The subject is taught in the 1st year of the bc. programme . The subjects consists of basic sociological terms and theories applied to health, disease and modern healthcare as a social system.
Last update: Hemelík Martin, doc. PhDr., CSc. (22.09.2019)
To present the social context of health, disease and health care in the modern society. To deepen the understanding of diverse social groups (children, seniors,elites, vulnerable groups etc.).The goal of the subjest is to teach the student to see papients, doctors, nurses and other participants of healthcare as social persons which are parts of the czech system of social relationships and roles. Last update: Hemelík Martin, doc. PhDr., CSc. (22.09.2019)
Křížová, E.: SOS – sociologie pro pomáhající profese, Karolinum, Praha 2017 Křížová, E.: Proměny lékařské profese z pohledu sociologie, Praha 2006 Bártlová, S.: Sociologie zdraví, nemoci a rodiny, Praha 2009 Urban, L.: Sociologie – klíčové pojmy a témata, Praha 2017 Last update: Hemelík Martin, doc. PhDr., CSc. (22.09.2019)
lectures Last update: Hemelík Martin, doc. PhDr., CSc. (22.09.2019)
credit closing written essay Last update: Hemelík Martin, doc. PhDr., CSc. (22.09.2019)
Main parts: 1. Sociology as humanistic discipline of knowledge 2. Sociology of medicine and nursery 3. Sociologie of health and disease 4. Sociology in relations in the care 5. System of the health care
Last update: Hemelík Martin, doc. PhDr., CSc. (22.09.2019)
žádné Last update: Hemelík Martin, doc. PhDr., CSc. (22.09.2019)