SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Winter Training Course - CPHWC1N
Title: Zimní sportovní kurz
Guaranteed by: Department of Physical Education (12-UTVY)
Faculty: Third Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2022
Semester: winter
Points: 3
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/30, C [HT]
Extent per academic year: 7 [days]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Mgr. Andrea Kovaříková
Classification: Health Care > Auxiliary Subjects
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Winter skiing course enables the students to practice motor skill in downhill and cross country skiing and snowboarding. They also get theoretical knowledge of mountain medicine. We cooperate with mountain rescue service. Students experience extreme mountain conditions. Optional course winter and summer sports courses 2019/2020 is enrolled / canceled until 3 working days before the start of the course. If you have any questions regarding PE and sport, you can contact our sport tutor for international students: Mgr. Michael Janek - Department of Physical Education, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
Last update: Kovaříková Andrea, Mgr. (21.09.2020)
Aim of the course -

Winter skiing course enables the students to practice motor skill in downhill and cross country skiing and snowboarding.
They also get theoretical informations about mountains medicine. We cooperate with mountain rescue service.
Students experience extreme mountain conditions.

Last update: Skálová Kvetoslava, PaedDr. (21.08.2019)
Literature -

1. ČÁSTKA, K. ? KOLOVSKÁ, I. ? VOTÍK, J. Jak dokonale zvládnout carving. Praha: Grada, 2005.

2. GNAD, T. a kol. Kapitoly z lyžování. Dotisk 1. vyd. Praha: UK v Praze, 2002.

3. KEMMLER, J. Carving. 1. vyd. České Budějovice: Kopp, 2001.

4. KOVAŘÍK, V.: Teorie a didaktika lyžování. MU Brno, 1991.

5. PŘÍBRAMSKÝ, M. a kol. Česká škola lyžování ? sjíždění a zatáčení na lyžích. Praha: Svaz lyžařů České republiky, 1996..

6. PŘÍBRAMSKÝ, M. Lyžování. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 1999.

7. REICHERT, J. ? MUSIL, D. Lyžování: od začátků k dokonalosti. Praha: Grada, 2007.

8. SOUKUP, J.: Lyžování podle alpských lyžařských škol. Olympia, Praha 1991.

9. STROBL, K. ? DRLÍK, K.: Lyžujeme ? sjíždění. Alfa Olomouc, 1992.

10. STROBL, K. ? BEDŘICH, L.: Učíme lyžovat. FTK Olomouc, 1999.

11. ŠTANCL, P., STROBL, K. Lyžování s úsměvem.1. vyd. Olomouc: Nakladatelství Olomouc, 2004.

12. ŠTUMBAUER, J., VOBR, R. Moderní lyžování. 1. vyd. České Budějovice: Kopp, 2005.

13. TREML, J. Lyžování dětí. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2004.

14. MARŠÍK, J. Carving. Praha: Grada, 2003

15. Ski a snowboard magazín.Praha : Debora, 2007/08

Last update: Horn Petr, Mgr. (04.09.2020)
Teaching methods -

Practical exercises and theoretical seminars.

Teaching methods of winter sports course are practical exercises and theoretical seminars in mountain environment.

Dates of Winter Sports Courses 2019/2020

Domestic courses - designed for skiers of all level


All detailed information is available on the website of the Institute of Physical Education

Last update: Horn Petr, Mgr. (04.09.2020)
Requirements to the exam -

Graduation of the course.

Last update: Horn Petr, Mgr. (04.09.2020)
Syllabus -

Due to the measures of the Rector of Charles University, the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and the Government of the Czech Republic, the practical teaching of our workplace will take place only by distance learning until further notice.

Current INFO - website ÚTV 2. LF UK

Winter skiing course for medical students has in the system of education its firm post and justification. Practical form - crosscountry and downhill
skiing and snowboarding. Theoretical form - lectures, discusions inform the students about the newest trends. Often the members of mountain rescue service take part in the lectures and also practical activity in the terain.
Physical demand helps the future physicians to cooperate with their demanding work and with the future patiens.

Last update: Čechovský Ivan, PaedDr. (02.10.2020)
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