Bleeding (IIC) - Ophthalmology - CMCP093ON
Examination dates Schedule
To inform students about aetiology, clinical picture, diagnosis and differential diagnosis due to intra-ocular and extra-ocular bleedings.
Last update: Hornová Jara, MUDr., CSc. (29.05.2008)
To inform students about bleeding in the eye.
Last update: Hornová Jara, MUDr., CSc. (29.05.2008)
Khaw,P.T., Elkington,A.R.: ABC of Eyes. IInd edition, BMJ Publishing Group, London 1988 Phillips,G.I. et al.: Ophthalmology a primer for medical Students and practitioners. Bailliere Tindall, London 1994 Last update: Hornová Jara, MUDr., CSc. (29.05.2008)
Seminars (photo documentation). Last update: Hornová Jara, MUDr., CSc. (29.05.2008)
Accomplished attendence oh the one lesson to "Bleeding" course. Last update: Babáková Eva (03.09.2008)
Lids´hemorrhages, the left and right sub-orbital haematomas, orbital haematoma, subconjuctival haemorrhage, hyphaema, vitreal haemorrhages and retinal haemorrhages. Bleeding aetiology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapy. Last update: Hornová Jara, MUDr., CSc. (29.05.2008)