SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Biostatistics - CVSE2P0036
Title: Biostatistika
Guaranteed by: Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3FM CU (12-EPID)
Faculty: Third Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2022
Semester: winter
Points: 1
E-Credits: 1
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:8/12, C [HS]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech, English
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: RNDr. Alena Fialová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Tereza Hrnčiarová, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
The subject covers introduction to biostatistics, principles of statistical reasoning, testing, and interpretation of the analyses.
Last update: Fialová Alena, RNDr., Ph.D. (10.12.2019)
Aim of the course -

The aim of the subject is to familiarize students with the principles of using mathematical and statistical methods in medicine. It explains principles of statistical induction, basic statistical methods and interpretation of results of statistical analyzes commonly used in medical literature. This knowledge is the basis for a correct understanding of the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Last update: Fialová Alena, RNDr., Ph.D. (27.09.2017)
Course completion requirements -
Participation in practicals and test. Participation - the student will attend at least four of the five practical exercises. The multiple-choice test will include theoretical questions and practical interpretation of the results of statistical calculations. More than 60 % of the correct answers are required.
Last update: Hrnčiarová Tereza, Mgr., M.Sc., Ph.D. (26.09.2022)
Literature -

ARMITAGE, P., BERRY, G. (1991). Statistical Methods in Medical Research. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

BEAGLEHOLE, R., BONITA, R., KJELLSTRÖM, T. (1993). Basic Epidemiology. WHO, Geneva.

COLTON, T. (1974). Statistics in Medicine. Little, Brown and Co., Boston.

DALY, L.E., BOURKE, G.J., McGILVRAY, J. (1992). Interpretation and Uses of Medical Statistics. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

DANIEL, W.W. (1995). Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences. Wiley, New York.

HENNEKENS, CH. H., BURING, J. (1987). Epidemiology in Medicine. Little, Brown and Co., Boston.

JEWELL, N.P. (2004). Statistics for Epidemiology. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.

KAHN, H.A., SEMPOS, CH. T. (1989). Statistical Methods in Epidemiology. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

KIRKWOOD, B.R. (1992). Essentials of Medical Statistics. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

ROSNER, B.A. (1995). Fundamentals of Biostatistics. Duxbury Press, Belmont.

ROTHMAN, K.J., GREENLAND, S. (1998). Modern Epidemiology, 2nd ed. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia.

WASSERTHEIL-SMOLLER, S. (1990). Biostatistics and Epidemiology; a Primer for Health Professionals. Springer Verlag, New York.

WOODWARD, M. (2005). Epidemiology: Study Design and Data Analysis. 2nd ed. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.

------------------------------------available as pdf / for online viewing---------------------------------------------

BRESLOW, N.E., DAY, N.E. (1980). Statistical Methods in Cancer Research, vol. 1 – The analysis of case-control studies. IARC, Lyon,

BRESLOW, N.E., DAY, N.E. (1987). Statistical Methods in Cancer Research, vol. 2 – The design and analysis of cohort studies,

COGGON, D., ROSE, G., BARKER, D.J.P. (1997). Epidemiology for the Uninitiated. BMJ Publishing Group,

ESTEVE, J., BENHAMOU, E., RAYMOND, L. (1994). Statistical Methods in Cancer Research, vol. IV – Descriptive Epidemiology,

GREENHALGH, T. How to read a paper. BMJ Publishing Group,

McDONALD, J.H. Handbook of biological statistics. Sparky House Publishing, Baltimore,

dos SANTOS SILVA, I. (1999). Cancer Epidemiology: Principles and Methods. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon,

SWINSCOW, T.D.V. (1997). Statistics at Square One. BMJ Publishing Group,

Last update: Fialová Alena, RNDr., Ph.D. (10.12.2019)
Teaching methods -

Seminars, practicals

Last update: Fialová Alena, RNDr., Ph.D. (03.12.2019)
Syllabus -



1. Statistical concepts and terms, statistical inference

     Statistics in medical sciences

     Logic of statistical reasoning (observations vs. hypotheses)

     Important steps in the application of statistics

     Population - sample, sampling techniques

     Representativity of the sample

     Principles of statistical testing

     Statistical hypothesis and significance level

     Mathematical tools for planning surveys and experiments, sample size determination

     One-sided and two-sided hypotheses

     Types of variables

     Descriptive statistics (characteristics of location and variability)

     Probability, distribution

     Point and interval estimation, standard error

     Confidence interval

     One-sample, two-sample, and paired tests

     Parametrical and non-parametrical tests


2. Statistical methods in medical research

     Testing hypotheses concerning the location (t-test, Wilcoxon test, analysis of variance)  

     Contingency and 2-by-2 tables, methods for comparison of proportions

     Chi-square test, Fisher' and McNemar tests, test for trend

     Association between two variables: correlation, regression

     Advanced statistical methods in epidemiology (logistic regression, censored data, survival analysis) 

     Evaluation of diagnostic and screening tests (sensitivity and specificity, cut-off point)

     Basic types of studies used in epidemiology and related statistical models for their evaluation

     Confounding, bias, precision

     Interpretation of results of statistical procedures


 3.  Self-study

     Vital statistics, rates and ratios

     Odds ratio, relative risk, attributable risk



  1.  Descriptive statistics and statistical inference: types of variables, characteristics of location and variability, standard error, histogram, point and interval estimation, confidence interval, probability distribution (binomial, Poisson, normal), population and sample, sampling methods
  2.  Statistical testing: statistical inference: testing statistical hypotheses, p-value, significance level, statistical tests for continuous variables: parametric and nonparametric tests, t-test and Wilcoxon test (one-sample, two-sample, paired), analysis of variance (ANOVA), F-test, Statistical tests for categorical variables: contingency table, chi-square test, McNemar test, planning: power of statistical test, sample size determination, type I and type II errors
  3. Statistical association: statistical association: correlation, linear regression, logistic regression, Classification and classificators
  4. Observational trials, bias and confounding: Statistical methods in epidemiology: epidemiological measures of risk and corresponding confidence intervals, confounding, interpretation, Evaluation of data from surveillance and registries, multiplicity testing
  5. Advanced statistical methods: Survival analysis: clinical trials, Kaplan-Meier curve, log-rank test, practical use of statistics: statistics in published medical papers
Last update: Hrnčiarová Tereza, Mgr., M.Sc., Ph.D. (31.01.2022)
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