SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Infectious Diseases - DA0110002
Title: Infectious Diseases
Guaranteed by: Department of Infectious Diseases (13-421)
Faculty: Second Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 4
E-Credits: 4
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/30, C+Ex [HT]
Extent per academic year: 3 [weeks]
Capacity: unknown / unlimited (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Classification: Medicine > Clinical Disciplines
Pre-requisite : DA0108089, DA0108363, DA0108369
Is pre-requisite for: DA0112303, DA0112302
Files Comments Added by
download 1.kruh_ZS_MOT.pdf Olga Linhartová
download 2+3.kruh_ZS_MOT.pdf Olga Linhartová
Infections diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi. Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases, neuroinfection of both adults and children, respiratory and exanthematous illnesses, alimentary infections in children and adults, essentials of laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases and immunisation.
Last update: HABET (28.07.2003)
Course completion requirements

Requirements for a credit:

• participation in practice (3 absences are tolerated only )

• presence at three consulting lessons ( neuroinfectious, respiratory and exanthematic infections and gastrointestinal infections) – the questions are available on the MOODLE website

• elaboration of the patient case report

More than three absences – must be compensated completely, the form will be determined by the management of the clinic

Last update: Procházková Helena, Bc. (09.01.2024)
Hobstová, J.: Infectious diseases : Karolinum, 2003 (A), 2012 (D)
+Long, S.: Principles and practice of pediatric infectious diseases : Churchill Livingstone, 2010

+Mandel, G. L.: Mandell, Douglas, and Bennet's principles and practice of infectious diseases :

Elsevier Saunders, 2015

+Betts, A. F.: Reese and Bet‘s practical approach to infectious diseases : Lippincott, 2003

+Cohen J.: Infectious diseases: Mosby, 2010

+Steffen, R.: Mannual of travel medicine and health. 3nd ed., 2007

+Manual of Childhood Infection: The Blue Book (Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Paediatrics) 4th Edition 2016 (available as ebook)

+ Estee Torok and col.: Oxford Handbook of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, 2nd Edition, 2016

+ Murray, Rosenthal,Pfaller.: Medical Microbiology, 8th Edition, 2015)

Last update: Loupalová Blanka (17.08.2020)
Requirements to the exam

Infectious Diseases - International students, 5th year

Examination : practical part and theoretical part

Exam dates: the following week after a 3-week practice, 1-3 days (morning and afternoon)

Examining Board: 1-2 members

2nd resit: 3-member commission, the course of the exam is entered in the report and submitted to the study department - Circular No. 1/2001

The last term of exam: the exact date is written by the Dean

Exam questions:

1. Ethiology and pathogenesis of purulent meningitis

Adverse reactions after vaccination


2. Purulent meningitis in neonates and infants

Intestinal helminthosis , esp. enterobiosis and ascariosis

Tetracyclines and rifamycines

3. Meningococcal infections

Intestinal protozoal infections

Systemic antifungal drugs

4. Clinical picture and laboratory diagnostics of purulent meningitis

Chlamydial infections

Treatment of diarrhea of infectious origin

5. Toxic shock syndrome

Infections caused by Salmonella species (intestinal and extraintestinal forms)


6. Tick-born encefalitis


Indication of steroids in treatment of infectious diseases

7. Paresis of infectious origin including polyradiculoneuritis


Basic and anti-staphylococcal penicillins

8. Viral hepatitis with fecal-oral transmission

Differential diagnostics of fever after return from tropicsifferential diagnostics of fever after tropics return

Aminopenicillins and other broad-spectrum penicillins

9. Viral gastroenteritis


Anti - staphylococcal antibiotics including MRSA

10. Lyme borreliosis

Microorganisms as possible biological weapons (bioterrorism)


11. Sepsis – definition, etiology, clinical picture, septic shock

Clostridium difficile infections

Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections

12. Food poisoning include botulism (alimentary intoxications)

Rabies - clinical picture, prevention and prophylaxis, principles of administration of heterologous globulins


13. Campylobacteriosis and yersiniosis


Chloramphenicol and polymyxins

14. Diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli


Immunoglobulins and hyperimmune globulins – their importance and practical use in treatment of infectious diseases

15. Viral hepatitis with parenteral transmission

Systemic mycoses

Clinical picture, treatment and prophylaxis of tetanus

16. HIV infection – etiology, epidemiology, clinical picture

Infections transmitted by mosquitos

Glycopeptides and sulfonamides

17. Pneumococcal infections

CMV infections


18. Infectious mononucleosis syndrome

Mandatory vaccination during the first years of life

Treatment and sequelae of viral hepatitis

19. Aseptic neuroinfections, major etiologic agents and clinical picture


Tissue helminthoses – major etiologic agents, clinical picture and diagnostics

20. Therapy of purulent meningitis

Typhoid and paratyphoid fever

Congenital and acquired rubella

21. Infections caused by varicella - zoster virus

Diarhhea after return from tropics

Antibiotic treatment in newborns and pregnant women

22. Infections casused by herpes simplex virus

Optional vaccination, vaccination before traveling abroad

Pertussis and pertusis – like syndrome

23. Measles

Infectious endocarditis

Lumbar puncture (indications, contraindications, how to perform lumbar puncture)

24. Sepsis – diagnostics and treatment

Erythema infectiosum and exanthema subitum

Antiviral drugs

25. Erysipelas and other diseases caused by pyogenic streptococci except scarlet fever


Differential diagnostics of jaundice of hepatic origin

26. Enteroviral infections including poliomyelitis

Viral haemorrhagic fevers and yellow fever

Differencial diagnostics and therapy of pseudomembraneous tonsillitis

27. Infectious causes of regional lymfadenopathy

Bacillary dysentery and differential diagnostics of haemorrhagic enterocolitis

Culture examination of blood, urine and stool

28. Anaerobic infections

Scarlet fever and complications

Serological diagnosis of infectious diseases (methods and evaluation of results)

29. Infections caused by Haemophillus influenzae


Differential diagnosis of maculopapular exanthemas

30. Vertically transmitted infections

Infectious causes of generalized lymfadenopathy

Differential diagnostics of acute diarrhea syndrome

31. Staphylococcal infections

Laryngitis and epiglotitis

Toxoalergic exanthemas resembling infectious diseases

32. Infections in risk groups of patients (i.v. drug users, pregnant women)

Extrapulmonary mycobacterioses

Differential diagnostic approach to a febrile patient

33. Adenoviral infections

Nosocomial infections

Differential diagnostics of meningeal syndrome and headache

34. Infections in immunocompromised patients

Diseases caused by rhinoviruses, parainfluenza viruses and RS virus

General principles of antibiotic treatment, contraindications and side effects

35. HIV – opportunistic infections, therapy

Kawasaki syndrome

Differential diagnostics of pneumonia

36. Infections transmitted by ticks, lice and fleats including imported infections

Possibilities of PCR diagnostics in infectious diseases

Carbapenems and oxazolidinones

Last update: Loupalová Blanka (07.11.2019)

Syllabus - Infectious Diseases for International Students

The study is organised in blocks according to the timetable.

Place: Department of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Na Bulovce, Budínova 2, Prague 8

Beginning: 8,00

Duration: three weeks

Prerequisite: Internal medicine, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Epidemiology

Conditions of obtaining credit: participation, consultations

Cloakroom: on the 5th floor

Lectures and seminars:

Neuroinfections - purulent and aseptic meningitis, polyradiculoneuritis (doc. Pícha)

Laboratory diagnostics (doc. Pícha)

Antibiotics and chemoterapeutic agents (doc.Pícha)

Exanthematic diseases (prim. Roháčová)

Higly dangerous infections (prim. Roháčová)

Gastrointestinal infections (dr. Ambrožová)

Respiratory infections (dr. Trojánek)

Vaccination ( dr. Trojánek)

Viral hepatitis (dr.Stejskal)

Parasitic diseases (dr. Stejskal)

Slides of infectious diseases (dr. Stejskal)

Infective endocarditis (dr. Smíšková)

Zoonozes (dr. Smíšková)

Infectious of immunocompromised patiens ( dr. Smíšková)

AIDS (prof. Machala)

Practical demonstration and training:

demonstration of interesting cases (assistants, doc. Pícha, prim. Roháčová

demonstration of patients with AIDS in out-patient department on the 2nd floor (prof. Machala)

lumbar puncture (assistants)

daily checking allocated patient and working on case report for the exam

Last update: Loupalová Blanka (07.11.2019)
Schedule scheduled
Schedule ticket Date From - To Education type Theme Teacher Files Note

Groups of students
Mon 04.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
04.03.2024 8:30 Invitation doc. Pícha 7th floor        
8:45 Basic information dr. Smíšková 7th floor        
9:00 Exanthems of infectious origin dr. Smíšková 7th floor        
11:00 Information about the running of the Infectious Diseases Department dr. Slížek 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Tue 05.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
05.03.2024 8:15 - 9:30 Inflammation Markers and Blood Count dr. Nyčová Class takes place at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine    2. LF UK and FN Motol
9:45 - 11:00 Fever and Fever of Unknown Origin dr. Trojánek
11:15 - 12:00 Clinical rotation  
12:15 - 13:00 Travel Medicine I dr. Nyčová
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Wed 06.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
06.03.2024 8:30 - 10:30 Hospital acquired infections dr. Strojil Class takes place at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine 2. LF UK and FN Motol
10:45 - 11:45 Clinical rotation  
12:00 - 14:00 Infectious diseases of immunocompromised  dr. Strojil
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Thu 07.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
07.03.2024 8:00 - 11:00 Viral hepatitis dr. Veselý Class takes place at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine 2. LF UK and FN Motol
11:05 - 12:05 HIV/AIDS dr. Veselý
12:15 - 13:30 Travel Medicine II dr. Trojánek
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Fri 08.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
08.03.2024 8:15 Demonstration of interesting cases dr. Ambrožová,   dr. Lhoťanová 7th floor        
9:30 Viral and bacterial CNS infection doc. Pícha 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Mon 11.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
11.03.2024 8:15 HIV infection (clinical symptoms, opportunistic infections, treatment) dr. Jilich 7th floor        
10:30 Assigning patients to individual work dr. Ambrožová 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Tue 12.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
12.03.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Zoonozes dr. Smíšková 7th floor        
10:30 Respiratory infections dr. Slížek 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Wed 13.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
13.03.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Parasitology   dr. Stejskal 7th floor        
11:00 Demonstration of interesting cases  (1/2) dr. Rudová  
dr. Stejskal  
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Thu 14.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
14.03.2024 8:30 GIT infections + rehydratation dr. Ambrožová 7th floor        
11:00 Lumbar puncture training on a model (1/2) dr. Smíšková 8th floor        
Demonstration of interesting cases  (1/2) dr. Rudová  
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Fri 15.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
15.03.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Hepatitis, elastography dr. Kadeřávková 3rd floor        
Demonstration of interesting cases  (1/2) dr. Slížek  
9:45 Antibiotics doc. Pícha 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Mon 18.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
18.03.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Demonstration of interesting cases dr. Slížek    dr.Zborková  
10:00 Infections in high – risk patients groups dr. Smíšková 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Tue 19.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
19.03.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Consultations  - CNS infections dr. Smíšková 7th floor        
10:45 ATBs in clinical practice dr. Rudová 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Wed 20.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
20.03.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Demonstration of interesting cases  dr. Stejskal  
dr. Rudová
  9:45 Rare and dangerous infections dr. Stejskal 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Thu 21.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
21.03.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Consultations - respiratory infections dr. Slížek 7th floor        
11:00 Lumbar puncture training on a model (1/2) dr. Smíšková 8th floor        
    Demonstration of interesting cases dr. Slížek  
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Fri 22.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
22.03.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Consultations - GIT + hepatitis dr. Ambrožová 7th floor        
11:00 Demonstration of interesting cases  dr. Lhoťanová  
Hepatitis, elastography dr. Kadeřávková 3rd floor
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.

Groups of students
Mon 25.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
25.03.2024 8:30 Invitation doc. Pícha 7th floor        
8:45 Basic information dr. Smíšková 7th floor        
9:00 Exanthems of infectious origin dr. Smíšková 7th floor        
11:00 Information about the running of the Infectious Diseases Department dr. Slížek 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Tue 26.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
26.03.2024 8:15 - 9:30 Blood count and Inflammation Markers dr.Beránek Class takes place at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine                         2. LF UK and FN Motol
9:45 - 11:00 Fever, FUO dr.Trojánek
11:15 - 12:00 Clinical rotation dr.Nyčová, dr.Kupská, dr.Vidlička
12:00 - 12:45 Travel Medicine I dr.Nyčová 
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Wed 27.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
27.03.2024 8:30 - 10:30 HAI dr.Strojil Class takes place at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine                         2. LF UK and FN Motol
10:45 - 12:30 ID of Immunocompromised dr.Strojil
12:40 - 13:25 Clinical rotation dr.Nyčová
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Thu 28.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
28.03.2024 8:00 - 11:00 Viral Hepatitis dr.Veselý Class takes place at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine 2. LF UK and FN Motol
11:05 - 12:05 HIV dr.Veselý
12:10 Travel Medicine II dr.Trojánek
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Fri 29.03.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
29.03.2024   Easter Holiday      
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Mon 01.04.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
01.04.2024   Easter Holiday      
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Tue 02.04.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
02.04.2024 8:00 Zoonozes dr. Smíšková 7th floor        
10:00 Respiratory infections dr. Slížek 7th floor        
11:30 Assigning patients to individual work dr. Slížek, dr.Smíšková  
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Wed 03.04.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
03.04.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Parasitology   dr. Stejskal 7th floor        
11:00 Demonstration of interesting cases  (1/2) dr. Stejskal  
Hepatitis, elastography dr. Kadeřávková 3rd floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Thu 04.04.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
04.04.2024 8:30 GIT infections + rehydratation dr. Ambrožová 7th floor        
11:00 Lumbal puncture training on a model (1/2) dr. Smíšková 8th floor        
Demonstration of interesting cases  (1/2) dr. Rudová  
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Fri 05.04.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
05.04.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 HIV infection (clinical symptoms, opportunistic infections, treatment) dr. Jilich 7th floor        
10:00 Viral and bacterial CNS infection doc. Pícha 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Mon 08.04.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
08.04.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Infections in high – risk patients groups dr. Smíšková 7th floor        
11:00 Demonstration of interesting cases  dr. Slížek, dr. Ambrožová  
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Tue 09.04.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
09.04.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Consultations  - CNS infections dr. Smíšková 7th floor        
10:45 ATBs in clinical practice dr. Rudová 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Wed 10.04.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
10.04.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Consultations - respiratory tract infections dr. Slížek 7th floor        
11:00 Demonstration of interesting cases  dr. Stejskal, dr.Rudová 7th floor        
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Thu 11.04.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
11.04.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Antibiotics doc.Pícha 7th floor        
11:00 Lumbar puncture training on a model (1/2) dr. Smíšková 8th floor        
Demonstration of interesting cases dr. Slížek  
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
Fri 12.04.2024 8:00 - 13:00 practicals
12.04.2024 8:00 Individual bedside work    
8:30 Consultations - GIT + hepatitis dr. Ambrožová 7th floor        
11:00 Demonstration of interesting cases  dr. Lhoťanová  
Hepatitis, elastography dr. Kadeřávková 3rd floor
doc. MUDr. Dušan Pícha, CSc.
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