komárek Dpt. of Neurology
8 Wednesday 8.00 - 8.45 Infectious diseases of CNS Bojar Dpt. of Neurology 8.45 - 9.30 Inflammatory diseases of CNS in childhood, vaccination Zumrová Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 12.00 Clinical cases Černý Dpt. of Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Metabolic and toxic disorders of NS Bojar Dpt. of Neurology
9 Thursday 8.00 - 9.30 Neuromuscular disorders 1 Mazanec Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 12.00 Clinical cases Zárubová Dpt. of Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Neuromuscular disorders in childhood Kraus Dpt. of Neurology
10 Friday 8.00 - 9.30 Neuromuscular disorders 2 Mazanec Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 11.15 Clinical cases Hort Dpt. of Neurology 11.15 - 12.00 Genetics in neurology Seeman Dpt. of Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Neuropathic pain Černý Dpt. of Neurology
11 Monday 8.00 - 9.30 Neurotraumatology Jeřábek Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 11.45 Clinical cases Zárubová Dpt. of Neurology 12.00 - 13.00 Neurotraumatology in childhood Kraus Dpt. of Neurology
12 Tuesday 8.00 - 9.30 Demyelinating diseases Meluzínová Dpt. of Neurology 9.45 - 12.00 Clinical cases Černý Dpt. of Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Autoimmune and demyelinating diseases in childhood Paděrová Dpt. of Neurology
13 Wednesday 8.00 - 8.45 Diagnostics and treatment of neurological emergencies Marusič, Tomek Dpt. of Neurology 8.45 - 10.15 Symptom oriented diagnostics Jeřábek Dpt. of Neurology 10.30 - 11.00 Test Jeřábek Dpt. of Neurology 11.00 -12.00 Practical examination Černý, Hort, Zárubová Dpt. of Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Psychology of chronically ill patients Jung Dpt. of Neurology
14 Thursday 8.00 - 9.30 Vertebrogenic disorders Bojar Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology; next to ‘plechárna’ 9.30 - 10.15 Neurological examination of infants until developmental age of 1 year Zumrová Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology; next to ‘plechárna’ 10.30 - 11.15 Developmental locomotion syndromes in childhood Zumrová Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology; next to ‘plechárna’ 11.15 - 12.00 Clinical cases in paediatric neurology Zumrová, Kraus Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology; next to ‘plechárna’ 12.15 - 13.00 Neurodevelopmental disorders Komárek Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology; next to ‘plechárna’
15 Friday 8.00 - 9.30 Clinical cases in paediatric neurology - presentation Kudr Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology; next to ‘plechárna’ 9.45 - 12.00 Clinical cases in paediatric neurology Zumrová, Kraus Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Diagnostic procedures in paediatric neurology Kudr Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology
16 Monday 8.00 - 9.30 Cerebral palsy Kraus Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology; next to ‘plechárna’ 9.45 - 12.00 Clinical cases in paediatric neurology Kudr, Zumrová Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Paediatric neurooncology Perníková Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology
17 Tuesday 8.00 - 9.30 Mitochondrial, lysosomal and peroxisomal diseases Zumrová Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology; next to ‘plechárna’ 9.45 - 12.00 Clinical cases in paediatric neurology Zumrová, Kraus Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Sleep disorders in children and adults Štěrbová Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology
18 Wednesday 8.00 - 8.45 Epileptic and nonepileptic attacks Kršek Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology; next to ‘plechárna’ 9.00 - 12.00 Clinical cases in paediatric neurology Zumrová, Kraus Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Neurocutaneous syndromes Petrák Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology
19 Thursday 8.00 - 8.45 Psychological problems in paediatric neurology Maulisová, Žáčková Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology; next to ‘plechárna’ 8.45 - 9.30 DDx. procedures in paediatric neurology Zumrová Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology 9.45 - 12.00 Clinical cases in paediatric neurology Zumrová, Kraus Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology 12.15 - 13.00 Unconsciousness, intracranial hypertension in children Sebroňová Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology
20 Friday 8.00 - 9.30 DDx. of headache in children Kudr Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology; next to ‘plechárna’ 9.45 - 10.15 Clinical cases in paediatric neurology Zumrová, Kraus, Kudr Dpt. of Paediatric Neurology 10.30 - 13.00 Conclusions; medical record reporting in paediatric neurology Zumrová, Kraus, Kudr Dpt. of Paedia Last update: HABET (14.01.2014)