The course "Operative treatment of disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system" is focused on presentation of options of the operative treatment of orthopaedic diseases and affections after severe injuries to the musculoskeletal apparatus. It provides an overview of typical clinical complaints, the basic diagnostics based on physical examination and imaging methods, the method of planning of operative treatment and of individual surgical procedures. The objective of the subject is to provide a comprehensive overview of subjective complaints and objective manifestations of individual orthopaedic diseases, post-trauma affections requiring surgical treatment, to present diagnostics of these conditions using the imaging methods, to explain indication of individual surgical procedures and their planning and to acquaint students with the technique of these surgical procedures. Last update: Džupa Valér, prof. MUDr., CSc. (21.07.2022)
The primary objective of the subject is to provide a comprehensive overview of subjective complaints and objective manifestations of individual orthopaedic diseases and post-trauma affections requiring surgical treatment. The secondary objective is to present diagnostics of these conditions using the imaging methods. The third objective is to explain indication of individual surgical procedures and their planning. The fourth objective is to acquaint students with the technique of these surgical procedures.
Last update: Džupa Valér, prof. MUDr., CSc. (21.07.2022)
Douša P., Pešl T., Džupa V., Krbec M. (Eds): Vybrané kapitoly z ortopedie a traumatologie pro studenty medicíny. Praha, Karolinum 2021 Gallo J a kol: Ortopedie pro studenty lékařských a zdravotnických fakult. Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci 2011, ISBN 978-80-244-2486-6 Sosna A a kol: Základy ortopedie. 1. vyd. Triton 2001
Adams JC, Hamblen DL: Outline of Orthopaedics. 14th ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2009 Dandy DJ, Edwards DJ: Essential Orthopaedics and Trauma. 5th ed. Churchill Livingstone 2009 Duckworth T, Blundell CM: Orthopaedics and Fractures. 4th ed. Wiley-Blackwell 2010 McRae R: Practical Fracture Treatment. 5th ed. Churchill Livingstone 2008 Last update: Džupa Valér, prof. MUDr., CSc. (21.07.2022)
The course consists of seminars where the students are always provided with materials for the following unit. The instruction is interactive and is supplemented with slides documenting dissection material and intraoperative findings. Selected topics are illustrated by video-recordings taken during operations. Last update: Džupa Valér, prof. MUDr., CSc. (21.07.2022)
Credit will be awarded: 1. upon completion of 80% of the prescribed course attendance and passing of the final test, 2. in case of failure to comply with this condition, upon completion of a substitute individual clinical internship agreed in advance with the head of the course. Last update: Džupa Valér, prof. MUDr., CSc. (21.07.2022)
1. Surgical treatment of disorders of the shoulder 2. Surgical treatment of disorders of the elbow and hand 3. Surgical treatment of pelvic, acetabular and hip injuries 4. Hip arthroplasty 5. Revision hip arthroplasty, postoperative rehabilitation 6. Surgical treatment of disorders of the femur, knee and crus 7. Surgical treatment of disorders of the ankle and foot Last update: Džupa Valér, prof. MUDr., CSc. (21.07.2022)