Nursing in Surgery II. - CNSNS3
Title: Ošetřovatelství v chirurgických oborech II.
Guaranteed by: Department of General Surgery 3FM CU and UHKV (12-CHIR)
Faculty: Third Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: 4
E-Credits: 4
Examination process: winter s.:
summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/0, C [HT]
summer s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unknown (unknown)
summer:unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: doc. MUDr. Rodomil Kostka, CSc.
prof. MUDr. Valér Džupa, CSc.
MUDr. Filip Svatoš
Classification: Health Care > Clinical Disciplines
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
ANNOTATION Surgical nursing is a component of the Clinical nursing module in bachelor education. It consist of teaching in 7 basic surgical disciplines : surgery, orthopaedics, urology, cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery and burn medicine. It provides an overview of typical clinical symptoms, the basic diagnostic procedures based on physical examination and imaging methods. Surgical nursing is focused on presentation of the non-operative and operative treatment of diseases. The theoretical part of the subject is realized by the form of lectures, the practical part by the form of seminars and practical exercises. The subject is lectured in the summer semester of the second study year and in the winter and summer semesters of the third study year. The range of one semestr is 82 lessons, and the subject is concluded by an exam at the end of the third study year. ORTHOPAEDICS - ANNOTATION The part Orthopaedics as a component of the instructional module of Surgical disciplines is focused on presentation of options of the non-operative and operative treatment of orthopaedic diseases and affections after severe injuries to the musculoskeletal apparatus. It provides an overview of typical clinical complaints, the basic diagnostics based on physical examination and imaging methods, the method of planning of the non-operative and operative treatment and of individual surgical procedures.
Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (14.11.2008)
Aim of the course -


The primary objective of the subject is to provide a comprehensive overview of individual surgical diseases and post-injurietic affections requiring surgical treatment.

The second objective is to present typical clinical syndromes, physical examination and diagnostics using imaging methods.

The third objective is to explain indication of non-operative and operative treatment and the method of planning of individual surgical procedures.

The fourth objective is to acquaint students with the performance of individual surgical procedures.

Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (17.11.2008)
Literature -


Anatomická pomůcka ke studiu chirurgických předmětů/ M. Doskočil ? 1. vyd. ? Praha: Triton, 1999, ISBN 80-85875-84-5

Základy klinické anatomie pohybového aparátu/ J. Bartoníček a J. Heřt ? 1. vyd. ? Praha: Maxdorf, 2004, ISBN 80-7345-017-8

Propedeutika vybraných klinických oborů/ V. Třeška a kol. ? 1. vyd. ? Praha: Grada, 2002, ISBN 80-247-0239-8

Radiologické nálezy/ J. Neuwirth a kol. ? 1. vyd. ? Praha: Triton, 2001, ISBN 80-7254-159-5

Základy ortopedie / A. Sosna a kol. ? 1. vyd. ? Praha: Triton, 2001, ISBN 80-7254-202-8

Speciální chirurgie/ M. Zeman a kol. ? 1. vyd. ? Praha: Galen, 2001, ISBN 80-7262-093-2

Ortopedie/ K. Koudela a kol. ? 1. vyd. ? Praha: Karolinum, 2004, ISBN 80-246-0654-2

Ortopedická traumatologie/ K. Koudela a kol. ? 1. vyd. ? Praha: Karolinum, 2002, ISBN 80-246-0392-6

Traumatologie dospělých/ Višňa, Hoch ? 1. vyd. ? Maxdorf, 2004, ISBN 80-7345-034-8

Textbook of Disorders and Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System: an Introduction to Orthopaedics, Fractures, and Joint Injuries, Rheumatology, Metabolic Bone Disease, and Rehabilitation / R.B. Salter ? 3rd ed. ? Williams & Wilkins, 1999

Outline of Orthopaedics / J.C. Adams a D.L. Hamblen ? 13th ed. ? Churchill Livingstone, 2001, ISBN 0-443-07024-5

Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Orthopaedics / Skinner ? 3rd ed. ? McGrawhill, 2003, ISBN 0-071-12413-6

Practical fracture treatment / R. McRae ? 4rd ed. ? Churchill Livingstone, 2002, ISBN 0-443-07038-5

Handbook of Fractures / J.A. Elstrom, W.W. Virkus, A.M. Pankovich ? 3rd ed. ? McGraw-Hill, 2006, ISBN 0-07-144377-0

Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (14.11.2008)
Teaching methods -

ORTHOPAEDICS - winter semester


The course consists of seminars, practical training in the outpatient department and in the operating theatre. In the first year of the study, the seminars are organised in the form of interactive instruction. In the second year they are focused on revision of the information acquired in the first year. The practical training in the outpatient department and in individual wards is carried out on an individualised one teacher-one student basis with a focus on the basic practical skills. The training in the operating theatre is carried out in the form of assisting during surgery.



The course consists of seminars, practical training in outpatient department, operation theathre and wards. Seminars have an interactive character.

Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (17.11.2008)
Requirements to the exam -


Credit allotments : Eighty percent attandance to practical training is required. In case of absence posibility to complete practical training in outpatient department.

Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (14.11.2008)
Syllabus -


Third study year, winter semester, orthopaedics

1. Developmental disorders of musculoskeletal apparatus

2. Degenerative deseases of musculoskeletal apparatus

3. Inflammatory deseases of musculoskeletal apparatus

4. Orthopaedic oncology

5. Injury of bones and joints

6. Injury of soft tissues

7. Spinal disorders

8. Fractures of pelvis and acetabulum

Third study year, summer semester


Specialities of nursing care of burn injury


Congenital defects

Head injuries and the central nervous systém diseases


Congenital defects, terminology, principles of operational treatment


Terminology, principles of operational treatment and news in diagnosis and therapy

Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (17.11.2008)