Surgical nursing is a component of the Clinical nursing module in bachelor education. It consist of teaching in 7 basic surgical disciplines : surgery, orthopaedics, urology, cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery and burn medicine. Surgical nursing is lectured in the summer semester of the second study year. General Surgery and Plastic surgery is guaranteed by Clinic of Plastic Surgery, special surgery is teached in Clinic of Surgery. It provides an overview of typical clinical symptoms, the basic diagnostic procedures based on physical examination and imaging methods. Surgical nursing is focused on presentation of the non-operative and operative treatment of diseases. The theoretical part of the subject is realized by the form of lectures, the practical part by the form of seminars and practical exercises. The subject is lectured in the summer semester of the second study year and is concluded by credit.
Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (17.11.2008)
The primary objective of the subject is to provide a comprehensive overview of individual surgical diseases and post-injurietic affections requiring surgical treatment. The second objective is to present typical clinical syndromes, physical examination and diagnostics using imaging methods. The third objective is to explain indication of non-operative and operative treatment and the method of planning of individual surgical procedures. The fourth objective is to acquaint students with the performance of individual surgical procedures. Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (17.11.2008)
1.Vyhnánek, F., Brož, L., Počta, J., Strnad, J., Tvrdek, J.: Chirurgie I. Praha, Informatorium 2003. 2.Vyhnánek, F., Fanta, J., Strnad, J., Tvrdek, M.: Chirurgie II. Praha, Informatorium 2003. 3.Vyhnánek, F., Strnad, J., Urban, M.: Chirurgie III. Praha, Informatorium 2003. 4.Valenta, J., Šebor, J., Matějka, J., Runt, V.: Chirurgie pro bakalářské studium ošetřovatelství. Karolinum, Praha 2004. 5.Kozierová, Erbová, Olivierová: Ošetrovateľstvo 1., 2, Martin, Osveta 1995. 6.Adams, B., Harold, C. E. : Sestra a akutní stavy od A do Z. Praha, Grada Publishing 1999. 7.Trachtová, E. a kol.: Potřeby nemocného v ošetřovatelském procesu, IDVZ Brno 1999 8.Juřeníková, Hůsková, Petrová, Tománková: Ošetřovatelství I-IV díl. Uherské Hradiště 1999. 9.Ferko, A., Vobořil, Z., a kol.: Chirurgie v kostce. Grada, Praha, 2002 10.Šetina, M. a kol.: Kardiochirurgie. ZSF JU České Budějovice, 2005. 11.Fráně, F. : Chirurgie pro studující ZSF JU, České Budějovice, 2004. 12.http://www.chirwebcz Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (26.09.2013)
The course consists of seminars, practical training in outpatient department, operation theathre, endoscopy and aseptic and septic wards. Seminars have an interactive character. Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (17.11.2008)
Credit allotments : Eighty percent attandance to practical training is required. In case of absence posibility to complete practical training in outpatient department. Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (17.11.2008)
Second study year, summer semester
1. Introduction into the surgery, surgical specialities, basic surgical terminology. Basic rules in the first aid, haemostasis. Types and characteristics of wounds, infection in surgery, prevention of tetanus. Asepsis, antisepsis, sterilisatio. 2. Surgical team, surgical instrument, prepare of patient to the surgery. Basic principles of patient´s post-op care and follow up. 3. Plastic surgery - introduction and basic subspecialities. Congenital disorders. Skin tumours. 4. Closure of defects, hand surgery, microsurgery, replantation. Aesthetic surgery.
Practical training
1. Acknowledgement with surgery, types of surgeries. Surgical indications- explanation. Main rules of cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation. First aid in bleeding, classification of wounds. Pathogenesis of infection course, propagation of infection and prevention. Explanation of asepsis and antisepsis concept. Acknowledgement with sterilisation unit. 2. Arrangement of operating theatres. Emergency operating theatre. The job description of all staff categories at the operating theatre. Pre-op prepare of patient. Post-op care, post-op complications. 3. Specific surgeries at the paediatric department. Congenital disorders and skin tumours in childhood. 4. Nurse care in patients after replantation and muscle flap transfer.
bladder,pancreas, spleen, liver)
Lectures :
1. Hernias. 2. Diseases of oesophagus, stomach and small intestine. 3. Diseaes of colon and rektum. 4. Diseases of gall bladder and bile ducts, liver, spleen and pancreas. 5. Sudden abdominal incidents. 6. Vascular surgery, endocrinosurgery. Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (17.11.2008)