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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Otorhinolaryngology - DA0108004
Title: Otorhinolaryngology
Guaranteed by: Department of ENT (13-411)
Faculty: Second Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
Points: 3
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/30, C+Ex [HT]
Extent per academic year: 2 [weeks]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Is provided by: DA1108004
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Čada, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): MUDr. Jiří Skřivan, CSc.
Classification: Medicine > Clinical Disciplines
Pre-requisite : DA0105341, DA0105439, DA0105454
Annotation -
ENT, or ear, nose and throat medicine is the basic medical specialty. The beginnings fall into the mid-19th century, when otolaryngology gradually developed from otology and laryngology. As one of the first medical disciplines, ENT implemented endoscopic techniques and an operating microscope. Surgical procedures in recent decades cover essentially the entire area of the neck and splanchnocranium, therefore an adjunct head and neck surgery was added to ENT. Knowledge of ENT is indispensable for general practitioners and pediatricians, because they are frequently the first who meet patients with inflammations and tumors in the ENT area. ENT has close relationship to neurology, a common platform is otoneurology, to maxifacial surgery, neurosurgery, a common platform is a skull base surgery, and to ophthalmology. The specifics of the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with hearing loss and deafness, voice and speech disorders lead to development of a phoniatry, follow up specialty. The Department of ear, nose and throat of the 2nd medical faculty is specialized in children's population up to 19 years, which is beneficial in particular for future pediatricians. Practical knowledge of an adult otolaryngology students obtain in cooperation with the “adult” Departments of ENT, head and neck surgery of the 1st medical faculty in Motol hospital and 3rd medical faculty in The Central military hospital in Prague 6.
Last update: Čechová Jana, Mgr. (10.10.2018)
Aim of the course

The goal is to teach future physicians the basic knowledge and practical skills in the range of a routine examination of the oral cavity, nose, nasopharynx, soft tissues of the external neck, including the salivary glands and the thyroid gland and basic examination of the ears and assessment the state of hearing. The future physicians must be able to evaluate the symptoms and findings in the context of the overall status of a patient and lay down a working diagnosis, principles of the treatment and further examination procedures. Stress is laid on an understanding of the physiological and developmental peculiarities of children's and adult age. Special consideration is imposed on a group of life threatening diseases and acute course. The basic skills required for maintaining free airways and for intubation are practiced on the models.

Last update: Čechová Jana, Mgr. (10.10.2018)
Course completion requirements -

Oral exam

Last update: Čechová Jana, Mgr. (10.10.2018)
Literature -
Becker, W.: Ear, nose and throat diseases a pocket reference : Thieme, 1994 and newest reeditions (B)
+Bluestone, Ch. D.: Pediatric otolaryngology, vol. 1, 2 : W. B. Saunders company, 2003 (E)

+Colman, H. B.: Diseases of the nose, throat and ear and head and neck (E)

+Clark, G.: Cochlear implants : fundamentals and applicaions (E)

Last update: HABET (27.01.2014)
Requirements to the exam


a) Vrozené vady nosu, nosních dutin; rozštěpy

Congenital defects of the nose, nasal cavity; clefts.

b) Záněty zevního ucha, perichondritis boltce

Inflammation of the external ear, perichondritis of the pinna

c) Benigní nádory ORL u dětí (lymfangiom, hemangiom aj.)

Benign ENT tumors in children (lymphangioma, hemangioma etc.)


a) Patologie nosní přepážky

Pathology of the nasal septum

b) Diferenciální diagnostika výtoku z ucha

Differential diagnosis of the aural discharge

c) Nádory hrtanu - benigní, maligní, laryngektomie

Laryngeal tumors – benign, malign, laryngectomy


a) Poruchy nosní průchodnosti - příčiny, následky, léčba

Nasal obstruction – causes, consequences treatment

b) Vrozené malformace ucha

Congenital anomalies of the ear

c) Závrať – rozdělení a diferenciální diagnostika

Differential diagnosis of dizziness


a) Poranění nosu a paranazálních dutin

Trauma to the nose and paranasal sinuses

b) Akutní středoušní zánět

Acute middle ear inflammation – otitis media

c) Nádory epifaryngu

Tumors of the nasopharynx


a) Epistaxe


b) Cizí těleso v uchu, cerumen obturans, poškození ucha teplem a chladem

Foreign body in the ear, accumulation of the ear wax, frostbite and burns of the pinna

c) Poruchy hlasu a řeči a jejich náprava

Voice and speech disorders and their management


a) Akutní rhinosinusitis

Acute rhinosinusitis

b) Nádory ucha

Tumors of the ear

c) Poruchy inervace hrtanu

Disorders of laryngeal innervation


a) Nosní polypy, chronická rhinosinusitis

Nasal polyps, chronic rhinosinusitis

b) Perforace bubínku, myringoplastika

Perforation of the eardrum, myringoplasty

c) Zduření na krku, krční uzlinový syndrom

Neck masses, cervical lymphadenopathy


a) Nádory zevního nosu, nosních a paranazálních dutin

Tumors of the external nose, nasal and paranasal sinuses

b) Recidivujíci středoušní záněty u dětí

Relapsing otitis media in children

c) Benigní paroxysmální polohové vertigo

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo


a) Operace na paranazálních dutinách, funkční endoskopická chirurgie

Surgery of the paranasal sinuses, functional endoscopic surgery

b) Komplikace zánětů středního ucha

Complications of the otitis media

c) Akutní a chronické stenózy hrtanu a průdušnice

Acute and chronic laryngeal and tracheal stenoses


a) Komplikace zánětů paranazálních dutin

Complications of paranasal sinus infections

b) Mastoiditis, latentní mastoiditis

Mastoiditis, latent mastoiditis

c) Dušení, tracheotomie, koniotomie, intubace

Suffocation, tracheotomy, coniotomy, intubation


a) Laterální a mediální krční cysty a píštěle

Lateral and medial cervical cysts and fistulae

b) Nedoslýchavost – diagnostika, léčba, sluchadla

Hearing loss, diagnostics, treatment, hearing aids

c) Cizí tělesa v zažívacích cestách, dysfagie

Foreign bodies in the pharynx and esophagus, dysphagia


a) OSAS – obstrukční syndrom spánkové apnoe

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS)

b) Komplikace zánětů středouší, labyrintitidy

Complications of acute otitis media, labyrinthitis

c) Poleptání jícnu

Burns of the esophagus


a) Adenoidní vegetace, hypertrofie patrových mandlí, OSAS u dětí

Adenoids and tonsillar hyperplasia, OSAS in children

b) Chronický středoušní zánět, cholesteatom středouší

Chronic otitis media, middle ear cholesteatoma

c) Nádory orofaryngu a hypofaryngu

Tumors of the oropharynx and the hypopharynx


a) Akutní a chronická faryngitida

Acute and chronic pharyngitis

b) Sekretorická otitida a tubotympanální katar

Secretory otitis media, tubotympanal catarrh

c) Periferní vestibulární syndrom

Peripheral vestibular syndrome


a) Tonsillitidy, rozdělení, léčba

Tonsillitis, types, treatment

b) Obrna lícního nervu – dif. dg.

Facial nerve palsy – differential diagnosis

c) Maligní nádory ORL u dětí

Malignant ENT tumors in children


a) Tonsilitis chronica, fokální infekce z mandlí, tonsilektomie

Chronic tonsillitis, focal infection, tonsillectomy

b) Vrozené vady sluchu, screening sluchu novorozenců

Congenital hearing loss, newborn hearing screening

c) Poranění hrtanu a průdušnice

Injuries of the larynx and trachea


a) Komplikace tonsillitid, peritonsilární a parafaryngeální absces

Complications of,tonsilitis, paratonsillar and parapharyngeal abscess

b) Meniérova nemoc, ušní šelesty - tinitus

Ménière´s dinase, tinnitus

c) Akutní záněty hrtanu

Acute inflammation of the


a) lnfekční mononukleóza

Infectious mononucleosis

b) Vyšetření sluchu, klasifikace poruch sluchu

Examination of hearing, classification of hearing disorders

c) Akutní epiglotitida, subglotická laryngitida, stridor

Acute epiglottitis, subglottic laryngitis, stridor


a) Onemocnění slinných žláz

Diseases of the salivary glanc

b) Akutní akustické trauma, náhlá ztráta sluchu

Acoustic trauma, sudden hearing loss

c) Laryngitis chronica, prekancerózy hrtanu

Chronic laryngitis, premalignant lesions of the larynx


a) Nemoci štítné žlázy

Diseases of the thyroid gland

b) Poranění zevního a středního ucha, zlomeniny spánkové kosti

Trauma of the external and middle ear, temporal bone fractures

c) Závrať, vyšetření rovnovážného ústrojí, nystagmus

Vertigo, investigation of the vestibular system, nystagmus


a) Vrozené vady hrtanu, průdušnice a jícnu

Congenital defects of the larynx, trachea and esophagus

b) Chirurgická léčba nedoslýchavosti, tympanoplastiky, mastoidektomie

Surgical treatment of conductive hearing loss, tympanoplasties, mastoidectomy

c) Cizí tělesa v dýchacích cestách

Foreign bodies in respiratory pathways


a) Poranění obličejového skeletu

Facial trauma

b) Kochleární implantace, BAHA

Cochlear implants, bone anchored hearing aid

c) Diferenciální diagnostika omezení nosní průchodnosti

Differential diagnosis of nasal obstruction

Last update: Procházka Zdeněk (11.10.2023)

 Topics:

1) Otorhinolaryngology – place and importance in medicine

2) Applied anatomy and physiology of the ear.

3) ENT Clinical Examination – Demonstration, practical training (otoscopy, otomicroscopy, pharyngoscopy, laryngoscopy, rhinoscopy

4) Nasal tamponade for epistaxis - practical course

5) Examination of hearing. Practical demonstration.

6) Remarks to clinical anatomy and physiology of the nose and upper aerodigestive tract

7) Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Rhinology

8) Otolaryngology in adults with respect to ENT oncology and oncosurgery, sleep apnea, otology, thyreology (The Departments of ENT, Head and neck surgery of the 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University; Motol hospital, 3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University, Central Military Hospital, Prague 6, Střešovice)

9) Acute and chronic otitis media

10) Complications of otitis media.

11) ENT oncology, oncosurgery, Thyroid gland surgery with respect to pediatric diseases

12) Hypacusis, deafness, cochlear Implant, BCI (bone conduction implant)

13) Clinical practice in the ward and operating theatre

14) Plastic-reconstructive procedures in ENT. Cleft lip and palate.

15) Burns and foreign bodies of the oesophagus.

16) Acute and chronic Noise-induced hearing impairment, Toxic damage of the inner Ear

17) ENT emergency

18) Endoscopy in otorhinolaryngology

19) Laryngitis, epiglottitis, intubation, tracheostomy

20) Intubation – practical course, training

21) Diseases of the Waldeyer´s ring, adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy

22) Balance disorders, vertigo, otosclerosis

23) Genetics in Otolaryngology with stress on hearing impairment

Last update: Čechová Jana, Mgr. (10.10.2018)
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