The aim of the course is to bring a overview of basic psychiatric disorders and their treatment with a view to practical skills in care of patients with mental disorders.
Last update: Jarošová Hana (23.10.2008)
After the course, participants will be familiar with the pictures of basic psychiatric disorders and their treatment. Futher, participants will be able to communicate with mentally ill patients and understand as well as resolve the critical situations in psychiatry Last update: Jarošová Hana (23.10.2008)
JANOSIKOVA, E.H., DAVIESOVÁ, J.L Psychiatrická ošetřovatelská starostlivosť. Duševné zdravie a psychiatrické ošetrovatelstvo.. Martin: Osveta, 1999 J. Vymětal a kol. Obecná psychoterapie (Psychoanalytické nakladatelství J. Kocourek Praha 1997) ISBN-80-86123-02-2 Praško J. a kol. Psychiatrie (Informatorium Praha 2003) ISBN-80-7333-0024 Marková E. a kol. Psychiatrická ošetřovatelská péče (Praha Grada 2006) ISBN-80-2471-151-6 Last update: Jarošová Hana (23.10.2008)
Theoretical seminars and practical training Last update: Jarošová Hana (23.10.2008)
Credit: 1500 words essay, 100% of presence. Exam: Test, 75% success rate, oral exam: two questions. Last update: Jarošová Hana (23.10.2008)
Topics: 1. Introduction to psychiatry, basic diagnostic group of mental disorder, health versus disease 2. Therapeutic techniques in psychiatry ? pharmacotherapy, biological methods, psychotherapy Practical training: Case reports and discussion. Last update: Jarošová Hana (23.10.2008)