SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Public Health Care - CNSKVD1
Title: Ochrana veřejného zdraví
Guaranteed by: Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3FM CU (12-EPID)
Faculty: Third Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2019
Semester: winter
Points: 2
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/10, C+Ex [HS]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: combined
Additional information:
Guarantor: doc. MUDr. Alexander Čelko, CSc.
prof. MUDr. Milena Černá, DrSc.
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
The subject is taught in bachelors study programme Specialisation in Health Care, subject (Public Health Care) (General nurse) in the 1st year of study. Students will be thought to be familiar with communicable as well as non-communicable diseases with the stress on mode of transmission of the infectious diseases and understanding of epidemiological relationships. The course hygiene deals with effects of living and working conditions on health. Occupational medicine - Ionizing radiation, physical, chemical, biological and psychological factors affecting health at work and wellbeing and preventing adverse effects. The occupational basic legislation.
Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (16.09.2011)
Aim of the course -

The aim is to acquaint students with the subject of hygiene (physical, chemical and biological factors) and their impact on health, with emphasis on issues of medical devices joining and with the subject epidemiology and its role in clinical practice. Occupational medicine - introduction students with the adverse effects of different factors work and work environment on employee health and preventive measures against the effect of

Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (27.10.2010)
Course completion requirements - Czech

Zkouška formou testu -  multiple choice test  30 otázek - minimálně 21 správných odpovědí


Zkouška formou testu -  multiple choice test  30 otázek - minimálně 21 správných odpovědí


Tématické okruhy:                    

Hygienické požadavky

Radiační ochrana

Nemoci z povolání

Způsoby přenosu infekce

Základy pasivní a aktivní imunizace

Střevní bakteriální a virové nákazy

Respirační virové a bakteriální nákazy

Virové hepatitidy


Epidemiologické studie

Attack rate

Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (13.09.2017)
Literature -

1. Kolektiv: Manuál prevence v lékařské praxi - souborné vydání, Univerzita Karlova /

Fortuna, 2004, 736 stran, ISBN 80-7168-942-4

2. Provazník a kol.:: Manuál prevence v lékařské praxi (souborné vydáni), CD ROM,     Fortuna, Praha 2004 - 2006

3. Dana Göpfertová, Petr Pazdiora, Jana Dáňová: Epidemiologie (obecná a speciální

epidemiologie infekčních nemocí), Učební texty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, Karolinum

2013, ISBN 978-80-246-2223-1

4. Bencko a kol. Hygiena. Učební texty UK v Praze, 2002

5.  Brhel,P., Manoušková,M., Hrnčíř,E. a kol.: Pracovní lékařství. základy primární pracovnělékařské péče, NCO NZO Brno, 2005

6. Pracovní lékařství - odborný časopis zaměřený na problematiku zdravotní péče o pracující, hygienu práce a nemoci z povolání, vydává ČLS JEP, Praha

Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (13.09.2017)
Teaching methods -


Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (21.10.2010)
Requirements to the exam -

Credits shall be awarded upon completion of following requirements:

Succesfully passing the credit test (30 questions of multiple choice test, 21 and more  answers are necessary to be correct).   

Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (13.09.2017)
Syllabus -



Infectious and noninfectious disease

Changes of distribution of infectious diseases during 20. century, trends of the disease, primary prevention of infectious diseases. Epidemiology and its role in clinical practice.

Mode of transmission and  types of distribution of communicable diseases

Basic conditions of transmission - agent, reservoir, transmission, susceptible person

Epidemiological investigation in foci of infections. Preventive and repressive measures.



Definition of subject, procedures for assessing the impact of working and living environment on health and hygiene requirements for health facilities, occupational health hazards, radiation protection.


Occupational medicine

Health risk at work. Occupational psychology and hygiene.

Radiation protection of  workers and patients at application of ionising radiation in medicine

Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (27.10.2010)
Entry requirements - Czech

Vstupní požadavky nejsou

Last update: Maternová Kateřina, Bc. (10.09.2014)
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