Pathological physiology is taught by means of problem orientated courses and it is thematically aimed according to course. Course takes a part in moduls IIAC. In the context of the module course is aimed on the general principles of development and course of the disease. Pathophysiology is the subject interconnecting theoretical and clinical tutoring and it is essential for students? education in the terms of application of theoretical medicine to praxis.
Last update: PATAF (30.05.2008)
Primary goal of course is to teach student theoretically and practically apply knowledge in physiological and general pathophysiological processes on morbid states particular organs and systems. Student obtains skills to predict further developing interconnections between affected and still unaffected functional units. Secondary objective is to educate student to be able to apply skills and knowledge in the field of special clinical tutoring in individual courses of the module. Last update: PATAF (30.05.2008)
Essentials of Pathophysiology/ C.E. Kaufmann, P.A. McKee - 1st ed. - Lippincott- Williams- Wilkins, Philadelphia,1996. Textbook of Medical Physiology/ C. Guyton, J.E. Hall - 9th ed.- Saunders Philadelphia, 1996 - 3x, 8. ed. Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States C.M.Porth 7th edition Lippincott- Williams- Wilkins, Philadelphia Color Atlas of Pathophysiology/ S. Silbernagl, F. Lang ? Thieme ? Stuttgart/New York, 2000 Last update: PATAF (30.05.2008)
Lectures, seminars, consultations Last update: PATAF (30.05.2008)
Obtained knowledge is essential for gaining the credit at the end of the module IIC. Last update: PATAF (30.05.2008)
Aging Disorders of endocrine function Central disorders of locomotion Peripheral disorders of locomotion Disorders of bone, tendon, joints and calsium metabolism CNS I: disorders of sensory function CNS II: neurotransmitters, epilepsy, sleep disorders Pathophysiology of kidney Pathophysiology of GIT I Pathophysiology of GIT II Diseases of thoracic organs I Diseases of thoracic organs II CNS III: cortex function, integration processes, disorders of behavior, motivation Disorders after interaction with external environment Multiorganic dysfunction Last update: PATAF (30.05.2008)
Successful completion of foregoing study courses at the dean?s terms Last update: PATAF (30.05.2008)