SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Course, academic year 2023/2024
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Nursing III. - Procedures - CHSNS3
Title: Ošetřovatelství III. - postupy
Guaranteed by: Department of Nursing 3FM CU (12-UOS)
Faculty: Third Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2016
Semester: winter
Points: 3
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/10, C+Ex [HS]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: PhDr. Hana Svobodová, Ph.D.
Co-requisite : CHSAN1, CHSBF1, CHSCP2, CHSPF2, CHSPH1
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Practicing nursing procedures in the skill lab. The students integrate the knowledge gained in biological, humanities and propedeutics modules.
Last update: VYTEJCKOVA (15.09.2008)
Aim of the course -

The students will gain nursing skills and knowledge for rational explanation of their work.

Last update: VYTEJCKOVA (15.09.2008)
Literature -

1.Lemon 1. : 4. díl: IDV PZ, Brno 1996.

2.Kozierová, B. a kol.: Ošetrovatelstvo I. a 2. díl. Osveta, Martin 1995.

3.České ošetřovatelství 2. IDV PZ, Brno 1998.

4.Janošíková, M., Mikšová, Z., Zajíčková, M.: Kapitoly z ošetřovatelské péče I a II. Grada - Avicenum. Praha 2006.

5.Kompendium ran a jejich ošetřování. Hartmann-Rico. Veverská Bitýška 2002.

6.Nejedlá, M., Svobodová, H., Šafránková, A.: Ošetřovatelství III/1.díl. učebnice SŠ. Informatorium, Praha 2004. ISBN 80-7333-030-X

7.Nejedlá, M., Svobodová, H., Šafránková, A.: Ošetřovatelství III/2. učebnice SŠ. Informatorium, Praha 2004. ISBN 80-7333-031-8

8.Nejedlá, M., Svobodová, H., Šafránková, A.: Ošetřovatelství IV/1 učebnice SŠ. Informatorium, Praha 2004. ISBN 80-7333-032-6

9.Nejedlá, M., Svobodová, H., Šafránková, A.: Ošetřovatelství IV/2. učebnice SŠ. Informatorium, Praha 2004. ISBN 80-7333-034-2

10.Kalvach, Z., Zadák, Z., Jirák, K. a kol.: Geriatrie a gerontologie. Grada Publishing. Praha 2004.

odborné časopisy : Sestra, Diagnóza v ošetřovatelství apod.

Last update: VYTEJCKOVA (15.09.2008)
Teaching methods -

practical exercises

Last update: VYTEJCKOVA (15.09.2008)
Requirements to the exam -

The student will write a thesis with using foreign literature, 5 - 7 pages. 80% score on the final test.

Last update: VYTEJCKOVA (15.09.2008)
Syllabus -

1. hand washing, care of the environment

2. hygiene - epidemiology guidelines, barrier nursing care

3. hygiene needs

4. elimination needs

5. nutrition and hydration

6. taking samples for examination

7. wound care

8. administering medications

9. urinary catheterization

10. therapeutic procedures

Last update: VYTEJCKOVA (15.09.2008)
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