Practical training of examination, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and eye diseases therapy. Cataracts,
glaucoma, eye inflamation, refractive errors, retinal diseases, corneas, cancer diseases in and around eye, diseases in childhood, ophthalmology acute conditions
Last update: Hornová Jara, MUDr., CSc. (26.11.2019)
Ophthalmology practice Examination of the eye area and structures of the anterior segment of the globe, examination of the red reflex and pupil reactions. Providing first aid in injuries, first aid in burns and eye burns, application of drops and ointments, covering the eye. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. Orientation understending and indications for basic types of specialized eye examinations (ophthalmoscopy, perimetry, tonometry, refractometry, ultrasound of the eye, optical coherent tomography) Last update: Hornová Jara, MUDr., CSc. (26.11.2019)
Kanski,J.J.: Clinical Ophthalmology:a systematic approach. Fourth edition. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.1999,p.673. Allen,R.C. and Harper,R.A.: Basic Opjthalmology. Essential for Medical Students 2016 Last update: Hornová Jara, MUDr., CSc. (26.11.2019)
Theoretical knowledge and relationship to other fields of medicine, practical training and skills Communication with a patient, medical history, examination of the eye and the structures of the anterior segment in focal light, causing the red reflex, pupillary reactions, using an ophthalmoscope, eversion of the upper lid, the application of drops, ointments and eye protection, understanding of the basic types of specialized eye examinations. Theoretical knowledge and relation to the other fields of medicine, practical training and skills Last update: Hornová Jara, MUDr., CSc. (26.11.2019)
There are 5 seminars and 2 practicals during the course. Participation in them is mandatory, attendance at 6 of these 7 teaching units is required for credit. An oral exam follows. Last update: Studený Pavel, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2024)
Eye history, diagnosis and treatment of patients with cataract, glaucoma, everyday pathology of the anterior and posterior segment of the eye and oncology patients. Special subjective examination methods in ophthalmology; ways and means of refractive errors treatment. Last update: Kubánek Ondřej (10.10.2013)