blok závěrečné praktické výuky a seminářů na klinikách chirurgických oborů
Klinika popáleninové medicíny
Students learn the basic difference between the extensive (major) and not extensive (minor) burns and all the factors important for estimating severity of burn injury (early and late prognosis). There is printed out significance of the prehospital care (transport, securing ventilation and oxygenation, analgesia and sedation, fluid replacement, urgent procedures. There are explained principles of burn wound care (indications and methods of conservative treatment, indications and methods of surgical procedures). There are indicated peculiarities of electricalinjuries(prognosis often dubious) - high voltage:resuscitation,cardiac complications,renal complications,neurologic complications,contacts and pathway of current - low voltage: risks related to contact - electrical arc: depth of burn wound,surgical treatment,late results. Specific features of chemiical (caustic) injuries and intoxication. Cold injuries:local (post bite),risks of general hypothermia Paediatric burns require different approach:in extimation prognosis(survival)in longtherm outcome(quality of life). Particularities of reconstructive surgery in burn scar deformities: - urgent procedures - surgery following physiotherapy (maturation of scars). Students learn to comprehend psychic derangement starting with the mechanism of injury and changing according to psychological care of burn team and of family background.
Last update: Vlasáková Alena, Mgr., DiS. (04.11.2014)
Chirurgie Completing of final state exam from surgery and its sub-branches.
Klinika popáleninové medicíny Students get acquainted with the interdisciplinary approach to Burn Medicine, where the coordinating member of the burn team is the burn surgeon qualified in general surgery, in plastic surgery and specialized in Burn Medicine. Last update: Vlasáková Alena, Mgr., DiS. (04.11.2014)
Klinika popáleninové medicíny Herndon D. N., et al. Total Burn Care, 3rd edition. Saunders Published May 2007. ISBN 1416032746 / 9781416032748, 880 Pages, 772 Illustrations Last update: Vlasáková Alena, Mgr., DiS. (04.11.2014)
Chirurgie SE for English speaking students has only theoretical (verbal) part. You practical skills and knowledges will be surveyed by your tutor during whole practical training.
Klinika popáleninové medicíny Seminars, lectures, practical training. Last update: Vlasáková Alena, Mgr., DiS. (04.11.2014)
Chirurgie passing of practical training for five weeks (You'll work under your assigned tutor supervision.)
Klinika popáleninové medicíny 75% attendance in training. If not accomplished, there is an alternative of training according to individual agreement with the teacher.
Klinika ortopedicko-traumatologická
Master´s studies
3rd grade Credit will be awarded: 1. upon completion of 80% of the prescribed course attendance and passing of the final test, 2. in case of failure to comply with this condition, upon completion of a substitute individual clinical internship agreed in advance with the head of the course.
4th grade Colloquy (the so called sub-credit) will be awarded: 1. upon completion of both internships and one seminar, 2. in case of failure to comply with this condition, upon completion of a substitute individual clinical internship agreed in advance with the head of the course.
5th grade Credit will be awarded: 1. upon completion of four internships, one internship in the sonographic outpatients department and a night duty, 2. one of the mentioned duties may be replaced by internship in the Department of Anthropology in the National Museum, 3. seminars are optional, participation in 6 of 30 seminars offered is recommended in the course of the whole academic year, 4. in case of failure to comply with this condition, upon completion of a substitute individual clinical internship agreed in advance with the head of the course.
6th grade Colloquy (the so called sub-credit) will be awarded: 1. upon completion of 80% of the prescribed course attendance, seminars are optional, 2. in case of failure to comply with this condition, upon completion of a substitute individual clinical internship agreed in advance with the head of the course.
Last update: Vlasáková Alena, Mgr., DiS. (04.11.2014)
Chirurgie Detailed informations are described in the section - educational instruction for module of surgical branches
Klinika popáleninové medicíny 1.Essential difference between extensive and not extensive burn injury Estimation of factors determining early outcome late outcome 2.Prehospital management, transportation, emergency care : - airway issues, - carbon monoxide intoxication, - release incisions (in deep circumferencial burn on neck), - fluid replacement, - relieve of pain + anxiety (analgesia + sedation), - cooling in not extensive burns, cooling in extensive burns 3.Pathophysiology of burn shock : stress reaction, burn edema, hypovolemia, SIRS, MOFS 4.Burn wound care: - release incisions (extremity perfusion, chest expansion) change of dressings hydrotherapy topical antibacterial creams temporary wound coverage:skin substitutes (biologic,synthetic) removal of necrotic tissues: necrolysis necrectomy permanent wound closure: autografting, isografting artificial skin (integra,dermagraft,alloderm) 5.Inhalation Injury: - pathophysiology diagnosis: upper airways, lower airways treatment: endotracheal intubation tracheostomy complications (early, late) 6.Electrical injury: - pathophysiology (electrical field - electroporation + Joule effect) diagnosis: voltage, cardiac arrest + EKG,loss of conciousness,pigmenturia,X-ray (scull,chest,spine,long bones, pelvis) 7.Cold-induced injury: frostbite: - pathophysiology classification treatment 8.Chemical injury: - mechanisms of action chemical classes (acids,bases,organic compounds inorganic agents) 9.Hypertrophic scars + keloids: - characteristics + evaluation compression therapy: elastic pressure rigid pressure silicone gel sheets steroids (Triamcinolone acetonide) 10.Reconstruction: - early (urgent) - periorbital region perioral region + neck late (after scar maturation) - hand foot trunc + genitalia 11.Child neglect,child abuse,Münchhausen syndrome by proxy 12.Pain response,psychiatric disorders Last update: Vlasáková Alena, Mgr., DiS. (04.11.2014)