course is intended for doctoral students only course can be enrolled in outside the study plan you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
The course is primarily intended for bioengineers, physicians, biologists, and other postgraduate students in
Biomedical Informatics who want to learn about the basic properties of physiological regulatory systems. The
emphasis is on individual work in creating mathematical models and completing assigned homework. The
course is completed with a credit and a term paper.
The course will take place in the computer lab of the Department of Biocybernetics at the Institute of Pathological
Physiology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. Basic computer skills and some preliminary
mathematical knowledge are expected.
Seminars and Active Participation:
Work on the computer, complete homework assignments, and finish with a term paper (creating a computer
model of a selected physiological system according to the assigned literature).
1. Mathematical Modeling – Models and Simulations
2. Modeling Continuous Systems in the Modelica Language
3. Modeling Discrete Behavior in the Modelica Language
4. Object-Oriented Modeling in the Modelica Language
5. Static Analysis of Biological Systems
6. Analysis of Linear Physiological Systems in the Time Domain
7. Analysis of Linear Physiological Systems in the Frequency Domain
8. Stability Analysis
9. Identification of Physiological Regulatory Systems
10. Optimization in Biological Systems
11. Nonlinear Analysis in Physiological Regulatory Systems
12. Complex Dynamics in Physiological Regulatory Systems
Last update: Machová Marie, Bc., DiS. (15.08.2024)
Course completion requirements - Czech
Obhajoba semestrální práce.
Last update: Machová Marie, Bc., DiS. (15.08.2024)
Literature - Czech
Khoo, Michael C. K.. Physiological control systems : analysis, simulation, and estimation. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2000, 319 s. ISBN 0-7803-3408-6.
Fritzson, Petre. Principles of Object-oriented modeling and Simulation with Modelica 3.3. : IEE Press, 2015, s. ISBN 9781118859124.
Michael M Tiller: Modelica by Example. On-line, 2022
Willem van Meurs. Modeling and simulation in biomedical engineering. Application in Cardirespiratory Physiology. : McGrawHill, 2011, s. ISBN 0-07-171446-4.
Feher, Joseph J.. Quantitative human physiology : an introduction. Kidlington, England: Elsevier Inc., 2017, 1 s. ISBN 0-12-801154-8.
Marco Viceconti, Luca Emili. Toward Good Simulation Practice. Best Practices for the Use of Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Regulatory Process of Biomedical Products. : Springer, 2024, s. ISBN 978-3-031-48283-0.
Last update: Machová Marie, Bc., DiS. (15.08.2024)