The subject is being taught in bachelors study program of Nursing - General nurse in the first year of the study program. It belongs into the group of the Biology module and it deals with structure and function of the human body. It provides students with informations from anatomy, fyziology, histology, embryology and biochemistry. It is the first subject, creating background for teaching others theoretical and clinical sujects. Notion is imposed on establishment of specific imagery of the strucutre, development and function of the human body and ability to apply this knowledge in other clinical subjects. Moreover, subject is oriented on the explanation of dependent relationship between separate systems and the possiblity of their regulations. The subject has theoretical-clinical character.
Last update: MRZILKOVA (26.09.2008)
The goal of the subject is acquire basic anatomical and fyziological informations from the normal anatomy and normal fyziology. Notion is imposed on the practical part of problematics, functional interdependence of the systems on the anatomical and fyziological level. This course further helps students to orient better in the problematics of following preclinical and clinical subjects and creates basis for better performance in later work. Last update: MRZILKOVA (26.09.2008)
Anatomy, fyziology, somatology
Basic literature Linc R, Doubková A. Anatomie hybnosti. I., II., III. díl. Karolinum, Praha 2002, 2003. Stingl J. Anatomie ? učební texty pro bakalářské studium. 3.LF UK, Praha, 2001. Rokyta R. a kol. Fyziologie pro bakaláře. ISV, Praha 2000 (2008 přepracované a doplněné vydání). Rokyta R, Šťastný F. Struktura a funkce lidského těla. Tigris, Praha, 2002.
Further recommended literature Fiala P, Valenta J, Berlová L. Anatomie pro bakalářské studium. Karolinum, Praha, 2004. Schreiber M a kol. Funkční somatologie. H&H, Praha 1998. Rokyta R a kol. Praktická cvičení z fyziologie I. a II. díl. ISV, Praha 1995. Dylevský I, Trojan S. Somatologie, Avicenum, Praha, 1990. Feneis, H., Dauber, W.: Anatomický obrazový slovník. Grada, Praha 1996. Hulín, I., Zlatoš, J., Hájek, J.: Somatologie. Učebnice pro SZŠ, Avicenum, Praha 1984. Silbernagl, S., Despopulos, A.: Atlas fyziologie člověka. Avicenum. Praha 1984. Šimek, J.: Fyziologické hodnoty u člověka. Avicenum. Praha 1986.
CD-rom 1. Lidské tělo, Multimedia BSP 2. The Inside Story, A.D.A.M. 3. Nine Month Miracle, A.D.A.M.
Internet resources: http://www.lf3.cuni.cz/physio http://hoflink.com/~house/humphy.html http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/visible/visible_human.html Last update: MRZILKOVA (26.09.2008)
Teaching is based on lectures and seminars. Seminars are based on demonstrations and working with anatomical specimen in the anatomy dissection room. Fyziology part is then focused more on the laboratory procedures and methods neccessary for animal expriment understanding and simulation of fyziology processes in the organism.
Last update: MRZILKOVA (26.09.2008)
in physiology: 80% attendance at practical trainings, 75% correct answers in written credit test, presentation of the seminary work, practical examination Last update: Yamamotová Anna, doc. RNDr., CSc. (25.11.2008)
Basic nomenclature
Life and its characteristics (metabolism, excitability, reproduction) Methods of life substances study Clasification of biology and medical sciences Functional morphology of the tissuesThe cell, cell division, membranous transport Tissue types, structural and functional hierarchy (cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism) External and internal compartment of organism, biochemistry of internal compartment Genetics, Mendels laws, chromosmal aberations, genetically bound diseases Basic orientation of the human bodyAnatomical nomenclature, topografical anatomy of the body surface, planes, directions Locomotory system Anatomical nomenclature of the bones Bones connections, joints, clinically important ligaments Anatomical nomenclature of the muscles, their function, basic innervation and biochemistry of the neuromuscular connection BloodComposition and function of the blood Blood composition, hematology and biochemistry, types of hemoglobin Blood groups, transfusion, excursion to the transfusion station Defensive systems of the organism, immune system Blood circulationComposition and function of the blood vessels Great, lesser and fetal blood circuit Anatomical nomenclature of the vascular circuits Hemodynamics of the blood circuit, blood pressure, method of measurement Composition and function of the heart, heart sounds, auscultation points, X-ray, ECG, Echocardiografy, catetrization Lymphatetic system Spleen Respiratory systemComposition and function of the respiratory pathways, paranasal sinuses Composition and function of the lungs, diaphragm, lungs X-ray, breathing volumes, spirometry External and internal breathing Regulated breathing Digestive systemComposition and function of the digestive system, topografy of the organs Composition and function of the gut Salivatory glands and salivation Composition, function and position of the liver, biochemistry of the bile Composition, function and position of the pancreas Basic composition of the food, breakdown, enzymes, basal metabolism, energy value of nutrients Vitamíns, antioxidants Protection reflexes of the GIT Urinary systemComposition and function of the kidneys, functional tests Composition and function of excretory ducts Reproductive systemMale reproductive system Female reproductive system Sexual development, sexual signs Gravidity, fetus development, delivery, lactation, breast milk composition, notion of breast feeding Birth-control Skin systemComposition and function of the skin, skin sensory systems and pain perception, effects of UV light Milky glands, hormonal regulation of lactation TermoregulationNotion of the bodily temperature Regulation of the bodily temperature, fever Metabolic regulation of the organismOverview of the endocrine glands Hormonal regulation, hormons, hypo and hyper function Neuronal regulation of the organismComposition and function of the nervous system, neuron, neuroglia, synapses Functional manifestations of the nervous system, reflex, stimulation, action potential, excitation and inhibition Central nervous system, functional morfology Brain, spinal cord, brain coverings, hematoencefalic barrier, sleep, EEG, postural and erectory reflexes, spinal startle, pain, decerebration and decorticalization Spinal and cranial nerves, anatomical nomenclature, function Periferal and autonomous nervous systems, mediators Memory, learning, speech, thought process Sensory organsComposition and function of the eye, biochemistry of color seeing, optotypes, eye background Composition and function of the ear, conductory and perception malfunction, audiometry Composition and function of the olfactory system ChildhoodGrowth and development of the child Fyziology of the newborn Fyziology of the childhood Fyziology of the elder ageHealth and disease, WHO definition, calendary and biology age Characteristics of the older age, premature aging Last update: MRZILKOVA (28.09.2008)
Sucessful graduation in terms of passing entry exams on the faculty and admission into the first year of this bachelor program. Basic knowledge from the biology, hemistry and fyzics. Last update: MRZILKOVA (26.09.2008)