The subject is taught in bachelor?s study programme Specialisation in Health Care, subject Public Health in the 2nd year of study (combined study). Communicable, non-communicable diseases, principles of passive and active immunization.
Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (15.10.2008)
Goal of the subject is make students acquainted with special epidemiology ? occurrence (incidence, prevalence, mortality) and basic characteristics of communicable and non-communicable diseases (influenza, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis,etc), with epidemiology of cancers (trends of incidence and mortality of most frerquent cancers), immunizations programmes in CR and worldwide. Goal of the practical trainings is to master the subject of investigation in epidemiology and epidemiological methods of work. Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (15.10.2008)
Nutná účast 80% na praktických cvičeních, možnost náhrady chybějící výuky po individuální konzultaci s jednotlivými vyučujícími Zkouška formou testu 20 otázek multiple choice test - 70 % správných odpovědí Tématické okruhy: Základy pasivní a aktivní imunizace Střevní bakteriální a virové nákazy Respirační virové a bakteriální nákazy Virové hepatitidy HIV/AIDS Nákazy s přírodní ohniskovostí
Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (26.09.2012)
1. Kolektiv: Manuál prevence v lékařské praxi ? souborné vydání, Univerzita Karlova / Fortuna, 2004, 736 stran, ISBN 80-7168-942-4
2. Dana Göpfertová, Petr Pazdiora, Jana Dáňová: Epidemiologie (obecná a speciální epidemiologie infekčních nemocí), Učební texty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, Karolinum 2006, ISBN 80-246-1232-1
Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (15.10.2008)
Lectures, practical trainings - practical examples and model situation Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (15.10.2008)
For awarding the credit is inevitable at least 80% attendance at practical trainings and successful passing the test (20 questions of a multiple choice test - 70% of correct answers) Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (26.09.2012)
1. Viral Hepatitis Epidemiological features, diagnostics, preventive and epidemic measures, occurrence. Infectious agents, epdiemiological characteristics and differences of viral hepatitis A,B,C,D, E. Differential diagnostics of viral hepatitis.
2. Immunization programs Strategy of active and passive immunization in Czech Republic and new valid vaccination schedule. Contraindications and complications of vaccination.
3. Geographic distribution of infection. Lyme Borreliosis Characteristics, spectrum of infections, etiologic agents, vectors, reservoir of infectious agents, host, endemicity, ecology. Examples from Czech Republic and world.
4. Intestinal bacterial infections (food-borne bacterial disease) Epidemiological characteristics of etiological agents, differential diagnosis, epidemic measures. Epidemic of thyphoid fever, practical example.
5. Cancer Epidemiology Most frequent cancer´s incidence and mortality in Czech Republic, secular trend and their analysis. Epidemiologic study ? practical exercise.
6. Epidemiology of acute respiratory illnesses and Reye´s syndrome Characteristics of acute respiratory illnesses of viral and mycoplasmal etiology, epidemiology of influenza, Reye´s syndrome, bird´s influenza, vaccination strategy.
7. Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS History, description and case definition, epidemiological features of HIV/AIDS infection, occurrence in Czech Republic and worldwide, trends and perspectives of therapy and control.
Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (15.10.2008)