Contents of course number 15 is basic trauma overview for pregradual education with
dividing on individual phases in problems of trauma and trauma care :
1.Pathophysiology, 2.Pharmacology, 3. Epidemiology, 4. Imunology, 5. Radiologic
diagnostic and therapetic modalities in trauma, 6. Medicolegal and legislative issues in trauma. 6. Basic diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in specific injuries.
The subjekt will provide a complete view of the injuries of the orofacial system with emphasis on the needs of general medicine students. It introduces the students with injuries of both the soft and hard tissues in the maxillofacial region and other regions topographically related. It presents the traumatology of the teeth and periodont, fractures of splanchnocranium and neurocranium, injuries of the soft tissues and basics in eye and brain injuries. The students are thought diagnostics, treatment and consequence of these injuries. The subject?s aim is to teach the graduates of the general medicine the ability to diagnose and treat acute cases involving these kinds of injuries, especially polytraumas.
Klinika popáleninové medicíny
During the lecture we show all types of burn trauma, their classification, first aid and treatment by localization, extension and degree of the burn. We demonstrate communication with patients especially with children and with elderly burned people. We demonstrate lasting sequels after deep burns and possibility their improvement.
Soudní lékařství
Part of Course of Trauma in Module IIC in Year IV
Last update: Kostka Rodomil, doc. MUDr., CSc. (26.09.2013)
Primary goals of student educations is reached basic aspects of traumatology in theoretical and practical part. Connection and importance of role preclinacal disciplines / patophysiology, pharmacology / for traumatology is next goals. Third goal is reached skills in basic emergency cure of victims, diagnostic procedures and basic therapeutic procedures.
Klinika popáleninové medicíny Learn students classify and evaluate burn trauma, demonstrate their treatment and principles of the first aid. Last update: Filipcová Ludmila (17.10.2008)
1.Feliciano D.V., Moore E.E., Mattox K.L.: Trauma, Appleton x Lange, Sttamford, Connecticut 1996 copyright 2004 2.Cameron J.L. : Current surgical therapy , Mosby, St.Louis 2001, copyright 2008 3.Irwin R.S., Rippe J.M.: Intensive care medicine, Lippincott WilliamsxWilkins, Philadelphia, 2003
Klinika popáleninové medicíny Herndon D. N., et al. Total Burn Care, 3rd edition. Saunders Published May 2007. ISBN 1416032746 / 9781416032748, 880 Pages, 772 Illustrations. Last update: Filipcová Ludmila (17.10.2008)
seminars, educations os skills in all departments of traumatology disciplines
Klinika popáleninové medicíny Lecture PPS - Burns problematic, electric trauma, frostbitten, chemical burns, rehabilitation, reconstruction, lasting sequels. Last update: Filipcová Ludmila (17.10.2008)
Klinika popáleninové medicíny 75 % attendance in training, if not accomplished, there is an alternative of training according to individual agreement with the teacher.
Conditions for acquisition of credit in the course of orthopaedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal apparatus Master´s studies
3rd grade Credit will be awarded: 1. upon completion of 80% of the prescribed course attendance and passing of the final test, 2. in case of failure to comply with this condition, upon completion of a substitute individual clinical internship agreed in advance with the head of the course.
4th grade Colloquy (the so called sub-credit) will be awarded: 1. upon completion of both internships and one seminar, 2. in case of failure to comply with this condition, upon completion of a substitute individual clinical internship agreed in advance with the head of the course.
5th grade Credit will be awarded: 1. upon completion of four internships, one internship in the sonographic outpatients department and a night duty, 2. one of the mentioned duties may be replaced by internship in the Department of Anthropology in the National Museum, 3. seminars are optional, participation in 6 of 30 seminars offered is recommended in the course of the whole academic year, 4. in case of failure to comply with this condition, upon completion of a substitute individual clinical internship agreed in advance with the head of the course.
6th grade Colloquy (the so called sub-credit) will be awarded: 1. upon completion of 80% of the prescribed course attendance, seminars are optional, 2. in case of failure to comply with this condition, upon completion of a substitute individual clinical internship agreed in advance with the head of the course.
Last update: Filipcová Ludmila (17.10.2008)
Course number l5- Trauma Two weeks
1.week Monday: 1.hour: seminar : Trauma- definition, pathophysiology of postinjury reaction, cause of injury, organisation of trauma care, basic examination and treatment of the victim / early postinjury period- monotrauma, major trauma / Surgery : doc. Vyhnánek
2.hour: seminar: Trauma of thorax and abdomen 3.hour: seminar: Metabolic changes and nutrition support in injuried patients , postinjury complications. Surgery: doc. Vyhnánek
4.-6. hour :practice: Demonstration of trauma patients / examination, diagnostic procedures, basic therapeutic procedures- algoritms / Surgery :
Tuesday: 1.hour : seminar : Epidemiology and prevention of trauma Centre of prevention medicine : prof. Provazník
2.hour : seminar: Radionuclid diagnostic procedures of trauma Nuclear medicine : dr. Lang
3.hour: seminar: Pharmacotherapy in traumatology / analgetics, anaestetics, antishock therapy / Pharmacology : prof. Kršiak
4.-5.hour : practice: Pharmacotherapy of trauma Pharmacology
6.hour: seminar: Immologic response to injury Immunology : Dr Kučera
Wednesday: 1.hour: seminar: Pathophysiology of trauma and trauma shock Physiology : doc.Mareš
2.hour: seminar: Pathophysiology of metabolic and endocrine response to injury Physiology : doc. Mareš
3.hour: seminar: Medicolegal and legislative problems in trauma dr. Hladík,prof. Štefan
4.-6.hour : Hours for study
Thursday: 1.hour:seminar: Pre-hospital care in trauma patients / , initial assessment ,resuscitation, management of shock, first aid in injury / Organ failure after injury- multiorgan failure / diagnostic procedures and management / Department of anesteziology : doc.Pachl
2.-3. hour: seminar: Radiological diagnostic procedures in traumatology Department of radiology : doc. Šprindrych
4.-6. hour: practice: Management in early period after injury Department of anesteziology ? emergency .
Friday: 1.-3. hour: Hours for study 4.hour: seminar: Trauma of ENT / diagnostic procedures and management / Department of ENT : doc.Hahn
5.hour : practice: Trauma of ENT Department of ENT
6.hour: practice : Medicolegal and legislative problems in trauma Dr. Hladík, prof.Štefan
2. week Monday: 1.-2.hour: seminar: Injury of soft tissue, wounds, hand injury, microsurgery in trauma Plastic surgery : doc. Tvrdek
3.hour:seminar: Maxilofacial injuries Stomatology : doc. Gojišová , dr. Hájek
4.hour: practice: Demonstration of victims with maxilofacial injuries / examination, diagnostic procedures, management / Stomatology doc. Gojišová, dr Hájek
5.-6.hour: practice:Wounds management . Plastic surgery
Tuesday: 1.-3.hour: seminar: Injury of joints and fractures / diagnostic precedures, management / Orthopedy : prof. Bartoníček
4.-6.hour : practice: Demonstration of victims / trauma of joints and fracture ? examination, management / Orthopedy:
Wednesday: 1.hour: seminar: Thermal injuries / pre-hospital care, burns shock ? management / Department of burns medicine:
2.-3.hour: practice: Thermal injuries / demonstration of victims, examination, management / Department of burns medicíně
4.hour: seminar: Urological injuries Urology : doc. Urban
5.hour: practice : Urological injuries / demonstration of victims , examination, diagnostic procedures and management / Urology:
6.hour : Hour for study
Thuesday : 1.hour: seminar: Injury of muscles and joints 2.hour : seminar: Injury of the vertebrae and spinal cord Orthopedy : prof. Bartoníček
3.-4.hour: practice : Trauma of muscles,joints, vertebrae / demonstration of victims, examination, diagnostic procedures, management / Ortopedy:
5.hour: seminar : Craniocerebral injury Neurosurgery : prof. Haninec
6.hour : practice :Craniocerebral injury / demonstration of victims, examination, diagnostic procedures, management / Neurosurgery : prof.Haninec
Friday: 1.-3. hour: Hours for study 4.-5.hour: practice : Rehabilitation of the trauma patients Department of rehabilitation : dr. Vacek
6.hour: Conclusion Surgery : doc. Vyhnánek
Doc. MUDr. F.Vyhnánek,CSc., Course l5- Trauma
Trauma is a wound or injury characterized by a structural alteration or physiologic imbalance resulting from acute exposure to mechanical, thermal, electrical , or chemical energy, or from the absence of such essentials as heat or oxygen. This definition encompasses a wide variety of injuries, many of which require urgent diagnosis and treatment. Problems of trauma and trauma care included besides kwouledges of pathophysiology, pathological anatomy and pharmacology others included diagnostic and therapeutic approach / epidemiology, prevention of trauma, pre-hospital care and transport, evaluation and resuscitation in the emergency department, operative and nonoperative care for specific injuries, critical care after trauma, posttraumatic rehabilitation /. Further special chapters like pediatric and geriatric trauma, thermal, chemical and radiation injuries, organ transplanation, reconstrictive surgery, management of complications after trauma nad medicolegal and legislative issues in trauma. Injuries account for approximately 25 % of all emergency department visits and the leading cause of death among aged 45 years and is the third leading cause of death for all ages. Death from trauma occur in a trimodal distribution. Immediate deaths occur at the accident scene and represent nearly half of all traumatic deaths. Brain, high spinal cord, cardiac, major vascular injuries represent the usual cause. Approximately 30 % comprise ? early ? deaths, occuring within a few hours of sustaining injury. Hemorrhage, airway and breathing problems, and brain injuries are most common causes . Late deaths peak at 3 to 4 weeks, are now unusual, and are attributable to 2multisystem organ dysfuction.
Stomatologie: SYLABUS: Anatomy of orofacial system, Physical examination of the patient with facial fractures Radiography: X-ray and CT diagnosis of fractures to the splanchnocranuim, Team aproach to the management of trauma victim Teeth and periodont injuries, Fractures of the mandible, Fractures of the middle and upper facial departments, Soft tissue injuries of the face and neck. Management of the head trauma patient Closed reduction and immobilization Open reduction
Klinika popáleninové medicíny Classification of burns by depth, extension, and localization, first aid and preparation of the patient for transportation. Classification of patients by age and treatment during hospitalization. Therapy during acute period, during burn shock, conservative and surgery treatment, necrectomy, avulsion, auto-grafting, mesh-grafting, treatment of the donor areas. Therapy after heeling, principles of rehabilitation, compressive therapy. Principles of reconstructive operations, with demonstration its results and results of long-period therapy. Last update: Filipcová Ludmila (09.12.2008)