To see personally the work of a surgeon in the surgical emergency. It is a part of the Module of Surgery taught in the fifth year of the study. Students will take a part in the surgical emergency during weekends, everytime after a deal made with the teacher. Moreover, students can participate in acute operations performed at this time.
The terms of weekend surgical practice for summer and winter semester are determined individually. You can sign up for these therms by the secretary of the Dpt. of Surgery.
Last update: Filipcová Ludmila (05.06.2009)
The aim is basic diagnostic and treatment problems in surgery. Last update: Filipcová Ludmila (21.10.2008)
.Feliciano D.V., Moore E.E., Mattox K.L.: Trauma, Appleton x Lange, Sttamford, Connecticut 1996 copyright 2004
2.Cameron J.L. : Current surgical therapy , Mosby, St.Louis 2001, copyright 2008
3.Irwin R.S., Rippe J.M.: Intensive care medicine, Lippincott WilliamsxWilkins, Philadelphia, 2003
Klinika popáleninové medicíny
Herndon D. N., et al. Total Burn Care, 3rd edition. Saunders Published May 2007.
ISBN 1416032746 / 9781416032748, 880 Pages, 772 Illustrations. Last update: Filipcová Ludmila (21.10.2008)
Weekend stay in surgical emergency is possible for maximally 2 students. Students can participate in work on emergency as well as in acute operations performed at this time. Last update: Filipcová Ludmila (20.05.2010)
To get the credit:
Last update: Filipcová Ludmila (21.10.2008)
To see individually the practical work of the surgeon in the surgical emergency. A part of the Module of Surgery taught in the fifth year of the study. Last update: Filipcová Ludmila (21.10.2008)