Introduction to Clinical Medicine IV - Propedeutics in Surgery - C3VL010
Title: Úvod do klinické medicíny IV - Chirurgická propedeutika
Guaranteed by: Department of General Surgery 3FM CU and UHKV (12-CHIR)
Faculty: Third Faculty of Medicine
Actual: from 2021
Semester: summer
Points: 2
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/30, C [HS]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (12)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech, English
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: prof. MUDr. Andrej Sukop, Ph.D.
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Propedeutics in surgery introduce basic surgery to students in theoretical and practical way.
Last update: Sukop Andrej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (21.07.2023)
Aim of the course -

The aim of this issue is an  introduction to the surgery on theorecal and practical way.

A. Seminars explain theoretically:

Introduction, history of surgery, surgical branches and specializations. Examination of the patient in surgery.

Basic guide and keeping of medical documentation in surgery

Basic principles of the first aid and emergency care (blood circulation and cardiovascular system, respiration and ventilation, state of consciousness). Basic characteristics of the shock, preventive care of the shock in the first aid.

Common surgical issues: nosologic units (tumors, cysts, ulcers, sinuses and fistulas, necrosis, gangrene), parallel diseases and problems (metabolic, cardiovascular, ventilation, psychological, and psychiatric), specific aspects (childhood, old age).

 Technologies in surgery- endoscope and endoscopy, microscope and microsurgery, highly specialized devices. Surgical medical supplies- types of bandages and dressings, suture materials, basic instruments.

Administration of medicaments: injections, infusions, installations, infiltration, and others (ingestion, sticking-plaster, gel, cream, ointment, eye and ear drops).

Surgical drainage, catheterization.

Wound types and characteristics, wound healing (first intention, second intention). Hemorrhage, bleeding, physiological and surgical hemostasis. Inflammation and infection in surgery (wound, local, systemic, general), prevention of the tetanus, nosocomial infection.

Management of the operation theatre, surgical team. Asepsis, antisepsis, means and types of sterilization and disinfection. Preoperative management of the patient (local, general), including surgical field itself. Local and general postoperative treatment, postoperative complications.

 Nutrition and dietetics in surgery.Physiotherapy in surgery.

B. The next goal presents the practical knowledge and training in dressing techniques, surgical instruments, types of suture material, sutures and other types of  skin closure., prepare of surgeon to surgery,  donning the gown and gloves, basic techniques of wound suturing, dressings: ward and outpatient department, and assisting of surgery at operating theatres.







Last update: Sukop Andrej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (10.12.2019)
Literature -

DUŠKOVÁ, M. a kol. Introduction into the Surgery. University mimeographed for students of 3rd Medical Faculty.[CD-ROM]. First edition. Praha: Charles Univerzity in Prague, 3rd Medical Faculty, Department of Plastic Surgery, 2009. Electronic version in PDF formate, available also at WWW: ISBN: 978-80-254-4657-7.

Presentations from the seminars available in the application Vyuka.

Last update: Sukop Andrej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (21.07.2023)
Teaching methods -

Students must be dressed in white clothing (trousers and T-shirt) with a lab coat and slippers for the practicum, otherwise they will not be admitted to the practicum.

seminars, practical training

Last update: Sukop Andrej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (21.07.2023)
Requirements to the exam -

The condition for credit is 90% attendance at practicals, answering one question from the range of questions discussed at the seminars, and passing the exam from the IA module.

Questions for the exam

1) Introduction, history of surgery, surgical fields and specializations.

2) Basic terminology, nomenclature in surgery (incision, excision, exstirpation, punctuation, excochleation, reduction, etc.).

3) Patient examination in surgery. Patient history, physical examination, laboratory diagnostics, basic imaging methods.

4) Medical documentation in surgery. Fundamental principles, legal aspects.

5) Common surgical diagnoses: tumors, cysts, ulcers, sinuses, fistula, necrosis, gangrene. Patophysiology, common location, therapy, technique.

6)  Concomitant diseases and health conditions (metabolic, cardiovascular, ventilatory, psychological and psychiatric), specific aspects (childhood, old age).

7) Surgical medical devices. Basic instruments, coagulation, suction, turnstile, loupes, microscope, etc. Types of sutures. Types of dressings and dressing material.

8) Drug application. Injection and distribution, methods of administration, infusion, instillation, infiltration, etc. (oral intake, patches, gel, cream, ointment, eye drops and ear drops).

9) Vascular system cannulation. Peripheral venous system, central venous system, arterial system, catheterization, technique.

10) Types of wounds and their characteristics, wound healing (per primam intentionem, per secundam intentionem). Basics of defect closure.

11) Internal and external haemorrhage, physiological and surgical haemostasis.

12) Transfusion. Indications, application principles, complications. Infusion therapy in surgery.

13) Operating room management, operating group, operation protocol.

14) Asepsis, antisepsis, types of sterilization and disinfection.

15) Pre-operative preparation of the patient (local, general), operative field.

16) Local and general postoperative treatment, postoperative complications – classification, prevention, diagnostics, therapy.

17) Inflammation and infection in surgery (early, local, systemic, phlegmon, abscess, furuncle, carbuncle, sepsis, anaerobic infections), tetanus prevention, nosocomial infections.

18) Drainage methods in surgery, principles, indications. Puncture, types, technique, indication.

19) Types of anesthesia (general, local and regional anesthesia).

20) Nutrition and Dietetics in surgery.

21) Rehabilitation in surgery.

Last update: Sukop Andrej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (21.07.2023)
Syllabus -

All students must come prepared in all white hospital scrubs and hospital shoes to be prepared for contact with patients. ALL STUDENTS WHO DO  NOT RESPECT THIS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE PART IN THE PRACTICE. 



Introduction, history of surgery, history of  surgery, surgical branches and specialization.Patient examination in surgery (history, physical examination, laboratory examination, basic imaging methods). Basics of conducting medical documentation in surgery, including legal aspects. 


Basics of first aid and emergency treatment (cardiovascular system and blood circulation, respiration, ventilation, state of consciousness). Fundamentals of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, indication, surgical approach. Basic characteristics of shock, definition, classification, symptomatology, prevention of first aid shock.


Basic terminology, nomenclature in surgery (incision, excision, exstirpation, punctuation, excochleation, repositioning, exploration ...). Common surgical terms and findings (tumors, cysts, abscess, ulcers, sinuses, fistula, necrosis, gangrene-pathophysiology, places of the body and treatment), concomitant diseases and problems (metabolic, cardiovascular, ventilatory, psychological and psychiatric) childhood, old age). 


Surgical medical devices - basic instruments, instruments (coagulation, suction, turnstile, magnifying glasses, microscope). Types of sewing material. Types of dressings and dressing material. Drug application: injection- distribution and administration, infusion, instillation, infiltration, and more (oral intake, patches, gel, cream, ointment, eye drops and ear drops). Vascular system cannulation (peripheral venous system, central venous system, arterial system, catheterization.


Types of wounds and their properties, wound healing (per primam intentionem, per secundam intentionem). Fundamentals of defect coverage. Internal haemorrhage, external, physiological and surgical haemostasis. Transfusion. Indications, application principles, complications ...


Operating theater management, operating group, operational protocol. Asepsis, antisepsis, means and types of sterilization and disinfection. Pre-operative preparation of the patient (local, general) including the actual operating field. Local and general postoperative treatment, postoperative complications-distribution, prevention, diagnostics, basics of therapy. Infusion therapy in surgery. 


Inflammation and infections in surgery (morning, local, systemic, general, phlegmone, abscess, furuncle, carbuncle, sepsis, anaerobic infections), tetanus prevention, nosocomial infections. Drainage methods in surgery, principles, indications. Puncture, types, method of execution, indication.

Types of anesthesia (total, local and regional anesthesia). Nutrition and Dietetics in Surgery. Rehabilitation in surgery. 



All students must come prepared in all white hospital scrubs and hospital shoes to be prepared for contact with patients. ALL STUDENTS WHO DO  NOT RESPECT THIS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE PART IN THE PRACTICE. 

P1:  Examination of the Surgical Patient.

P2:  Dressing and plastering techniques, ways of treating wounds.

P3:  Srubbing in, dressing gowns and gloves. Preparation of the operating area. Surgical instruments, types of suture materials, incision, excision, ligation, knots.

P4: Skin suture training, threaded stitches, knotting by hand, knotting by needle

P5: Practice of sutures, vascular sutures, suture of peripheral nerve, microsurgery

P6: Basic training of bone surgery- osteotomy, trepanation, amputation, reposition osteosynthesis of intramedullary and splint. Basics of plastic surgery - skin graft, local flaps, training on simulators

P7:  Outpatient, Trauma Theatres, Operating Theatres, Department: (changing dressings, assistance of operations, practical management of the operating theatre and outpatient ward...)

P8:  Outpatient, Trauma Theatres, Operating Theatres, Department: (changing dressings, assistance of operations, practical management of the operating theatre and outpatient ward...)


Last update: Sukop Andrej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (21.07.2023)
Entry requirements -

Succesful previous study-passed examination of modul IA.

Students must be dressed in white clothing (trousers and T-shirt) with a lab coat and slippers for the practicum, otherwise they will not be admitted to the practicum.

Last update: Sukop Andrej, prof. MUDr., Ph.D. (21.07.2023)