Medical history, physical examination, and laboratory findings in different lung diseases. Analysis of main pulmonary
symptoms. Basics of lung function testing and endoscopic methods (bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy). Detail analysis of
symptoms, imaging methods, endoscopic methods in the most common lung diseases. Diagnostics and treatment of
lung, pleural and mediastinal diseases. Nicotine replacement therapy. Orientation in thoracic surgery
Last update: Kohútová Vladislava, Ing. (29.05.2024)
Every absence must be excused and replaced. 100% participation and the final test is required for credit. Students take the final (credit) test on the last day of their internship at the Pneumology Clinic. Passing the test is a condition for receiving credit. A minimum score of 70% is required to receive credit. Last update: Horažďovský Pavel, MUDr., MBA, Ph.D. (09.09.2024)
Last update: Horažďovský Pavel, MUDr., MBA, Ph.D. (24.06.2024)
Organization of pneumology classes
The subject B03607 Internal – pneumology for students of the 5th year of General Medicine
1. Schedule The schedule is available in SIS.
2. Lectures Lectures are in the form of annotated PowerPoint presentations available in MOODLE (Kurz: B83607 Internal Medicine – Pneumology (cuni.cz)
3. Practical classes Teaching at clinical workplaces takes place according to the schedule in the form of clinical seminars and practices in inpatient and outpatient departments, bronchoscopic rooms and trainers.
4. Tests Entrance and final tests for year 5 are obligatory. More information is available on the clinic's website - Final test - Department of Respiratory Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
5. Organization of classes in individual workplaces
Department of Pneumology the First Faculty of Medicine and Thomayer Hospital and Department of thoracic surgery the Third Faculty of Medicine and Thomayer Hospital The in the inpatient department of the clinic, seminars in the lecture hall, and he bronchoscopic ward is located on pav. G1. Before the start of classes, students change into PPE in the medics' cloakroom. The cloakroom is located in the basement of pavilion G1. The locker room key is available at the secretary of the department in the first floorin the same building at 8:15 a.m.. There will be divided into groups. 1st Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases First Faculty of Medicine and GUH The students will meet before the start of the internship at 7.50 - 7.55 in front of the entrance to KARIM (pav. A6 -basement -1st floor, entrance on the left side of the building under the stairs, campus U Nemocnice 2) see information on the website of the 1st Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, First Faculty of Medicine and GUH
Contact information: Thomayer Hospital, phone: 26108 3853, email: beata.polakova@ftn.cz, lucie.hoznauerova@ftn.cz General University Hospital, phone: 224 96 6303, email: tubres@lf1.cuni.cz Last update: Horažďovský Pavel, MUDr., MBA, Ph.D. (29.09.2024)
Propedeutics in pneumology. Functional examination in pneumology Endoscopic methods in pneumology Sudden events in pneumology Malignant tumours of the lungs, pleura, mediastinum Lung infection Pleural space diseases Tuberculosis and myobacteriosis Interstitial lung disease, Interstitial pneumonia caused by exogenous causes, lung granulomatosis. Lung diseases in systemic connective tissue diseases and vasculitis Obstructive lung diseases, Asthma bronchiale, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Intensive care in pneumology Nicotine addiction, lung diseases associated with smoking. Respiratory disorders in sleep Thoracic surgery Last update: Kohútová Vladislava, Ing. (29.05.2024)